Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

173 Fighter Anteriority - Part 1

During the last month, Star City's situation was stabilized upon the Central Government's notice that the city was safe from Specter.

At the same time, Musashi Hirata also quit from Ranker and joined the Hero League. Yes, Hirata was no longer a ranker but a hero by now.

Sun Zhou Yi was happy while Heero did not understand his disciple's decision. He knew Hirata, he did not like having ties either with the Hero League or Ranker Alliance.

He understood if Hirata quit the Ranker Alliance, but he was not expecting him to join the Hero League. Heero once asked why did he become a hero and his answer was,

"It's for our Academy, with me and Sun Zhou Yi as Gold Class Hero, it will raise Heero Academy's name more. I will try to raise my rank later…"

It was the answer he got. Hirata did this for the academy. After all, people had a good impression of a Hero, not a ranker.

Aside from that, Star City was more crowded and bustled than usual. People from other cities visited to watch the Fighter Anteriority.

From the window, Heero could see many foreigners visiting his district as well. He could see some black guys with a big build, a sexy blonde, and their pupils' color which was different from most of Star City's people.

Once more that made Heero differentiate these people from Star City's people, they only spoke English. Yes, most of the foreigners were English-speaker.

Heero looked at the clock on the wall, it was 10 minutes before the shop opened. Just as he wanted to make preparation in the kitchen, he saw Fatty Liang bypassing his shop with two other securities.

A frown appeared on his forehead. With the flow of visitors increased with foreigners, trouble often popped up with mostly a conflict between the foreigners and the daily customers of the Xing District.

He noticed the other visitors also swarmed toward Blacksmith Huang's smithy. There must be something going on in that direction.

"Tell my wife, I will head outside first!" Heero said to one of his employees and immediately went out.

Sure enough, right in front of Blacksmith Huang was packed with people. The traffic was jammed and he found the children were trapped amongst the crowd.

Hong Yu was also there, trying to pass through the crowd but to no avail. Myung-Hee and Miao Miao and the other children followed her behind.

Heero picked his pace up, he pulled Hong Yu's hand and the latter was shocked. However, she smiled upon noticing it was her husband.

Just as Heero wanted to ask, a loud voice traveled into his ears, "Do you know who we are? We are from Myth! Call Blacksmith Huang out right now to meet now!"

Heero looked at his wife and asked, "What's with this Myth? Do you know them?"

Lately, it was rare to find someone flaunted their background after a series of missing people. Now it happened again, so he asked his wife, curious with the thing called Myth.

Hong Yu frowned and shook her head, she was clueless too, "I don't know!"

"Myth is one of the top ten guilds at Sun City, they are ranked seven!" Myung-Hee answered.

Sun City, it was one of the three biggest cities on Earth aside from Moon City and Star City. The city was located on a different continent and one needed to ride a plane to reach there.

Heero had heard about this Sun City. If Star City was controlled by the twelve families, Sun City was under ten guilds control. And Myth was one of the ten guilds, so it was natural to flaunt their backer.

"Tsk, " Heero shook his head and yelled, "Disperse! You are disturbing the district's traffic!"

His voice immediately attracted the crowd. When they discovered it was Heero, the regular visitors nodded toward his direction and dispersed, leaving only foreign visitors who were oblivious to Heero's status.

"Go with the children, I will handle this commotion!" His words were directed to his wife and the children who intended to go to the preschool.

"Mnn…" Hong Yu nodded and pulled the children, but Miao Miao refused to go, "I want to watch!"

The other children like Lan Lan and Tong Tong also nodded their heads. Even Myung-Hee looked like she did not want to go as well.

Heero rolled his eyes, "Nothing to watch! Go to school!"

Miao Miao pouted, but she followed her aunt. Meanwhile, Heero approached the group that claimed from Myth.

Fatty Liang and the smithy's attendant were having a troubled look. They tried to stop this group, but none of them could speak English.

The group comprised five people, three men, and two women. There was a word written on their left chest, "Myth".

Heero ignored the group and asked the smithy's attendant who had been working in the smith for a few months, "What's wrong?"

The male attendant, Cui Rui nodded his head and. a bitter smile formed, "They wanted to meet Boss Huang, but Boss Huang is busy with his work. He told me not to disturb him, but they insist want to meet Boss Huang, "

As an attendant, Cui Rui was put into an awry situation. On the other side was his Boss's order and the other side was a group of people he could not offend.

He certainly did not want to lose his comfortable job here, so he tried to stall the guests. However, these guys seemed to be angry and did not want to wait.

"Hello, Sir~ Blacksmith Huang can't be disturbed. He is currently forging a weapon!" Heero spoke in fluent English. His words were directed to the tallest guy that stood in the front of the group.

"If you want to meet him, you have to wait just like the others!" Heero pointed his thumb to the long line on his back.

There was a long line every day, they wanted Blacksmith Huang to make gear for them.

The big guy looked at Heero with his brown pupil, with a frown etched on his forehead. The big guy was almost two meters, bulging muscle was shown from his tight clothes.

The big guy got his head closer to Heero, separated by ten centimeters, he asked in a cold voice, "Do you know who I am?"

The same question as before, but this was focused on his identity rather than his backer.

Just Heero wanted to say he did not know, a smaller guy approached him and whispered in Chinese, "Sir, he is Cale, Gold Class Hero - Rank 9 from Sun City. Sir, can you please let them meet Blacksmith Huang for a moment?"

Heero took a step back from the big guy called Cale and looked at the smaller guy, "Who are you? Do you live here as well?"

"I am their translator, my name is Ling Chunyi. And yes, I am Star City's citizen, " Ling Chunyi replied with a polite smile.

"Then do you know the rules of this district?" Heero asked in a sharp tone.

"I…" Noticing the sudden change in Heero's attitude, Ling Chunyi stumped. He certainly knew the rules of this district, but he was with a group of heroes, there was no district would make a move against the heroes.

It was what Ling Chunyi believed, but then he remembered something. This district did not give a face whether you were a hero or not.

"But… The Central Government tasked me to please our guests from Sun City!" Ling Chunyi replied. He did not believe this district would make a move against the famous heroes.

"I don't care who you are and who they are! If you enter this district, you have to follow the rules here!" Heero said those words in English so the foreigners also understood him.

Earlier, he acted politely as he thought the foreigners were new and did not understand the rules.

"Who's this hobo? Dare to act high and mighty before me!" Cale was displeased when a guy from this slum acted tough before him. Yes, the group regarded the outer region as a slum.

They certainly looked down at people who lived at the slum.

"Who are you calling hobo?" Hisashi Hirata suddenly appeared between Cale and Heero as his cold voice rang.

His sharp gaze met with Cale's brown pupils. At the same time, he pulled his sword, he used the sword's handle to knock Cale away.

Cale was caught off guard and his belly was hit by the sword's handle.

He covered the belly with his hand in pain as he took a few steps back from the impact.

"You…" Cale pointed his finger at Hirata, but Hirata's words cut him off.

"Dare you to repeat it once again, I will cut your next tongue next!" Musashi Hirata warned Cale as he made a draw sword stance, he was prepared to draw his sword the moment Cale dared to repeat the same words.