Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 191 - Babies Name's

"I don\'t want their names to be rhythmic, I want everyone to have their name and character." Ina said as she looked up at Damien who turned on his side while she stayed laying on her back to make comfortable.

"Then let\'s pick different names." He replied to her words as he started to search for names on the internet.

They spent almost an hour before they decided on what they will name them.

"You only picked up two, What about the third name?" Damien asked.

"That\'s because I already chose that name, But I want to ask you first if it\'s okay, I want to name the third baby Michael If that\'s okay with you." Ina said.

Damien had told about his friend Michael and she felt like she was in debt for finding her and saving her life.

Hearing this, Damien smiled, His angel is always a sensitive and caring person.

"I don\'t mind, We can name him Michael." Damien said kissing the side of her face.

"So their names are Adam, Adonis, Michael, It sounds good, Doesn\'t it?" Ina asked, A warm beautiful smile painted on her lips, A smile that he had missed so much.

Kissing her lips, Damien pulled away and said.

"Yes, They are perfect."

After the search for the name\'s, The couple stayed in each other arms, Just laying beside each other as Ina used his chest as a pillow and Damien carefully wrapped on arm around her, After an hour a nurse came and took Ina to feed the triples and she was very excited that she is going to see them again and this time with their names.

"Mommy and daddy had chosen your names." Ina said as she stroked the little one head in her arms while the other two were in Damien\'s arms.

"You will be Adam, and you will be Adonis, And you will be Michael." Ina whispered to the trees not wanting to wake them from their peaceful sleeping.

She looked at Damien who was staring at her and it made her wonder why he is looking at her like this.

"You will be a wonderful mother." Damien said as he kissed the top of her head.

Ina smiled at his words, She loved how he sayes the right words at the right time and always makes her feel better.

"And you will be a wonderful father two." She replied to his words with a warm smile on her lips.

After finishing feeding the triples and naming them, Ina was extremely tired when she went back to her room, She fell asleep once she laid down on the bed again.

Two hours later, The nurse brought the babies for Ina for the third time to feed them. She was surprised by how quickly they became hungry, But she didn\'t mind it.

The nurse left the babies and said that she will go back after she finished feeding them.

Damien took Adam from Ina after she finished feeding and burping him. It took her an hour to feed them all. It was tiring and exhausting but she seemed happy.

"Close your eyes and sleep, I will take care of them." Damien said as he helped her to lay down and fixed the pillows for her.

After making sure that she fell asleep, Damien turned his attention to his babies, He smiled seeing how they were laying next to each other moving their little hands and legs as if they were playing and making cute sounds.

"Shhh, let your mother sleep, She is tired and I\'m sure you don\'t want to make your Mommy more tired." Damien whispered to the babies but instead, they made more noise and he shook his head hopelessly.

He turned to look at Ina who was in deep sleep not caring about the noise that they were making.

The next morning, Damien\'s parents arrived early in the morning at the hospital when they heard that Ina had woken up.

"You look so much better, I\'m glad that you are alright." Damien\'s mother said as she hugged her.

"Thank you." Ina replied with a small smile.

She didn\'t know why, But Damien\'s mother seemed to have treated her differently this time. More kindly, And she wondered what caused the sudden change. Did Damien perhaps tell them about her disease?.

"Thank god that you alright, We were worried about you." It was Damien\'s father who spoke, The man always spoke with a gentle tone like Damien, It makes it easier to be around him.

"When will you be discharged from the hospital?" Damien\'s mother asked.

"Ten days from now." Damien replied, placing his hand above Inas.

"If you need help or anything don\'t hesitate to ask me, Consider me as your second mother, I will be happy to help you." Damien\'s mother said to Ina, smiling at her and she replied with a nodding smile.

"We have thought about what to give as a gift for a long time and we couldn\'t decide." Damien\'s father said as he handed in a small black box.

Ina looked at her children\'s grandfather before she looked at Damien, When she opened the box she found a key.

"It\'s a key to a small Vila that we thought would be the best gift, The triples will grow up and will need more space." Damien\'s father said.

Ina was speechless, She offered the old man a polite smile and thanked him, Damien\'s parents decided to leave and let Ina rest, They went to check on the triples in the NICU before they left.

Ina who was staring at the key turned to look at Damien.

"I feel that your mother is more kind to me this time, Did you tell her something?" Ina asked.

Tugging a strand of hair behind her ear Damien replied.

"Yes, I told them, But they were open-minded about it. Besides what I told you before, I don\'t care about anyone opinion but you, So don\'t think too much about what people think." Damien said as he kissed the space between her eyebrows.

"Thank you." Ina said as she looked up at him.

She wanted to ask him about something but she didn\'t know if it\'s the right time to ask.

"What is it?" Damien asked when he saw her hesitation.

Ina licked her lips nervously as she looked at him.

"When I was with that man, He showed me a video record and I wanted to know if you found it when you saved me." Ina asked, looking at him nervously.

Damien remembered the flash drive that Michael had given and told him that he found it in that filthy place that Oliver took her to. She must be talking about this one.

"Yes, I kept it somewhere safe. I haven\'t seen what is inside it." Damien replied.

Ina felt relieved that he hadn\'t opened it, But she needed to tell him.

Ina lowered her eyes avoiding Damien\'s eyes as she spoke.

"It was a record of that day that he kidnapped me eight years ago, Because I couldn\'t remember what happened that I didn\'t know that he..." Ina suddenly felt Damien finger on her lips silencing her gently.

"I don\'t care what happened that day and you should too, I told that a hundred times before but you are refusing to believe that I simply don\'t care, You are mine now, You are the mother of my children, and that is what you should think about, Ina." Damien said.

He removed his fingers and watched how she looked at him with her big green eyes that were full of tears now.

"I...I don\'t know what to say." Ina said her voice became weak as she started to cry.

If this was a dream, If this man only existed in her dreams, then she doesn\'t want to wake up from this dream.

"Don\'t say anything, Just focus on getting back to your health, Everything will be alright if we took one step at a time." Damien said, ensuring her.

Ina blinked her tears away not wanting to cry more.

Damien noticed that Ina seemed to not remember everything that happened during the days that she was kidnapped, and he wondered why? He was worried that something might be wrong with her that caused her to forget what happened.

He will need to ask the doctor about it later, Right now he doesn\'t want to worry her about it.

The days went so fast that the couple hadn\'t noticed it, Ten days have passed and Ina had been finally discharged from the hospital with the twins and went back to her parent\'s house with Damien, They had decided to stay there until she recovers and then they will move out the Villa that Damien father gifted it to them.

They also planned to have a small welcoming celebration for the triples and also to have their wedding. The couple didn\'t want to take longer and they wanted to get married as quickly as possible, Because they believed that it\'s the only thing that was lacking for their family to be complete.