Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 618: Complete victory, achieved! [five thousand three hundred]

"...Really, you are leaving."

Ronnie de Leonier said it very euphemistically, he didn\'t need to directly say that Zhou Fangwu was going to fall into a deep sleep (inactivation). At the same time, Zhou Fangwu also heard that he had misunderstood, but for the sake of unnecessary trouble, it was useless to refute.

After all, he didn\'t want the other party to know that he was from another world, otherwise there would be a lot of questions for him to answer.

Anyway, he won\'t be able to see each other in the future, falling into a deep sleep or leaving this world, this kind of result has no difference between him and Ronnie de Leonier.



Feeling a little depressed.


He has a special relationship with Cinque Barbarian, and of course he has the same deep friendship with Ronnie Deleounier.

"Then...here, a farewell gift."

Ronnie Deleounier handed Zhou Fangwu a bowl of sake.

The two of them would often drink together after their studies, watching the thriving goblin territory, bragging loudly about looking into the future. Unlike the elf lady who only knows how to concentrate on research, the leader of the goblins is more free and easy, and knows how to enjoy a little bit.

"Cheers." X2

The two bowls collided lightly in mid-air, and a little bit of wine fell down, but more was drank by the two of them.

"Hmph, hahaha—"


The two laughed happily, and the heroic laughter echoed in the silent night sky.

Although they are of different races, they are both men, and the establishment of friendship is no different from that of other people, so their friendship is deeper than anyone else,

And most importantly—

Ronnie Deleounier didn\'t ask Zhou Fangwu: Why did he give up at the last step, the thing that was at his fingertips, the thing that everyone wanted, was abandoned by the other party indifferently.

There must be some reason for the man in front of him to do this.

He knew that Zhou Fangwu had his own considerations, so he didn\'t choose to ask.

This is the tacit understanding between men, and also his thoughtfulness as a friend.

The so-called farewell ceremony is more than just a bowl of sake. Ronnie Deleounier seemed to have guessed that such a day would come, and moved out a steady stream of drinks from his room, looking like he would drink Zhou Fangwu down today. , the look of getting drunk.

It\'s a pity that the man he challenged is a god-like species, immune to all negative effects.

This plan failed.

Drink three rounds.

Both of them drank a lot, especially Ronnie Deleounier, who drank profusely and blushed, and at the same time muttered an unknown tune softly in his mouth.

It is estimated that it is a song in Goblin Species.

It\'s just that he hummed intermittently, making it a little hard to hear.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Fangwu was a little helpless, and seeing him so happy, he thought he had won the throne of the "Only God".

In other words, he wouldn\'t be like Cinque Barbarian, wishing he could fail, would he?

Could it be that the regret on his face just now was all fake?

But in fact, Ronnie de Leonier did this just to make his friend leave happily.

"By the way, do you take the crystal I gave you earlier?"

"Of course. What are you going to do?"

Hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s inquiry, Ronnie Deleounier simply offered a crystal, which was completely different from Cinque Barbarian\'s difficulty.

Look, what is a pattern?

As the plenipotentiary agent of the same race, you still have something to learn, Miss Mori!

(Sink Barbarian sneezes in the far elf tribe)

As before, Zhou Fangwu gestured to the crystal, drawing a lot of magic circles, making the crystal shine brightly, and returned to calm after a while.

"Here, it\'s done."

"this is?"

"A little gift...it can be regarded as a farewell gift in return."

"Oh, thanks."

Ronnie DeLeounier solemnly put the crystal into his arms, and then said such a sentence as if he was afraid that Zhou Fangwu would be worried.

"Go with peace of mind, I will treat it as a family heirloom and pass it on to my descendants!"

"...Although I am very happy to be valued by you so much, let me state in advance, I am not dead!"

Zhou Fangwu was annoyed by his playing tricks from time to time.

Cinque Barbarian and Ronnie Deleunier, the two leaders of the elves and the goblins, led their races to play a vital role in this war. The latecomers will surely remember their heroic deeds.

It\'s just that when they realize that the person they admire and admire actually has this kind of personality, will their inner illusions be broken simply?

It\'s not reliable at all!

Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t bear to cover his forehead.

But now that the war is over, and I don\'t need to deal with them anymore, it\'s a relief no matter what.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t help but say: "I don\'t expect you to help human beings after I leave, but..."

"I understand, I understand, I will take good care of the child."


"Hahaha, don\'t be so angry, aren\'t human beings just like your children to you?"

"It\'s true, but it doesn\'t feel right when it comes out of your mouth."

"It\'s prejudice."

Ronnie Deleounier is still unreliable.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that what he promised would definitely be done.

He is such a man.

But it\'s a pity that it\'s useless to fight the aggressive Ronnie DeLeounier, obviously he is the kind of passionate man who likes to fight.

"Hey, hello, what kind of eyes do you have?" Ronnie DeLeounier said unhappily: "Although I like to fight, but the strength of the opponent is too strong to make people unable to arouse the desire to fight... And, now Combat is no longer allowed in this world, is it?"

"No, \'war\' is not allowed." Zhou Fangwu corrected him: "The battle has always existed, but the method has changed. If you are careful, you will be overtaken by the opponent."

Although he didn\'t say who it is, but with the intelligence of the other party, he must be able to understand who Zhou Fangwu said.

"Is the elf...?"

Ronnie de Leonier scratched his head in distress.

In his opinion, Cinque Barbarian is a complete paranoid, the kind of person who has a particularly heavy vengeance mentality.

He had raided the elves before, and defeated the opponent head-on, but he failed to kill the opponent due to \'some reasons\', and then he was targeted by the opponent for more than 20 years.

Sometimes, the stubborn elves want to hurt him even if they don\'t want their own interests.

Belonging to the type of [self-damaging one thousand and injuring the enemy eight hundred], it completely revealed the personality of the Barbarian family.

"By the way, don\'t you like women with big breasts?"

"That\'s right, that\'s right."

"Then you treat her..."

"No, no, how is it possible that they are not from the same race?"



Both of them were slightly taken aback, looking at each other in the wrong way.

"Hey, hey, interracial couples have never happened before!" Ronnie Deleonier raised his hands excitedly: "Don\'t get me wrong! Although I like big breasts, but for elves... No! Absolutely not!"

He said it very decisively and simply.

"Is it okay to be interracial?"

"Of course! Not before, and not in the future!"


"...At least not in my cognition."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s rhetorical question, Ronnie Deleounier also hesitated subconsciously, and at the same time, a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Don\'t you know? What a pity~"

"What do you mean? ... Hey, don\'t you?!"

"Hahaha—that\'s what you think!"

"Don\'t be so secretive, tell me!"

"No! Go check it yourself~ I\'ll go first~"

After speaking, Zhou Fangwu flew into the sky.

But before he could accelerate, he heard a sentence from below——

"The gods and elves are impossible!"

Let his figure suddenly pause, and almost fell.

Zhou Fangwu was completely disappointed by his incomprehension, and shouted angrily: "You idiot! You got the wrong partner!"

"Ah? Is that so? I thought..." Ronnie de Leonier scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.


"Then tell me."

"Check it yourself!... That\'s it, I\'m leaving." Zhou Fangwu turned around, ready to leave.

"Hi-Wu!" He was called again.

"What\'s the matter?" Zhou Fangwu said impatiently.

"Do you remember the question I asked you before?"

"Too many questions, which one are you talking about?"

"What type of women do you like! . . . What\'s your answer?"

"Like big boobs!"

"Well, then there\'s no problem! You will always be my good friend!"


Zhou Fangwu looked at the gesture of the goblin below showing his thumbs up, and couldn\'t help calling him an idiot in a low voice.

Ronnie DeLeounier is a genius and a douchebag.

Gu YuOtherwise, knowing that Zhou Fangwu approached Zhou Fangwu deliberately with the nature of taking advantage, but he still cooperated with Zhou Fangwu\'s movements tacitly. Isn\'t this an idiot?


"Thank you."

Zhou Fangwu left a sentence and suddenly disappeared in front of him.

"you are welcome…"

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t hear this sentence.

The new goblin cartel stretched out his waist.

Unlike Cinque Barbarian, who has not created a country yet, Ronnie Deleunier has already obtained the agency rights of goblins as a matter of course.

"Okay, let\'s look up the interracial couple just now, I\'m quite interested."

At this time, Zhou Fangwu had already arrived at the colony of the human species.

During the war, the orcs withdrew from the Lucia Continent because of the relationship of [Marrow Explosion]. Humans now occupy half of the continent. If a country is established, it will instantly become the country with the most extensive territory among all races.

It\'s just that I don\'t know how long they can hold on to such a large area of ​​land?

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it.

Now human beings no longer need [Hope], his task is over, and he is no longer needed to be as careful as feeding a toddler to give human beings room to grow.

The black ash covering the sky and the earth has been removed by [Unique God], and human beings can already survive outside without relying on protective gear.

Under Cole\'s leadership, they began to open up land to cultivate crops for the long-term future.

Slowly landed outside the colony.

Many people looked at Zhou Fangwu with adoration and shouted his name loudly when they saw Zhou Fangwu.

To be honest, he has experienced this kind of atmosphere many times, in many worlds, and there are many similar scenes in his memory, but each time he feels differently.

Everyone has smiles on their faces, their desire and expectation for the better days in the future.

Zhou Fangwu also had the same smile on his face.

However, there is a very disharmonious room in such a happy settlement, and the escaping low air pressure makes people afraid to approach it.

Chamber of Secrets.

This is the meeting place of the human species, and it is also the room where Rick lived the longest.

bang bang bang—

Knocked on the door, but there was no sound from inside.

In Zhou Fangwu\'s perception, Rick was staying in the room with another humanoid object.

After confirming the existence of the other party, he broke in unceremoniously.

It was found that Rick was sitting curled up in front of a chessboard, staring blankly at the chessboard, and there was a man in a cloak not far away... no, to be precise, it was a mecha.

Connection body?

By the way, because of Jubby\'s relationship, the armored species has already recognized Rick as the master.

Walking lightly in front of him, he sat down cross-legged, picked up a chess piece and placed it on the board, while asking, "Why don\'t you go with them?"

"...It\'s nothing, I\'m just thinking about the future plans of human beings." Rick was not surprised by Zhou Fangwu\'s return, and picked up a chess piece at the same time.

The two played chess naturally.

After a stalemate for a long time, Zhou Fangwu still lost.

But he said, "Are you angry?"

"Why? Humans won, no one died, why should I be angry?" Rick\'s voice was a little indifferent, like an emotionless...mecha.


After the rules were decided, not a single person died.

Not only humans, elves, goblins, and Flügel, but—

"No, there\'s still one person who hasn\'t come back?"

"Correct, she is not a person, but a tool."

"You want to escape?"


"You use your wife as a tool?"


"Are you so willing?! Answer me, Rick!"

"…Then what should I do?"

Rick\'s voice trembled slightly, with strong pain: "Do I have to admit that I lost? Or did I not do what I promised before? Or complained loudly to you about my responsibilities? Then what is the reason for doing this? ? No matter what I do, she won\'t come back... If my scolding can make you feel better, I can do it for you..."

"Hey, hey... I just don\'t want to be scolded, that\'s why I worked so hard to get the crystal back!"


Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Rick keenly sensed something was wrong.

"Because you beat me in the chess game just now, so I want to give you a reward." Zhou Fangwu threw a crystal to him, and at the same time said maliciously: "Ah~ Fortunately, your wife is not human~"

"This is?" Rick looked at the crystal in his hand and was puzzled.

"Oh, I\'m sorry, I forgot that you don\'t have any magic power." Zhou Fangwu slapped his forehead and asked the armored species on standby to help: "The linker over there...is called Ain Cifei, please activate it .”

"Understood. Dian Kai—"

With Eincifi\'s input of magic power, the crystal in Rick\'s hand glowed with golden light.

When the light disappeared, a petite figure appeared in his arms.

With a lot lighter weight and a familiar face, Rick\'s eyes involuntarily shed tears.

"You should know the characteristics of the armored species~ As long as the core is not destroyed, it will be reborn, so—"

"Eincifi! Come on, check!"

"Understood. Diankai—"

Jubby in Rick\'s arms looked extremely miserable, her right arm and legs were gone, her left arm was left alone, and even a big hole was cut in her waist and abdomen.


"The inspection is complete. Airframe model U... Armor type: Jubby, her core is not damaged, and it can be repaired by a warlock."

"Really?! Jubby...Jubie...!"

Rick screamed, and hugged the petite body tightly in his arms, and couldn\'t stop calling her name.

Zhou Fangwu watched him vent his emotions silently, and said that sentence with a smile: "In this way, your rules will not be broken, and it is your complete victory ~ Rick."

"Ah! Thank you, thank you, Wu!" Rick said softly with tears streaming down his face.

"No...it should be me thanking you, Rick. It was you who saved me." Zhou Fangwu also thanked him sincerely: "It is because of you that I understand my responsibility and what I should really do—not to be punished by some world. To bind (heroes), but to save all worlds (hopes)."


"Ah, just as you thought, I\'m leaving."


"Because [the only God]."

"But aren\'t you human?"

"It was before. But the moment I held the [Star Grail], my ability [Analysis and Imitation] was activated and transformed it into something with the same essence. In other words, I am also a **** now gone."

Zhou Fangwu held a cup-shaped thing from the void.

This was given to him by Rama, the King of the End, when he left the world of [God Slayer].

Thanks to its existence, Zhou Fangwu was able to collect a large amount of beliefs so quickly, which played a vital role in the battle with the **** of war Artoxiu.

But because of the rules of this world, the characteristics of [Only God] are repelling him, so it\'s time for him to leave.

"That\'s it, human beings are entrusted to you, Rick."

"I do not want it."


"Because it\'s very tiring! Besides, I have already handed over the position of leader to Cole, and human beings have nothing to do with me."

Rick suddenly looks bad, he refused to take over the previous job.

It\'s impossible to be a leader. How good is a salted fish. If you don\'t get tired, you can still have someone to support you. He likes being a salted fish the most.

"Moreover, there is no war now, and there is no threat to human beings..."

"Really? Humans, are there really no threats?"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Fangwu interrupted him.

Rick suddenly felt bad: "Why do you say that?"

"Hmph." A smirk appeared on the corner of Zhou Fangwu\'s mouth: "It\'s impossible to escape, I\'ve already told the other two races about you~www.novelhall.com~ I think they will definitely come back after the investigation is over. Let\'s get back to the place."

"The other two races..."

Rick suddenly realized that Zhou Fangwu was talking about those two.

"Wu, Lord Wu—?! Lord God of Hope! Why did you do this?!"

"You don\'t understand the principle of [Born in sorrow, die in peace], right? So, don\'t think about rest, work hard, leader~"

"Do not-!!"

Rick screamed on his back (laughs).

The return of his wife, his complete victory.

There is no time for him to immerse himself in these.

Because new dangers are coming soon.

That\'s right.

【The strong sharpen their minions, the weak sharpen their wisdom】

In this \'simple\' world, you have a higher, wider and bigger stage.

Just show all of yourself as a human being, Rick.

Zhou Fangwu smiled and disappeared.

It was much later when Rick found out.

He looked at the gloomy space silently, and said something after a long time.

"...Thank you, Wu."

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