Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 48: bye wiz


After a long day of shopping, everyone returned to the Adventurer\'s Union and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

After eating, Aqua whispered:

"That...Wu, should you help me pay back the money?"

When she was eating before, she inadvertently discovered that her creditor was staring at her, which made her a little scared.

"Yes, go and pay back the money owed by Akua first."

Speaking of paying back.

Zhou Fangwu remembered that he still owed Wiz 200,000 Eris, and the one-month deadline was coming soon, and it was time to pay back the money.

In that case, let\'s return Wiz\'s money as well.

Take Akuya to the union bar, pay back the 100,000 Eris owed, and get back the IOU.

Seeing that it was still early in the sky, Zhou Fangwu called everyone to leave and head to Wiz\'s magic item shop.

On the one hand, it is to pay back the money, and on the other hand, it is to introduce Wiz to the team members.

Although Wiz is a lich, he is very friendly to humans. He can be said to be the most talkative leader of the Demon King\'s Army.

Lead the four of them to a remote corner of Xinshou Village.


As it got deeper and deeper, Akuya seemed to sense something, and couldn\'t help but gasp slightly.

Sato Kazuma noticed that the people were getting further and further away, so he couldn\'t help asking, "That...Senior Zhou Fang, where are you taking us?"

"Take you to pay back the money, and meet new friends by the way."

Zhou Fangwu said to the two while walking: "You two, do you still remember that I borrowed money from other places when I had no money?"

After Sato Kazuma listened, he began to search from the depths of his memory.

After a while he said uncertainly: "Uh... the one about \'although I borrowed 100,000 Eris, but I have to repay double the amount after one month\'?"

"Yes, that\'s the thing."

Zhou Fangwu nodded, "We\'ll pay back the money now and bring you to meet her."


Akuya\'s expression changed suddenly.

In the island country, he and she are called differently, and it is easy to tell whether it is a man or a woman from the title.

Don\'t get me wrong, it\'s not that she\'s jealous or emotional.

Rather, she had a premonition.

This person who lent them money must be someone she has seen before, and he is also the type of person she does not want to see!

This feeling became more obvious after she sensed a certain aura of resistance and disgust that she was born with.

A few people turned around and turned around, and finally came to Wiz\'s shop.

Seeing the same storefront as before, Zhou Fangwu didn\'t stop, just pushed the door open and entered.

The wind chime on the door rang, and a gentle voice came from inside the store.


The voice came from far to near, and the owner of the voice also came out from the counter.

Wiz\'s appearance has not changed, she is still that weak beauty.

"Ah—?! It\'s you!"

Wiz yelled after seeing Zhou Fangwu, changing his usual image of a sick beauty.

"Ah! It really is you, a lich!"

"You are...Miss Wiz?!"

Aqua and Sato Kazuma also screamed when they saw Wiz.

"Huh? Do you know each other?"

Seeing this scene of identifying each other, Zhou Fangwu didn\'t expect the three of them to know each other.

He had already asked Akua and Sato Kazuma to do the [Graveyard Mission] in advance, but he didn\'t expect that the three of them still met and got acquainted with each other under the confinement of the world line.

"You lich, dare to tempt Wu, see if I don\'t purify you!"

She is in a bad mood now!

Unhappy to the extreme!

Her followers were actually seduced by the Lich!

It must be that, it must be that **** full of cumbersomeness!

What a nuisance!

"Shenguang Fist!"

Aqua swung her fist wrapped in a holy aura, and punched Wiz\'s chest.

This feeling of being robbed made her furious, and she tried to purify Wiz by using the sacred energy unique to her as a goddess.

But in the next second, she was stopped by Zhou Fangwu.

"Wait, Aqua!"

Zhou Fangwu pulled her back, "Don\'t be so impulsive, although Wiz is a lich, she didn\'t do anything bad!"

"That is to say, Wiz hasn\'t done anything to harm humans, has she?"

Sato Kazuma also stepped forward to persuade, "And she also lent us money, didn\'t she?"

He also reacted at this time.

Wiz, who had met once while doing missions, was the kind person who lent Zhou Fangwu 100,000 Eris.

He hurriedly helped Wiz say good things, hoping that Aqua could calm down.

"But, but Wu was tempted by her!"

Aqua pointed at Wiz and gritted her teeth and said, "By her fat pair!"


Zhou Fangwu was taken aback.

"Indeed, Senior Zhou Fang is likely to be tempted by that plump bosom..."

Sato Kazuma looked at Wiz and said solemnly: "After all, it is such a thick fat layer, it is inevitable to be tempted."


Only then did Zhou Fangwu realize that he had been ridiculed.

Darkness on the side took the opportunity to say something abnormal, "Wu, what are you doing with your breasts! Is it licking, or kneading? Or both?!"

"I won\'t let you succeed!"

After finishing speaking, she clutched her chest and took several steps back, as if she wanted to escape from Zhou Fangwu\'s clutches.

No, you made a mistake!

Isn\'t Wiz the central character of the topic just now? What does it have to do with you pervert!

What are you thinking about!

When Megumi heard Aqua say that Wiz was a lich, she immediately raised her wand, ready to release the explosion magic at any time.

"Wait, stop for me!"

Sato Kazuma hurriedly stopped Megumi, "If you release the explosion magic here, everyone will be blown to the sky!"

But he was clearly one step too late.

Because of her high nervousness, Megumi accidentally activated the explosion magic!

A huge magic circle appeared under everyone\'s feet, covering Wiz\'s shop in its entirety!


"Wait, Huihui, what are you doing!"

"Ha~ Being attacked by explosion magic, that\'s great—!"

"Stupid Huihui, quickly take back the explosion magic!"

"No, no...I can\'t do it!" Huihui cried out anxiously, and the others also turned around in a hurry, unable to do anything.

All of a sudden, the scene was extremely chaotic and out of control.

Zhou Fangwu was so annoyed by their out-of-the-way character that he had no choice but to come forward to rectify order and clean up the mess for them.

"Wiz, absorb Megumi\'s magic power, please."


Wiz, who had been screaming and panicking, responded quickly after hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s arrangement.

"Hold, I\'m sorry, I\'m going to absorb your magic power."

Wiz first apologized to Megumi, and then used the skill [Touch of Absorption] to take away all of Megumi\'s magic power.

Without the support of the magic power, the magic circle gradually dissipated after a while.


Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Huihui tried her best to suppress the magic power of the rampage, and successfully delayed the release time of the explosion magic, so that everyone could escape this crisis. If it weren\'t for this time, everyone would definitely go to heaven.

"Stupid Megumi, I already told you that Wiz is a good person, so why did you release the explosion magic?"

Sato Kazuma expresses dissatisfaction with Megumi in a irascible manner.

"It\'s obviously Kazuma\'s fault for speaking late!"

Huihui stubbornly refused to admit her fault, and turned to shirk responsibility, "If Kazuma could have said it earlier, I would not have released the explosion magic."

"You are sophistry!"


Megumin and Sato Kazuma blame each other for their faults. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com

And on the other side...

"That lich dared to tempt Wu, and he absolutely wanted to purify her!"

"Akua, calm down."

Darkness stopped Aqua, not letting her find fault with Wiz.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Fang felt very tired.

"Sorry, Wiz."

He apologized to Wiz, "Members of our squad gave you trouble."

Originally, I wanted to bring the team members to meet new friends.

I didn\'t expect to almost fight.

"It\'s okay, please don\'t take it to heart."

Wiz graciously forgave everyone who made trouble for no reason.

"I\'m really sorry, if I have a chance, I will visit you next time."

Zhou Fangwu apologized again, and then took out 200,000 Eris and handed it to her.

"This is…"

"This is the money agreed before."

"That\'s too much! And the money I borrowed before was only 100,000 Eris?"

Wei Zi didn\'t want to accept the money, but Zhou Fangwu forced it into her arms.

"Wiz was able to lend me all his savings when he was still in trouble. This reward should be rewarded."

An upright boy must know how to repay his kindness!

"That\'s it, then let\'s go first and come to visit next time."

Dragging their teeth and claws, Aqua, Zhou Fangwu and others prepare to evacuate Wiz\'s magic item shop.

"Well, wait a minute!"

Wiz shouted, "I don\'t know your name yet..."

"Wu, Zhou Fangwu."

Introduce yourself to her.

Then turn around and leave with everyone.