Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 46: Cabbage Harvest Battle!

For the next few days, the team repeated this mission.

But the task target of the team is not limited to the lizard runner, and other monsters have also been her training partners.

Anyway, Darkness has rough skin and thick flesh, which is resistant to X and abrasion and will not be easily damaged by playing with it.

Of course, except for monsters such as toads and goblins.

Because Zhou Fangwu is really afraid that she will play with slime or goo kill.

It\'s just that this kind of day is over after a week.

Although the results of Darkness\'s special training haven\'t reached the expected height, but the difference is not too far, and she can provide timely assistance in the case of general dangers, which is considered qualified.

It\'s not that I don\'t want to have a few more days of special training, but that Zhou Fangwu Xin Niannian\'s time-limited mission is here!

That\'s right!

【Cabbage Harvest Season Battle】

it\'s coming!


"Urgent mission! Urgent mission!

All adventurers, please gather at the main gate immediately!

I repeat, all adventurers, please gather at the main entrance immediately! "

The union\'s broadcast spread to every corner of Novice Village. All the adventurers looked solemn when they heard the broadcast. They picked up their weapons and armors and headed for the main entrance one after another.

"It\'s coming, let\'s go!"

"Quick, faster!"

"Damn it, I didn\'t hear it was today!"

"How to do how to do?!"

"Hurry up and go home! And keep an eye on the children, don\'t let them sneak out!"

Some timid villagers ran home and closed the gates of their homes as if they were fleeing, and the vendors quickly put away their stalls and turned to flee here.

"Wu, this way!"

Gather quickly with the team members, and follow many adventurers to the gate of the city.

I saw not far away, a large piece of green flying towards the town.

It is densely packed, which is enough to make trypophobic patients terrified.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified.

"What, what\'s the matter, what\'s the matter?!"

Sato Kazuma didn\'t know why, "Why does everyone have such expressions?"

"I said Sato-kun, didn\'t I say that a few days ago?"

Zhou Fangwu beat his head, "Cabbage, cabbage, have you forgotten!"

Zhou Fangwu was afraid that Sato Kazuma would miss this event because he didn\'t know the harvest season, so he told him a few days ago to be careful not to run around in these few days.

But unexpectedly, he still forgot.

"Oh! I remembered!"

Sato Kazuma clenched his right hand and knocked on his left hand, "That mission that senior Zhou Fang mentioned a few days ago, right?"

"That\'s the mission, but I didn\'t expect Sato-kun to forget it."

Zhou Fangwu hammered his head down again as a punishment, then turned his head and told the team members beside him, "This cabbage harvest season is very important to us, so don\'t be careless!"

"Our team pays attention to cooperate and not to disperse. You guys follow me closely and don\'t run around."

"Oh!" X4

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu took several of them out of the adventurer group and came to the front to stand ready.

There are a lot of mature cabbages, densely swarming, forming a green light curtain to cover the entire sky.

"Let\'s go!"

Zhou Fangwu issued orders, "Darkness!"

"Yes! Leave it to me, I will definitely protect you!"

Darkness raised the giant shield in her hand to block the crowd, preventing the team members from being hurt by the powerful cabbage.

"Satou-kun, I recently created a sword technique that I am proud of, do you want to see it?"

"Oh, please!"

Kazuma Sato raised his right hand and made a thumbs up gesture, "Let me open my eyes, Senior Suho!"

"Please wait and see."

Zhou Fangwu held the Sun Wheel Saber in his hand, and stood beside Darkness to adjust his breathing.

"Water Breath · Twelve Types · Time and Rain!"

In the next second, a large amount of water-blue magic power spewed out from the Sun Wheel Knife, engulfing a large piece of cabbage.

And the speed of those shrouded cabbages dropped sharply in an instant, slowly flying past the crowd, looking very soft and powerless.

—they all lost their punch.

"Huh~ How about Sato-kun, how about this sword skill?"

"very handsome!"

Sato Kazuma looked at the large water-blue space that was imprisoned in front of him, his eyes were full of envy.

If he has extra skill points, then he must learn this sword skill!

Even Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin grew their mouths, their powerful sword skills amazed everyone\'s eyes, and they expressed their disbelief with their jaw-dropping expressions.

"You have already seen this sword technique, you can learn it when you have spare skill points."

General Zhou Fang put the sluggish cabbage into the cage, and said to everyone: "Then, I\'ll leave it to you to take it back."

"Oh!" X4

Everyone hastened to recycle the cabbage.

Sato Kazuma was very clever and realized that he didn\'t need his help here, so he went to grab it elsewhere in order to harvest more cabbages.

Relying on the [Hide Breath] and [Stealing] skills, he caught a lot of cabbages.

The cabbages are growing very well and there are a lot of them. The union pays 10,000 Eris to recycle them, so that adventurers can catch more.

After this announcement was made, the adventurers became even crazier.

Zhou Fangwu and others also made a lot of money because of this.

Time passed, and the cabbage group was about to leave Xinshou Village.

Zhou Fangwu turned his head and said to Huihui: "It\'s almost time, Huihui, I\'ll leave it to you to finish it."

"give it to me!"

Huihui flicked the black and red cloak on her body, and raised the magic wand in her hand, "Be happy, cabbages! It is the greatest luck in your life to see my explosion magic!"


Accompanied by a powerful explosion spell, this time the [Cabbage Harvest Season Battle] is coming to an end.

He stretched out his arms to hug Megumin who was about to fall.

Zhou Fangwu joined the others and returned to the Adventurer\'s Guild.

After the task is over, the team still returns to the previous process, doing other tasks of crusade against monsters, and tempering Darkness by the way.

It was not until three days later that the number of cabbages caught was counted. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Hiss—! 10.53 million Eris?!"

Zhou Fangwu looked at the list given to him by the Adventurer\'s Guild in his hand, and was a little surprised at the seemingly unrealistic figures on it.

He had a hunch that he had caught a lot of cabbages this time, but he didn\'t expect to catch so many!

The bounty is more than 10 million, which is an astonishing number!

I believe that after Akuya and the others find out, they will be happy not to be able to find Bei.

Just as he was thinking this, Sato Kazuma hurried in from the outside.

"Senior Zhou Fang, Senior Zhou Fang!"

"What\'s wrong, so flustered."

Signal him to take a breath and speak slowly.

Sato Kazuma complained to Zhou Fangwu when he opened his mouth, saying that Aqua had done something wrong.

"Senior Zhou Fang, listen to me! That idiot Akuya, she actually spent all her money, and even owed money outside!"


Zhou Fangwu was shocked.

Then he realized that the money Sato Kazuma said was not the 10 million Eris in his hands, and he was relieved.

Then he frowned again, and asked Sato Kazuma: "What\'s going on, tell me the details."

Then Sato Kazuma told the reason.

It turned out that Akuya felt that she had made a lot of money during the harvest season, which made her feel a little smug, so she spent a lot of money to buy a bottle of high-end sparkling wine.

And I bought it on credit!

"This Aqua..."

Zhou Fangwu was really angry this time, "No, she must be punished!"

"That\'s right, that\'s right!"

Sato Kazuma also echoed.

After that, Zhou Fangwu put away the bounty and returned to the stable with Sato Kazuma.