Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 44: Special training begins

Waking up again, Zhou Fangwushen felt refreshed.

He felt like he hadn\'t slept so comfortably in a long time.

Really, I\'ve heard of people who recognize beds, but I haven\'t heard of people who recognize \'pillows\'.

Gently pushing Akua away in his arms, he got up and moved his sleeping stiff body.

Walking out of the stables, facing the beautiful sunrise, doing gymnastics.

"The second set of radio gymnastics for elementary school students, the newborn sun!"

"First session, chest expansion exercise!"

"One two three four five six seven eight, two two three four five six seven eight, three two three four five six seven eight..."

After a simple warm-up, he jogged along the trail in the Novice Village, and returned after making a big circle.

When he returned to the stable, he found that Sato Kazuma and Aqua had only woken up.

"Aqua, Sato-kun, good morning."

"Good morning, Senior Zhou Fang."

"Good morning, Wu, you woke up so early."

Akuya said in a daze, stood up and staggered into Zhou Fangwu\'s arms.

"Akuya, wake up, we still have important tasks today." Zhou Fangwu pinched her white and tender cheeks full of collagen, stimulating her in a painful way, making her wake up quickly.

"It hurts." Aqua mumbled softly.

The three dawdled for a while before heading to the Adventurer\'s Guild.

They made an appointment with Huihui and Darkness yesterday, and met there earlier in the morning.

【Adventurer\'s Guild】

"Hey, Darkness, Megumin, here, here!"

After waiting for a while, the sharp-eyed Aqua saw the two women walking into the union, and called out to them.

"Yoxi, it\'s all here."

Zhou Fangwu saw that all members of the team were seated, "Then, let\'s eat first."


Hui Hui froze for a moment, "Eat... yes?"

"Of course it\'s breakfast." Zhou Fangwu replied, and then called the waiter to order.

"I know for breakfast, but why?"

Hui Hui was a little unbelievable.

She is one of the poorest representatives of the bottom adventurers, with very little money in her hands.

It costs a lot of money just to stay every day, let alone to eat. In order to save money, she basically only eats one meal a day.

It is precisely because of the lack of nutritional supplements that she looks very thin and barren, and she has her own airport at a young age, so that she is envious every time she sees Aqua and Darkness (ji ) Mu (du) their peak after another.

"If you don\'t eat breakfast, how can you have the strength to do the task? What if you are in danger due to lack of energy?"

Zhou Fangjun passed the menu to her, "Come on, order, I\'ll treat you."


Huihui shyly took the menu and ordered a children\'s set meal.

Recently, she has competed with children\'s meals.

"Darkness, you have a heavy task today, you need to eat more." Zhou Fangjun passed the menu down, asking her to order more high-calorie food.

"Wait a mininute!"

Kazuma Sato stood up and pressed the menu on the table, preventing everyone from ordering.

"What\'s wrong, Sato-kun."

"Senior Zhou Fang, you don\'t know, our team has no savings."

"Uh...what\'s the situation?"

Zhou Fangwu clearly remembered that he left behind nearly 100,000 Eris when he left.

If you add the task of [Purification of the Cemetery] completed by the two of you, there should be at least 200,000 Eris. Why did it take less than a week?

"It\'s all the fault of that idiot Aqua, who spent all the money."

Sato Kazuma said angrily and distressed, "She spent all her savings and bought a bottle of high-end sparkling wine."

"I see." He nodded in understanding.

It was Aqua who spent the money.

"I\'m… sorry."

Akuya apologized in a low voice with tears in her eyes, "I know I was wrong."

As expected of the goddess of water, she shed so many tears.

No wonder she was so greedy that she didn\'t make any noise when ordering, she huddled silently in the corner and acted as a transparent person.

It turned out that she was afraid that Zhou Fangwu would blame her.

But in the end, it was Zhou Fangwu\'s fault, and he shouldn\'t have given the money to Akuya for safekeeping.

Originally, he wanted to hand over the money to Kazuma Sato for safekeeping, but he was afraid that he would sneak around to find Miss Nightmare for fun, so he handed over the deposit to Akuya.

But he forgot that Akuya is actually a full-fledged problem child.

"It\'s okay, I still have a lot of gold bars on me."

He took out a few finger-thick gold bars from his bosom, and said to everyone in a wealthy manner: "You don\'t have to be afraid, just order."

These gold bars were given to him by the Ghost Slayer Squad when he left.

The money given by the big family is just too much.

"Akuya too, don\'t spend money recklessly, if I don\'t come back, wouldn\'t you be hungry?"

Zhou Fangwu also blamed her a little, expressing his dissatisfaction with her.

Compared with Akuya\'s tragic experience in the original book, Akuya didn\'t suffer too much under his chaos, but it also made her more arrogant and presumptuous.

We should find a way to restrain her.

After a while, the steaming food was served by the waiter, and everyone ate and drank like starving ghosts.

After a while, the food on the table was wiped out.

"Huh! I\'m full, I\'m full."

"good to eat."

"It\'s really delicious."

"I can\'t remember the last time I had breakfast."

After eating, everyone lazily lay on the table, and Zhou Fangwu exchanged gold bars for Eris to settle the meal fee, and accepted a task by the way.

"Okay, everyone, we should go!"

After a short break, call everyone to leave.

Although the three other than Darkness were a little lazy and reluctant, they still followed obediently.

"Then... we are going to special training!"

Zhou Fangwu told Darkness: "Darkness, you are carrying Huihui."

"Huh?!" X2

Both Darkness and Megumin were astonished.

Then Zhou Fangwu explained the purpose of this arrangement to everyone. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Akuya and Huihui are the two most important members of the team, and we depend on them for explosive output and healing recovery, so they can\'t make any mistakes.

Darkness, as a crusader, your task is to protect the two of them!

In case of accidents, you must take the two of them to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible!

So do you understand? "

"Understood, leave it to me!"

Darkness also felt that what she said made sense.

"You\'re still holding a heavy giant shield, this time you should carry the lighter Huihui first, and get used to it first."


Zhou Fangwu said again: "Then, I will carry Akuya."

Under everyone\'s puzzled eyes, he explained: "Although I am a master of swordsmanship, because of my natural (wai) endowment (gua), I can temporarily serve as the team\'s deputy tank, and at critical moments, I will protect my teammates first."

"I see."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Just like that, Darkness carried Megumin on his back, and Zhou Fangwu carried Aqua on his back.

"Then, let\'s go!"

Everyone ran out of Novice Village and headed west all the way.

On the way to run, Sato Kazuma couldn\'t bear his curiosity, and asked, "Senior Zhou Fang, what mission did you accept?"

He knew that the stable Zhou Fangwu would not accept tasks that the team could not complete, but unknown tasks always made him nervous.

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t hide it either.

He said with a smile: "The mission I took is [Fighting the colony of lizard runners]!"

PS: This chapter is a bit bland and bloated, and it is very watery to read. It is recommended to combine it with the next chapter for better results!