Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 40: Megumin's life hangs by a thread!

Sato Kazuma, Akuya, Megumin, and Iron Man came out of the weapon shop.

The four of them were walking on the street, and the iron man behind them made a \'click\', \'a strange sound of click\'.

They are enduring the strange and awkward gazes from the passers-by.

"what is that?"


"How come, it looks like a human being."


"Is it a knight?"

"But how could the knight dress up in such a weird way?"

"Uh...performance art?"

In the street, whether it was an adventurer or an ordinary villager, when they saw the Iron Man following the three of them, they all pointed at it and whispered to their companions beside them.

"Hey Darkness, aren\'t you too eye-catching?"

Kazuma Sato, who was staring at passers-by, felt uncomfortable, and reprimanded Darkness.

"Yes, I also feel that the surrounding eyes are not very friendly."

"I think so."

Akuya and Huihui expressed their opinions one after another, and felt uncomfortable.

But in this state, Darkness was immersed in it instead, "Is that so, I feel that this gaze is intoxicating."

"Ha~...ha~...that\'s great!" Darkness panted heavily, her face flushed.


Sato Kazuma cursed in a low voice.

Darkness\'s abnormality has already broken through the sky, and there is nothing he can do about it.

To be honest, Sato Kazuma didn\'t want to be so conspicuous at all.

Although he longs for other people\'s eyes, he hopes that others will look at him with admiration, not contempt.

Damn, gotta figure something out.

"Hey you guys, let\'s run out!"

Sato and Shinichi rushed out first, leaving a few people behind, "I don\'t want to become famous, let\'s go first."

"Ni Ge Lu da yo!"

After speaking, he rushed out of Novice Village.

"Hey, wait!"

"Kazuma, you scumbag!"

Akuya and Megumin saw that Sato Kazuma had slipped away, and the two hurried to catch up.

After seeing the three of them running out, Darkness also started to run, making a rattling sound.

While running, he said, "Jujujuju actually...leave me alone, think about it...want to see my ugly face! Kazuma, you are such a ghost!"

At the end, he shouted loudly, "It\'s great—!"

This perverted speech made passers-by stop one after another, wondering who the Kazuna Tiekou was talking about.

Sato Kazuma intended to leave quickly without attracting attention, but in fact, his doing so made Darkness more attractive to passers-by, thus fully exposing himself.

But these, Sato Kazuma didn\'t notice at all!

I really don\'t know what suffering will be waiting for him.

The people who ran out of Novice Village headed south, which was the mission location of [Fighting Forest Demon Wolf].

"Kazuma... Kazuma, rest for a while, I can\'t run anymore."

Megumin leaned on the wand in her hand and asked Sato Kazuma, who was still jogging ahead, to take a break.

Hearing Megumin\'s call, Sato Kazuma stopped.

"Rest? Well, let\'s rest for a while." After he looked at the sun and the distance, he agreed to rest here for a while.

Darkness, who was following behind her, hurried forward and said with concern:

"Hui Hui, can\'t you run anymore?"

Huihui sat on the ground, looked at Darkness who had a calm expression as usual, and asked suspiciously:

"Why isn\'t Darkness tired at all? It\'s obviously such a heavy armor and a giant shield."

After hearing this, Darkness scratched his helmet shyly, and said in a naive voice, "Well, although I\'m not good at attacking, I\'m confident that I won\'t lose to anyone in terms of endurance."

Hearing what Darkness said, Kazuma Sato nodded in deep agreement.

But when he thought of her question, his face was full of disgust.

His own crusader, the bottomless physical strength and endurance are indeed far beyond ordinary people, but the degree of inhuman abnormality is also unmatched.

Just when he was struggling in his heart, he suddenly saw Akuya fishing at the end of the team.

"Hey, Aqua, what are you doing?"

Akuya, who kept shouting bitterly and tiredly, didn\'t complain at all, instead she had a happy expression on her face?

So suspicious.

Hearing the yelling, Akuya replied in a panic: "No, nothing! I just walked a little slower!"

So suspicious!

There is definitely a problem!

Just as he was about to walk over to have a look, he heard a beast roar.


It\'s the roar of a tiger!

Moreover, the voice was full of arrogance and full of deterrence. Countless birds and beasts scattered and fled, awakening the silent forest.

Everyone was shocked.

"What\'s wrong, what happened?!"

Sato Kazuma resisted his panic and asked his teammates, "Are you all right?"

"it\'s okay no problem."

"I\'m okay."

"What\'s going on here?" Huihui held the wand in her hand in fear.

Darkness stood up, her face under the helmet was a little dignified, and she said in a deep voice, "I\'m afraid it\'s a rookie killer."

"What is a rookie killer?"

Sato Kazuma hurriedly asked, "Hurry up and explain!"

"The Rookie Killer is a giant tiger."

Darkness didn\'t care about his rudeness, but explained to him:

"It is rumored that it has eaten a lot of people. Many novice adventurers who came to crusade were swallowed by it. Because it is very strong and likes to wander around the Novice Village, everyone calls it the novice killer."

Sato Kazuma\'s face was full of dignity, "Is there no one to attack it?"

"The Adventurer\'s Guild always has its quests on the quest bar.

But it is too strong, and novice adventurers can\'t attack it at all, and it will be nothing in the end.

I didn\'t expect that we would run into each other. "

After explaining clearly, Darkness also became a little dignified.

"Looks like we\'re in big trouble today."

Sato Kazuma frowned, then turned his head and said, "Megumin, it\'s time for you to play, let\'s release a perfect explosion magic."

"My name is Huihui, and I am a great magister who is proficient in explosion magic!"

Huihui shook the cloak behind her, "Leave such trivial matters to me!"

"Oh, please."

Sato Kazuma thought in his heart: Although the great magister in the team has a brain problem, but his strength is really strong, it should be no problem... right?

As everyone knows, he accidentally made a fatal move.


Just when Sato Kazuma was distracted, Darkness in the front row raised the giant shield in his hand and shouted loudly:

"Kazuma, Akuya, Megumin, the new killers are here!"

Suddenly, a giant tiger jumped out of the forest!

The giant tiger has a huge body and strong momentum, and its muscles are streamlined with the beauty of a beast. UU reading www.uukanshu. com It walked around everyone lazily, as if walking in its own back garden, and Sato Kazuma and others were outsiders who broke in without authorization.

The giant tiger stared at everyone, giving them a sense of crisis at all times.



It saw the right moment, kicked its back and went towards the crowd!

"Is the target me? Exactly, just come on!"

Sato Kazuma watched as the giant tiger came straight for him, and a slider dodged under it.

However, Sato Kazuma was out of danger, but he forgot that Megumin was still standing behind him!

His dodge put Huihui in a dangerous situation!


"Damn it, Huihui!"


Everyone shouted anxiously for her to run.

But the speed of the giant tiger was too fast, Huihui\'s legs trembled in fear, and she sat on the ground with a pale face and did not move.

After all, she is still a child of 13 or 4, and it is impossible to deal with it like a veteran between life and death.

"That\'s too late!"

Darkness\'s equipment was too heavy, and she couldn\'t increase her speed at all. She could only watch Huihui being attacked by a giant tiger.

Just when Huihui closed her eyes in despair, she heard a voice that had never been so beautiful.

"Thunder\'s breath·One type·Thunderbolt flash!"

A flash of lightning flashed by.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw that the giant tiger that had been aggressive for a while had been decapitated with a single blow.

She survived.

PS: The Rookie Killer is a side story of the original book, and I will use it here to fill in the daily plot. The plot of the story is very smooth and does not fit the main line, so there should be no problem.

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