Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 38: Squad assembly

Kazuma Sato, 16 years old.

He is an upright young man, if he has not time-traveled, then he must still be a sound high school student.

That\'s right, able-bodied high school students.

And healthy high school students will always have some kind of sneaky little secret that they don\'t want others to know.

Although parents always misunderstand that their children may have entered the rebellious period, what is it actually like?

Is it because the child wants to be independent when he grows up, or wants to prove himself, or is it because of his privacy?

Well, in short.

Kazuma Sato wants to have a room of his own, he doesn\'t want to live in a stable anymore.

He wants to move out!

For this, he needs help.

Sato Kazuma looked at his teammates sleeping next to him with a look of disgust and disgust on his face.

Aqua is a goddess.

Again, Aqua is a goddess!

This idiot who is selfish, arrogant, lazy, and not enterprising is actually the goddess of water?

Can you believe it?

And the occupation turned out to be the extremely rare and noble 【High Priest】!

And the hardworking, smart, brave, and excellent self, but his career is just a bad street [adventurer]?

In this regard, he deeply felt the malice of the world.

"Hey, Aqua, get up quickly."

Sato Kazuma called to Akuya who was still sleeping soundly beside him, "Get up quickly, the sun is shining on your butt."

And the dazed Akuya turned over and murmured, "Hey~ let me sleep a little longer, I was so tired last night."

This guy!

Is this ugly and lazy Aqua the goddess of water?

I, Sato Kazuma, will never admit it!

"Get up quickly, you idiot goddess!"

Sato Kazuma shouted at Aqua, "We\'re going to do the mission today!"


Akuya looked at him sleepily, "Didn\'t we just finish the task last night, how about another day of rest?"

"One more day off?" Sato Kazuma lowered his voice, seemingly dissatisfied.

It\'s okay if Akuya doesn\'t say it, but he gets even angrier when he says it.

Last night, the two of them finally completed the task of [Expelling the ghosts from the cemetery] assigned by the team leader Zhou Fangwu.

Damn Akuya, she agreed to complete the task the next day, but at night she said that she was too sleepy and refused to go to the cemetery with him to expel the ghosts.

After dawdling for several days, the two finally completed the task the night before.

Fortunately, she is still a goddess, and she doesn\'t have any tolerance and forgiveness. Her heart is narrow, and she can\'t keep up with the "broad-minded" Lich Wiz.

Glancing at Aqua, he compared Wiz again.

Sure enough, the gap is huge.

"Hey, Kazuma!"

Aqua, who was still drowsy just now, suddenly sat up straight, turned to look at Sato Kazuma, "Is it my illusion, I always feel that someone is talking bad about me."

\'The fool is always sensitive about it. \'

Sato Kazuki slandered but did not say clearly, "How could it be, Akua, you are a goddess, who dares to speak ill of you behind your back?"



"Kazuma, do you know? Because of the difference in personality, mortals cannot lie in front of the gods, because once they lie, they will be detected by the gods."

"I\'m sorry, Aqua-sama! I shouldn\'t have slandered you for being narrow-minded!"


Seeing Sato Kazuma\'s straightforward apology, Aqua snorted and forgave him a lot.

This did not intensify the conflict between the two.

Bickering has long been a daily routine for them to get closer, and this level of fighting is also the norm.

But after such a fuss, Akua also officially got up.

"Hello, Aqua."


"Let\'s go to the task."


"Ah...?" Sato Kazuma was immediately alert.

This Akuya, who has been lazy and tried to avoid work, would agree to do the task right away?

There must be something wrong with it!

"Aqua, why?"


"Why do you, who have been unwilling to work, suddenly agree to do tasks with me without hesitation at all?"

"Oh, Kazuma~ You see, the two of us are teammates, of course we have to act together."

Aqua patted him on the shoulder with an exaggerated smirk, as if we were a team.

"Yeah, I understand what you said."

Sato Kazuma also nodded to express his understanding, and then changed the topic, "So, actually?"

"That, that..."

"Actually, actually, above, what?"

Facing the strong pressure from Sato Kazuma\'s eyes, Akua had no choice but to tell the truth, and whispered: "If we don\'t work, we will be hungry tomorrow. We... have no savings."


Sato Kazuma\'s loud voice broke through the sky, and a lot of dust on the roof of the stable was shaken off.

He shouted excitedly: "Where is the money, where did the money go?!"

"Buy, buy wine..."

"Bought wine—?!"

Sato Kazuma shook Akua\'s shoulder desperately, "100,000, that\'s 100,000 Eris, you spent it all?!"

100,000 Eris.

It was the rest of the shield that was previously built for Darkness, plus the savings that the team worked so hard to save, it could be said to be the entire property of the three of them.

"Because, because this wine is a very high-end sparkling wine. I heard that it is a best-selling wine with a sweet taste and a pleasant aftertaste, so the price is relatively high..."

Akuya knew she was wrong, so she didn\'t even dare to speak too loudly.

"You... idiot goddess!"

Sato Kazuma turned into the Roaring Emperor in an instant, and sprayed Akua indiscriminately, so that she couldn\'t lift her head when she was reprimanded.

"Senior Zhou Fang shouldn\'t have entrusted you with the money for safekeeping..."

"Look what good things you have done, you have failed Senior Zhou Fang\'s trust..."

"If senior Zhou Fang comes back, how should I explain..."

after an hour.

Sato Kazuma, who lost his temper, and Aqua who was crying left the stable.

【Adventurer\'s Guild】

Sato Kazuma and Aqua came to the Adventurer\'s Guild and joined Megumin and Darkness.

"...That\'s it, because Aqua spent all the money, so we have to do the mission."

Sato Kazuma explained to the two of them, and said very considerately: "Of course, if the two of you don\'t want to do the task, you won\'t force it."

Although Huihui and Darkness are members of the team, if they really have something important to do, he won\'t force them to follow along with the task, and he will let them do their own thing.

"What are you talking about, Kazuma! We\'re a team, aren\'t we?"

"That\'s right, my Explosion Magic is already too thirsty!"

Megumin and Darkness were very excited when they heard that there was a mission to do.

The team has been on standby for a week since customizing the shield for Darkness.

But, is their adventure finally starting today?

The hearts of the two became hot.

"Yoxi! Then let\'s accept the mission!"

"Oh!" X3

Everyone walked to the taskbar and began to look carefully. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Kazuma Sato suddenly thought of something, turned around and said, "By the way, Darkness\'s shield should have been manufactured. Go get it back later and try the quality of the shield."

"Yeah, let\'s get it back in a while!"

Darkness suddenly twitched, "Take back the shield, and start tuning, tuning or something... Ha~... Ha~"

"Hey, shut up!"

Sato Kazuma looked at the flushed Darkness in disgust, "Don\'t start your shameful delusion here, you perverted female knight!"

His original intention was to make Darkness calm down, but he didn\'t expect it to be the opposite, Darkness became more immersed in it.

"He actually said that he is a pervert or something... Ha~... Ha~..."

Sato Kazuma hid to the side in disgust.

"Hezhen and Zhen, what mission should we take?"

Akuya looked at it for a long time and didn\'t know what task to take, so she had to let Sato Kazuma make the decision.

"Of course it\'s difficult! I\'m a great magister, so of course I have to do the most difficult task!" Huihui was suffering from a second-school illness, with a look of giving me nothing.

But he was quickly beaten back by Sato Kazuma, "It must be a red devil girl with brain problems."

"Nani—?! When did I have this title?"

Under Megumi\'s fussy shouts, Sato Kazuma chose the task that is most suitable for the team at the moment - defeating the forest magic wolf (5 horses).

"Well, let\'s choose this one."

Sato and Makoto decided to take over the task, and everyone left the adventurer\'s hall noisily.

They didn\'t realize that anyone was following them.

PS: Dear readers, it’s time to test the waters, so vote more!