Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 342: Aqua 【Bible】

Come to church headquarters.

Regardless of the degree of splendor or the size of the land, it is the best building in the entire town.

Open the door and enter the church.

"Ah, welcome~"

The enthusiasm of this town is far greater than that of other towns, and it can also be proudly reflected in the church.

As soon as you enter the door, someone comes to entertain you.

She is a beautiful and lovely girl.

She was wearing a blue and white nun\'s attire, holding a broom in her hand, and she looked as if she was cleaning the church just now.

"Ah, what\'s the matter, looking at me like this~ By the way, do you want to join the Axis Cult? Or do you want to be baptized? Or... want me?"

There also seems to be something wrong with the girl\'s head.

She said something like a wife welcoming her husband, but it would be even better if she could correct the previous one and restrain the unusually obvious wicked smile at the corner of her mouth.

"You...what\'s the matter with \'wanting you\'?"

"Ah~ your expression is a bit scary. Just kidding, kidding~ You have a serious face when you meet a girl for the first time, you are really strict, is there no problem with your head?"

"There is something wrong with your brain!"

Another problem child.

Zhou Fangwu found out that everyone in this town has problems, especially the members of the Axis Cult!

Even if she was scolded, the girl was not angry.

She continued to perform her duties, and said to Zhou Fangwu:

"What do you want, please?

…Master Jesta and others headed by the highest priest, and other believers are currently playing activities in the name of missionary games outside... No, they are going out to promote the name of Goddess Aqua.

There is no one in the church now, if you are looking for them, please come back another day. "

【I\'m very busy right now and don\'t have time to entertain you】

—Although she didn\'t say that, Zhou Fangwu could understand what she meant.

Moreover, is what she just said really all right?

Is it on purpose?

Was he expressing to Zhou Fangwu the dissatisfaction that the highest priest and the others went out to play without taking him with them?

So, is she complaining?

"Let me tell you, are you recruiting people into the Axis Cult just for fun... By the way, don\'t cause trouble for others."

"Ah, about this...that is the teaching of Axis, and it is a normal procedure."


"I\'m very sorry, if it caused you any trouble, please visit after Priest Jesta returns."


Is it deliberately perfunctory, trying to use someone who is not present as a shield?

never mind.

Anyway, they were all for Aqua.

Even if I can\'t help because of my status, I shouldn\'t point fingers and cause trouble.

Then enter the topic.

"I want to ask, have you seen a woman with long blue hair?"

Zhou Fangwu described Akuya\'s appearance to her.

"She is wearing a blue dress and pink feathers, long blue hair and clear blue pupils. She has a very good temperament... By the way, she is also a high priest."

"Oh—, you are talking about that adult."

She seemed to understand.

But she didn\'t simply point out the direction, but asked repeatedly: "Are you that adult\'s companion, that is, the beautiful and noble woman who came with the two outside."


I always thought her words were weird.

However, who are [the two outside]?

Following the direction of her finger, Zhou Fangwu looked into the corner of the church, and found two thin figures huddled in the corner.

"Huihui, Yoyo?"

The two went out to play together this morning, and they didn\'t come back when it was almost evening. I didn\'t expect to be here.

However, seeing their complexion is not very good, it is known that the two of them have suffered a lot today.

Forget it, let the two of them calm down for a while.

It\'s more important to go to Aqua first.

"Then, where is that person?"

"That person... ah, you are talking about the high priest, right? Because all the priests of our religion go out to play... to preach, so I asked that lord to be in charge of listening to the confession."

The woman pointed to the confession room on the other side, indicating that the person Zhou Fangwu wanted to find was there.

Did she treat Akua as free labor?

Although Aqua may also enjoy this job, do you know the real identity of the person you instructed to work for free?

Are you always this brave?

It\'s unbelievable when you know!

"...Thank you."

Although there are a lot of complaints about the idea, but now is not the time to play around.

After greeting her, Zhou Fangwu came to the entrance of the church.

This small room at the entrance is a confessional room where you can express your heart and eliminate your inner guilt.

I just walked to the door, but I didn\'t expect a very classic Bible to come out from inside.

"That...priest, please listen to me!"

"Please speak, you lost lamb... come, tell me what sin you have committed. The gods will surely forgive you after hearing your confession."

Akuya\'s voice sounded after the man on the other side fell down, with strong tolerance and tenderness.

"I am a member of the Axis Cult who has worshiped the goddess Aqua for a long time, but... the portrait of the goddess Eris, the pair of plump twin peaks, has always tempted me! Those twin peaks are the temptation of the devil! Ahh... God, please forgive me who was tempted by other goddesses and sinned deeply..."

What kind of nonsense is this man talking to Aqua!

Give me a confession that needs more forgiveness, bastard!

Akua\'s ears are going to be polluted!

But Akuya didn\'t try to be perfunctory, but spoke extremely gentle words in a very serious tone:

"Don\'t worry, God will forgive everything.

You, you must love fullness; you, you must love poverty.

The teaching of Axis is inclusive of all, even those of the same sex, even those of Furicon, and even others with special orientations.

As long as the object is not a demon or an undead, as long as there is love and no crime, everything about you can be forgiven. "

Akuya was so tolerant to her followers that Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t help feeling panting.

But before it was over, Aqua told the missionary Bible to the believers who confessed to her.

"You, devout believer, in order not to be tempted by the devil~www.novelhall.com~ remember this mantra—[Eris\' **** are padded out]."


Zhou Fangwu really mourns for Eris.

I respect Akuya as a senior so much, but I never thought that Akuya would expose it... Although it is true, but she is also a goddess and her junior, how about being more tolerant?

"In the future, if your soul is tempted by other things, remember to chant this mantra. Of course, if other believers are also tempted, this mantra is also a good thing."

"Oh oh oh—thank you, my lord priest!"

The man seemed to be excused, said words of thanks, and then ran out with a smile on his face.

Zhou Fangwu found that his eyes still had the light of rebirth after defeating evil.

Truly, truly hopeless believers.

Zhou Fangwu felt a headache for Akuya having such a believer.

bang bang bang.

Knock on the door and call her name.

"Akuya, I\'m here to pick you up."


Silence, no answer.

Like no one.

But it was impossible, Zhou Fangwu\'s [Water] could sense her.

Keep knocking on the door.



Still silent.

This kind of silent answer made people wonder if she was taking it too far. Did she have to pretend to be a member of the Axis Cult who wanted to confide in her heart before talking to herself?

Okay, let\'s play with her then.

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