Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 33: New Sword Skill - Time Rain's Transformation

[Silence of Time] is also a domain-type sword skill.

But unlike [Silent Waves], [Shiyu Zhihua] has implemented the calm artistic conception of water from the beginning to the end.

While using the breathing method, Zhou Fangwu also injected a lot of magic power, so that the characteristics of calmness can be brought into full play!

Use huge magical power to confine the space around the enemy, so that the enemy\'s mobility is infinitely suppressed, and it is almost at a standstill.

It is a magical technique that slows down the enemy\'s attack as more magic power is injected.

This is adapted by him with reference to the [Complete Collection Profound Meaning - Shiyuzhihua] used by Takeshi Yamamoto, the guardian of the rain in the anime "Family Teacher", plus his own understanding.

The appearance of [Shigu Zhihua] made him quite proud.

Zhou Fangwu can finally no longer blindly rely on [analyze and imitate], which also means that he can learn from others\' experience and turn it into his own.

Facing the attacking blade, Giyuu Tomioka wanted to resist, but found an unspeakable energy wrapped around him, making him unable to move.


Zhou Fangwu\'s sword faced the slash without any fancy skills, and it stopped in front of Tomioka Yoshiyuki the moment he was about to cut it down.

At this time, the blade was only 1 centimeter away from the tip of his nose, and he could feel the sharp edge brought by the blade, stinging his skin.

But even so, he still had an expressionless face, without showing the slightest timidity.


"That\'s it!"

Aoi Kanzaki saw that the victory and defeat had been divided, and made a fair referee.

Both of them let out a mouthful of turbid air, put away their knives and stood up.

"Thank you for your advice!" X2

Zhou Fangwu took the towel from Kanzaki Aoi, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and heard Tomioka Yoshiyuki\'s inquiry.

"What kind of sword skill is this?"

Tomioka Yoshiyuki asked bluntly: "This sticky feeling that wraps me...I can feel the artistic conception of water, is it a sword shape of the water breathing method?"

"That\'s right, it\'s a type of water breathing method."

Zhou Fangwu smiled, and said: "I adapted and reproduced it based on a certain sword technique, and it used a special energy that comes with me. That\'s why you feel wrapped up and unable to move."


Yoshiyuki Tomioka didn\'t want to talk.

The [Water Breathing · Type Eleven · Calm Sea] he created was realized through countless fights with evil spirits, and it took several years to perfect before it was successfully applied in actual combat.

However, Zhou Fangwu in front of him learned the water breathing method less than a week ago, and realized a sword skill that is not weaker than [Smooth and Calm Sea].

Not to mention that this week Zhou Fangwu not only learned the breathing method of water, but also learned the breathing method of sun, wind, flame, thunder, beast, cloud, rock, insect, and flower.

Although the self-created sword skills are adapted from others, this talent should not be underestimated!

Sure enough, a genius is a genius.

It\'s different from the opportunistic person like myself.

Yoshiyuki Tomioka once again spirals into self-loathing.

"Hey, you two, it\'s time to eat!"

Ganluji Mitsuri called the two of them to come over for dinner not far away.

"Today\'s dinner is very rich, come quickly!"


Zhou Fangwu responded, turned around and said to Tomioka Yoshiyuki: "Let\'s go, let\'s go eat first."

However, Tomioka Yoshiyuki did not agree, he turned and left, and said without any fluctuation in his voice: "I\'ll forget it, I\'m different from them."

"You bastard..."

The corner of Zhou Fangwu\'s mouth twitched.

If he didn\'t know that in the original book, he felt that he was unworthy and didn\'t stay with Zhuzhu because of his low self-esteem. Zhou Fangwu must have thought that Tomioka Giyuu looked down on those Zhuzhu.

"Forget it, let Tanjiro persuade him, it will just open his knot."

Zhou Fangwu still wanted to follow up to persuade him, but he suddenly thought of the fact that Yoshiyuki Tomioka had always wanted Tanjiro Kamado to inherit the water column.

It was nothing.

But in fact Tanjiro Kamado is more suitable for the Hi no Breathing Method, which is the biggest trump card of the Demon Killing Team against Onimai Tsuji, and it is impossible to be a water column.

Simply, let Kamado Tanjiro go and explain clearly to him, and by the way enlighten him on the pain that has been buried in his heart for many years.

Go back to Butterfly House.

"Where\'s Yoshiyuki Tomioka?"

"Hey, where did that guy go?"

"He won\'t be leaving..."

"Mr. Tomioka who walks alone... so handsome!"

"Tsk, that bastard!"

"Forget it, leave him alone! Wu, sit down, let\'s have dinner!"

"Eat, eat!"

The pillars have long been accustomed to Tomioka Yoshiyuki\'s aloofness, and they didn\'t react much when they found out that he was not there. Instead, they called Zhou Fangwu to sit down and eat quickly.

"I started!" xN

Everyone picked up their rice bowls, and chatted about some recent interesting stories while eating, and the spiritual practice of members of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Almost all the pillars say that the members are too weak to be members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

It\'s also the norm.

During the past week, they complained every day that the members of the Ghost Killing Team were unqualified, and the trainers sent them to the Ghost Killing Team no matter what crooked things they said, saying that they were unqualified and unworthy of training swordsmen for the Ghost Killing Team.

But Zhou Fangwu found that their complaints became much less than before.

It\'s not because they have accepted the useless materials of the members of the Ghost Killing Squad, but after their training, the strength of the members is steadily improving, which makes their unhappy mood better.

The Ghost Killing Squad is rejuvenated at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming better than before.

If they were satisfied from the very beginning, Zhou Fangwu was probably the only one.

So genius!

Again, so genius!

Even more genius than Toki Tomuichiro!

Zhongzhu deeply felt that people really cannot be generalized!

In the past, sometimes Tomu Ichiro became a juru after only holding a sword for two months, and later Zhou Fangwu learned all the breathing methods for a week and was on par with the jujus.

At the beginning, when they saw that Zhou Fang could easily restore the sword skills they had spent a lot of time honing after learning martial arts once, it was difficult to accept this event that broke their inherent impression.

But Zhou Fangwu learned the sword skills of Zhongzhu so easily and used them freely every time, which gradually made them feel that this was normal, until finally Zhongzhu became numb.

Really... Madam is so genius! (Important words are said three times!)

"Thank you for your hospitality!"xN

After eating, Zhongzhu was about to leave.

At this time Zhou Fangwu got up, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com said to everyone present: "Everyone, I am going to leave for a while."




"The reason."


Zhou Fangwu suddenly said that he was going to leave, and all the pillars were very surprised.

But he didn\'t mean to elaborate, he just said vaguely: "Because I have to rush back to my hometown, there is something I need to do."

In fact, it\'s no big deal.

It\'s just that Suqing World\'s [Cabbage Harvest Season Battle] is coming, and he wants to go back early so as not to miss this opportunity to make a lot of money.

He didn\'t forget that he still owed Wiz 100,000 Eris, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to change the team members into better equipment.

The other pillars didn\'t speak, only Die Die said with a smile:

"...Well, since Zhou Fang-jun has said so, then tomorrow morning, I will arrange someone to send Zhou Fang-jun out."

"It\'s too much work."

Zhou Fangwu nodded.

Zhong Zhu\'s face changed slightly after hearing this.

They were afraid that Zhou Fangwu would never return.

Probably because Zhou Fangwu\'s talent is too monstrous, even more monstrous than Shi Tou Wuichiro.

These pillars have talked in private, and they all feel that if you want to kill Onimai Tsuji, the important thing may not be the breathing method of the sun...

—It was Zhou Fangwu!

They had a premonition that the key to killing Ghost Dance Tsuji was on Zhou Fangwu!

It\'s just that Zhou Fangwu is not a member of the Ghost Killing Team, and they have no way to force him to stay.

‘No, this matter must be discussed with the lord. \'

Zhongzhu secretly exchanged glances in private.

Zhou Fangwu knew nothing about this.