Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 325: tea bag goddess

, the fastest update, I didn\'t expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Winter is getting colder and colder.

In this cold winter, Zhou Fangwu should have been squatting by the warm stove, talking and laughing with a group of beautiful girls, living a happy and peaceful life.

But now, he is freezing outside.

Together with the stupid goddess Aqua.

"Hey, Wu."


"I\'ve always wanted to ask, does Wu know that I\'m a genuine goddess?"

"Yes, although it is regrettable, but Aqua, you are indeed a woman, and you are also the goddess of water."


Akuya was suddenly choked by Zhou Fangwu, but she didn\'t care about such a trivial matter.

"Hey, Wu."


"I, have I played the role of a goddess well?"

"Ah! Akua, you are now playing the role of a goddess, I can guarantee this!"

"Heh, heh... You don\'t know! Wu, you don\'t know at all!"

Aqua cried out angrily, "It\'s true that I am the goddess of water, but why should I suffer this kind of crime as a goddess—!"

Now the goddess of water is playing the role of tea bag in the water purification plant.

I thought I could escape the [Goddess in the Cage] and the tea bag used to purify the lake.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Akuya turned into a tea bag again.

It happened like this...

Because this winter is too cold, I did not expect that Axel\'s water purification facilities would be frozen and malfunction, resulting in malfunction.

This is an emergency.

Once the normal operation of the water purification plant cannot be restored, the villagers in Axel will have no water to drink.

In addition, other adventurers were also incapable, so the Adventurer\'s Union sent people to Zhou Fangwu\'s lord\'s mansion to report the matter, and at the same time asked for help to purify the water source before repairing it.

No way, in order to let the villagers drink clean water, he had to solve the problem.

"Wu, has my recent treatment become more and more miserable?"

Soaking in the icy pool water, Akuya said to Zhou Fangwu with an aggrieved expression:

"Because the water purification facilities are malfunctioning, we need to find an alternative method to purify the water before it can be repaired... I can understand this, but why do I have to soak in the water in such a cold winter!"

"Because you are the goddess of water...?"


Zhou Fangwu accidentally told a bad joke, which made Akuya even more wronged.

There was water in his eyes, and he felt more and more wronged.

"But... Akua, this is obviously the job you insist on, isn\'t it?"

This is true.

Because Akuya has been unable to recruit new family members recently, and the cold winter is approaching and no one will be active outside, this goddess of water wants to express herself so that she can gain her reputation and attract new members. members of the family.

She has such a small calculation.

It\'s just that Akuya didn\'t expect that the water in the pool is too cold in this kind of cold winter, even if she is a goddess, she will almost be unable to endure it.

"That\'s right, that\'s right!"

Akuya slapped the surface of the water desperately, splashing a lot of water on Zhou Fangwu\'s body.

"Hey, idiot Aqua!"

"I said I wanted to take this job, but even though I\'m using the power of the goddess, it\'s completely different from what I imagined!"

Akuya\'s wild thumping movements became more and more serious, and more and more pool water was splashed on Zhou Fangwu\'s body.

"Hey, Akua, isn\'t this a miracle?"

"Where?! I obviously want to trigger a more magnificent miracle, not here in this way!"

The voice of the goddess became more and more aggrieved.

Akuya really wanted to trigger some miracles regularly like a normal goddess, and then use this to attract more people to join her divine religion.

This is what all goddesses do.

It\'s just that the current Akuya is just soaking in the pool water as tea bags, because the weather is so cold that there are no crowds watching, so why recruit them as his followers or family members?

"...Akuya, I always feel that the reason why you haven\'t recruited new family members recently is because you are too mercenary, and you don\'t have the demeanor of a goddess at all."

"Where?! Besides, all goddesses are like this, so don\'t always blame me, Wu!"

"But you are the one with the highest score among all the goddesses."

"Who said that?!"

"Another goddess."

"That,?! Besides, how could Wu know other goddesses?! You are lying to me!"

As if wanting to punish Zhou Fangwu for lying, Akuya picked up a pool of water and poured it on Zhou Fangwu, wetting his front.

"Aqua, it\'s cold."

"Hmph, I also want to let Wu taste the taste of cold water."

It seems that the Goddess of Suffering wants to make her followers feel the same pain.

What a selfish goddess.

Naturally, Zhou Fangwu would not let her splash it, and also took a handful of cold water from the pool and poured it on Akuya.

"Ah, how dare you fight back!"

"why not!"

The two played a water fight in the cold winter.

After playing and playing, the water in the pool has been successfully purified.

Helping Akua out of the cold pool water, watching her shake her body like a puppy, shaking off the water droplets on her body...but most of it just fell on Zhou Fangwu\'s body.

"Here, towel."


Letting Zhou Fangwu wipe her body, Akuya is like a high-ranking goddess, enjoying the service of her followers.

Wait, she was originally a goddess...?

Dry her body with a thick towel.

Although the weather was still very cold, without the water eroding the body to take away the temperature, and under Zhou Fangwu\'s [heat] rapid temperature rise, Akuya\'s body temperature recovered again.

"Let\'s go back."


Hearing Zhou Fangwu\'s words, Aqua nodded.

It\'s just that she didn\'t move. Instead, she stood there and looked at Zhou Fangwu\'s open hands.

"...What\'s the matter, acting like this?"

"carried me."


"I said, carry me!"

Like a naive child, Akuya said coquettishly: "I have worked very hard today, but there is no reward or reward, so I want Wu to carry me back."

You go by yourself!

...Although Zhou Fangwu really wanted to say that, he still couldn\'t bear to refuse.

Let it be Akua\'s hard work today to make up for it.

"Okay... come on, I\'ll carry you back."

He crouched down, with his back to her.

After hearing Akuya yell: "Yeah!"

Then there was a slight rustling sound, and then a pure breath sprayed on the neck, and the cool and soft body was pressed against the back.

Aqua was already lying on top of him.

Just out of the corner of his eye, he saw her white and tender little feet.

"Akua, you..."


"No, nothing."

It wasn\'t until he realized that Akua\'s shoes were already soaked in the pool water, so he let himself wear them.

"Okay, let\'s go."


Akuya on the back is like a general riding a horse, commanding Zhou Fangwu, a heroic horse, to charge towards the lord\'s mansion in the suburbs.

"Let me say~www.novelhall.com~Akuya."


"Your **** is so cold."

"That\'s because I\'ve been sitting in the pool!"

Is the point there?

Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t help but want to complain, but he held back abruptly.

"Let me tell you, Aqua."


"You\'re so close, I can feel your breath."

"But I\'m really tired, let\'s talk about Wu... I don\'t care."

It was obviously a very common word, but it was such a sudden throbbing that tugged at Zhou Fangwu\'s heartstrings.

Under the setting sun, the shadows of the two became longer and longer.