Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 30: heart-to-heart

But it\'s a pity that even if Yuya Miyayashiki died, he would not agree to this approach.

If he does this, it will subvert the meaning of the existence of the Ghost Killing Team, and the Ghost Killing Team will fall apart in an instant.

It is estimated that Yoya Mibuyashiki also understands this truth.


Butterfly endured a little disappointment.

While talking, another hidden member walked in from the outside, and there was another person on his back.

"Tanjiro, you\'re here too!"

My wife Shanyi was the first to see the figure on the back, and hurriedly greeted him with a yell.

"Ah, Shanyi, you\'re here too!"

Tanjiro, who was lying on the back of the hidden member, raised his head after hearing this, and looked around again, "Shouho-senpai, Butterfly-senpai, even Inosuke is here!"

Most of his acquaintances in the Ghost Killing Squad gathered in this small room.

"Butterfly Shinobu-sama! Kamado Tanjiro has been delivered, and the subordinates will go down first." The member of the hidden team greeted in a panic, and quickly put Kamado Tanjiro on the bed, turned and left.

It should be that Zhu\'s prestige is too high, which frightened him.

But everyone didn\'t care, instead they were immersed in the joy of being together.

"Tanjiro, let me heal you."

Then Zhou Fangwu began to use the [Healing] skill to heal Kamado Tanjirou, and green light shrouded his whole body.

Moments later, Tanjirou Kamado recovered from his injuries.

He stood on the hospital bed and shouted, "Resurrection!!"

This sense of déjà vu...

Are all three of the same virtue?

After that, Aoi Kanzaki pressed Kamado Tanjiro on the bed the same way he had dealt with Zuihei Inosuke just now, forcing him to take a good rest.

"Thank you, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Tanjiro Zaomen lay on the hospital bed and thanked Zhou Fangwu, "Not only saved my sister, but also treated me, thank you very much!"

"Well, I received your thank you!"

Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, "The three of you have just healed. Although your injuries have recovered, you are still very tired. Rest well, and I will come see you again tomorrow."

"Yes!" X2

My wife Zenitsu and Kamado Tanjiro answered loudly, while Zuhira Inosuke continued to mutter, \'I\'m sorry, it\'s all my fault for being too weak\'.

After that, he and Die Ren left the ward.

During the period, the two also went to see Nezuko Yanzaomen together, and when they went there, they found that Nezuko Zaomen had already fallen into a coma.

Zhou Fangwu also treated her a lot.

Although Zaomen Nezuko is an evil spirit and can regenerate her body, with the help of the [Healing] skill, she can also advance the day of awakening.

We can\'t let her wake up until near the finale like in the original book.

It\'s a pity that [Healing] can\'t replenish the energy in her body, otherwise she can wake up earlier.

During the treatment, Butterfly endured without saying a word, just watching quietly.

Then, the two left.

Come to the more remote corner of Butterfly House, there is an independent two-story building here.

"Zhou Fang-jun, please rest here tonight."

Butterfly took him to a room on the first floor, "Although it\'s a little narrow, it\'s very clean. I hope you don\'t mind."

"I\'m very content to have a place to lie down."

Zhou Fangwu covered his face with his hands, the past was unbearable, "You know, I used to sleep in a stable."

"...That was really hard work."

Butterfly endured a slight silence, "Then I\'ll send someone to deliver dinner later."

"Thank you, Shinobu."

"Then, I\'ll leave first."

After finishing speaking, Butterfly reluctantly turned and left.

This room is very simple, there is only one bed and one table, and there is a window looking outside at the head of the bed.

Nothing else.

Zhou Fangwu was resting on the bed alone, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

He is thinking.

Time is running out, and he wants to learn the daily breathing method earlier.

But the ghost killing team is currently digesting the news they brought, so they probably don\'t have time to talk to him.

At least not today, it\'s going to be dark soon.

Go to Tanjiro\'s place tomorrow to see how his body is recovering.

Then let him practice [Breathing Method Complete Concentration Changzhong] as soon as possible, and at the same time let him give up [Water Breathing Method] and learn the [Sun Breathing Method] that is more suitable for him.


Then let Tanjiro grow his hair long, make his eyes look more empty, and change his aura a little bit.

Just do it like Ji Guoyuanyi!

Even if you can\'t restore Ji Guoyuanyi\'s posture 100%, you can learn 30% or 40% of it.

When the time comes, what kind of expression will Ghost Wuji Tsuji see when he sees the natural enemy in his memory?

Are you terrified, or angry?

It\'s sure to be fun!

This is really exciting!

bang bang bang—

A knock on the door pulled Zhou Fangwu out of his fantasy.

"Hold on."

Zhou Fangwu got up and opened the door, and found that standing outside was Aoi Kanzaki, holding a wooden tray in her hand, with some food and some ordinary clothes on it.

"It\'s you, Aoi."

"Senior Zhou Fang, I\'m here to bring you dinner."

Zhou Fangwu turned sideways to let her in, "Please come in."


The two entered the house.

"Senior Zhou Fang, these are the clothes sent by Lord Butterfly, and they are for you to change and wash."

"Change and wash... I am determined."

Only then did Zhou Fangwu remember that he only had this set of clothes on him.

"Aoi, thank Shinobu for me."

"Yes, Senior Zhou Fang must tell you what he said."

Bowing and saluting, Kanzaki Aoi turned around and stepped back, before leaving, he said, "I will clean up in an hour."

"sorry to bother you."

Zhou Fangwu smiled and waved to her.

The meals sent by Aoi Kanzaki were relatively light, but they were more varied and nutritious. Zhou Fangwu was very satisfied.

An hour later, Aoi Kanzaki came to take away the tableware, and Zhou Fangwu also went out for a walk, and at the same time helped them a little bit, doing some physical work.

An upright boy won\'t be freeloading all the time!

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t return to his residence until the sun went down and night covered the sky.

After a tiring day, he thought he would fall asleep immediately, but in fact Zhou Fangwu woke up after less than an hour of sleep.

He can\'t sleep.

He somewhat missed that fragrant, soft, large pillow with a strong and pure taste.

Although the pillow is very oppressive, he seems to be used to the feeling of being squeezed. Without a large pillow, he can\'t sleep.

The room is too small to lie in bed.

Forget it, go out and get some air.

Walking out of the house, the bright moonlight shone on his body, and the cool evening breeze blew on his face.

Feeling a little comfortable.

"Ah, Zhou Fang-kun. If you stay up so late, what are you doing here?"

A gentle female voice came from the small building behind him.

Turning around to look, I found that it was Butterfly Shinobi, who was sitting on the roof looking at Zhou Fangwu.

"Shin, why are you here?" Zhou Fangwu was a little surprised.

"You\'re not here to spy on me..."

"You misunderstood, Zhou Fang-jun."

Die Die smiled and said, "I live upstairs from Zhou Fangjun\'s house. This was originally my residence."

"Oh, I see."

Zhou Fangwu stretched his legs hard, and an inconspicuous lightning flashed.

He jumped to the top of the building and sat beside Butterfly Shinobu.

"Why, can\'t Shinobu fall asleep?" Zhou Fangwu saw the red corners of her eyes, as if she had just cried.

"I... think of my sister."

Butterfly endured a downcast expression.

Confiding to Zhou Fangwu today, coupled with the matter of Zaomen Nedouzi, made her not know what to do.

"Zhou Fang-jun, tell me... can humans and ghosts coexist in a friendly way..."

"No! All evil spirits are cunning and sinister existences, and it is impossible to coexist peacefully with humans!

—Although I really want to say this, the appearance of Kamado Nezuko broke this inherent impression. "

What Zhou Fangwu said was exactly what Die Die Ren struggled with.

On the one hand, she is extremely angry with the evil spirits, wishing to kill them all; but on the other hand, she pins on her sister\'s expectation that the evil spirits can coexist with human beings in a friendly way.

The appearance of Zaomen Nezuko made her at a loss and unable to judge.

"Zhou Fang-jun, my sister once said..."

"Stop, stop, don\'t say any more!"

Die Die Ren still wanted to recall the past about her sister, but Zhou Fangwu interrupted him unceremoniously.

"Shin, you are yourself, you are not your sister!"

Zhou Fangwu raised her head and stared into her eyes, "What are your thoughts?"

"my thoughts…"

"Yes, your thoughts!

You can live with your sister\'s will, but that\'s no excuse to kill your own will!

You live for yourself, not for your sister!

The most important thing is your own thoughts! "

"my thoughts…"

Butterfly endured deep thought.

It can be seen that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very conflicted now.

After a while, she raised her head with a smile.

"Zhou Fang-jun, thank you. I want to witness and see if Nezuko is the kind of evil spirit my sister said that can coexist with human beings."

Then she said firmly, "This is out of my own will."


Is this a polite refusal?

Also, my sister\'s last wish is the motivation to support her to live, so how could he be easily shaken by just a few words?

Forget it, let\'s take it step by step.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou Fang." Butterfly Ren thanked again.


Zhou Fangwu didn\'t talk to her, he didn\'t think he had anything worthy of her thanks.

"However, Zhou Fang-jun is really an incredible person."

"Huh? How do you say that?"

"Because you see, when you meet, you are not polite, and you are used to calling people by their names..."


Only then did Zhou Fangwu remember that in the island country, unless it is a close person, most people don\'t know their first names, they usually only call them by their surnames.

"However, I don\'t mind. It\'s because Zhou Fang-kun has a feeling of [like a bosom friend when we meet]."

"what is this?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his head and laughed.

"Well. Then... Mr. Zhou Fang, the night is getting dark, it\'s time to go back and rest."

Butterfly smiled and said, "Good night."

"Good night, Shinobu."

Zhou Fangwu also turned and went back to the house.

PS: Dear readers, this book has reached the signing qualification. Readers who want to invest should arrange it, don’t wait a few days later and the income will decrease.

In addition, today is 3000 words.