Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 267: Upcoming new members【Benefits】

PS: Centennial

To celebrate the holidays, this chapter does not require a subscription

It\'s a bonus, right?

Next Chapter Climax!

(more tomorrow)


"I\'m really, really sorry—!"

In the evening, Hestia acted as the seat of earth humbly in front of everyone.

Small bodies curled up together.

At this moment, she seemed to have no dignity at all.

Doesn\'t look like a **** at all.

Perhaps in her opinion, the lottery she drew brought great trouble to the two members of the family.

It is even possible to lose because of it.

"That is to say, God Hestia feels very sorry because God Hermes drew lots and won [Siege Battle]?"

Zhou Fangwu looked at her kneeling in front of the two of them, her humiliating expression was a little funny.

"Yes... I\'m sorry, I got this one!"

Hestia\'s eyes were red, and he seemed to be aggrieved to plead and blame himself: "If it\'s a wheel battle or a one-on-one fight, you can rely on Wu\'s super strength to crush all the way!

But, I didn\'t expect it to be this... I\'m really sorry! "

Saying that, she lowered her head again.

This appearance of Hestia reminded Zhou Fangwu of Akuya subconsciously.

The same lack of integrity, the same lack of majesty as a god.

Worthy of being one of the [Three Idiots Under the Sun]!

"Please raise your head, Lord Shangshen."

Bell stepped forward to help her up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and comforted her distressedly: "My lord God did nothing wrong. In the final analysis, this is the lottery drawn by the just Hermes God. It\'s all right with you."

O just Hermes.

Sorry, I laughed.

But it\'s a waste of time for Hestia to keep blaming herself like this, so let\'s comfort her a few words before continuing with the next plan.

"Mr. Beier is right, this is not your fault."

"Mr. Beier, Wu... It\'s great to have the two of you."

Hestia was moved.

"However, Apollo promised to find another helper, which made up for our combat strength a little."

Zhou Fangwu rubbed his chin, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "For this candidate, Mr. Bell and God Hestia, do you two have any suitable candidates?"

"Well, yes!"

Hestia puffed out her chest, and said proudly: "I have already selected a candidate for this, and her strength is not weak! But now this situation cannot be exposed, so I will hide her first."

"Is that so... Well, if that\'s the case, then you guys go prepare your battle strength."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand, indicating that he would not act with them.

This surprised Hestia and Bell.


"Why do you say that, isn\'t Wu going to be with us?"

"No, I have other things to do. In order to add another member, I will be away for three days.

In other words, you can only come back before the decisive battle begins. "

Zhou Fangwu had a smile on his face, he seemed to have some plans.

He is going to give Apollo...no, the entire Orari family, a big gift!

It\'s time to stir the wind and the rain in this labyrinth city!

"Members...wouldn\'t be—?!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Both Hestia and Bell understood.

Coincidentally, there was a sound of panicked footsteps from outside the house.

What caught my eye was the very conspicuous fiery red short hair.

It\'s Zolf.

He hurried in and said out of breath, "No, it\'s not good...! Lily... Lily, she was taken away! It\'s Sumo, it\'s [Sumo Family]!"



Both Bell and Hestia were surprised.

What happened to Lily made the already desperate family even worse.

"No! We\'re going to save her!"

Bell frowned, and immediately rushed out to rescue Lily.

But he was called back by Zhou Fangwu.

"Wait, Mr. Bell, you can\'t go now."


Bell was a little impatient, and growled in a low tone: "Lily... Isn\'t Lily our companion, why don\'t you save her!"

He is not mature yet.

Bell, who has never seen a sinister heart, doesn\'t know much about the filth in the dark, and his blood will only scar the kind-hearted him.

However, it is precisely because of his [sense of justice] that he has a pure heart, and therefore he can unswervingly move towards his goal.

"Listen to me carefully, Mr. Bell, it\'s not that we won\'t save her."

Zhou Fangwu pulled him back and explained to everyone: "The most urgent thing now is [War Game], Lily was taken away is their plan, if we really go to rescue, then we will fall headlong into their ambush trap. "

"Then, shall we not save Lily?"

Zorf gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily: "That man, Lily was so scared that he couldn\'t move as soon as he appeared, he is not a good person at first sight!"

"Regarding this, please rest assured that Lily will not be in danger. If you want to ask why... I can only say that the man who covets Lily\'s magic will never hurt Lily."

Before they could ask, Zhou Fangwu told them the reason.


"Don\'t worry, Mr. Bell, it\'s all right."

Hestia also comforted: "If we lose, the supporter is much better than being with us, so the most important thing is that you do what you should do now."

"…All right."


Bell and Zorf were convinced.

It\'s frustrating, but it\'s the only way to go.

"Then, what should we do now?"

Zorf, who just joined, asked about the next arrangement.

"Yes, we must act separately next."

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while and said:

"Mr. Bell, go to the [Loki Familia] to find Miss [Sword Princess] Ai Si, and ask her to help train your fighting skills.

Before, when you were fighting with that man, you didn\'t even use [Dance of Insects] because of your impulsiveness. It really shouldn\'t be done!

That is the only skill you can win, how can you forget it because of anger!

What\'s more, every time you fight with someone, you don\'t dare to attack the vital points, and you are too timid to make a move.

He wants your life, do you still want to live in peace with him?

In the dungeon, I haven\'t made the slightest progress, it shouldn\'t be!

So, for you now, it\'s time to step up again! "

Zhou Fangwu\'s words were so sharp that Bell was ashamed and unable to refute.

Zhou Fang said again: "If you are blocked, just say \'this is the reward Zhou Fangwu promised to fight her\'.

If that\'s the case, it should be fine. "

"Eh? Why, Wu Lai taught me better."

"As I said just now, I still need to find other members."

Rejecting Bell\'s fencing invitation, Zhou Fangwu patted him and Zorf on the shoulders, and told them:

"I won\'t be here for the next three days, so I will leave everything to you two...Although you are not a member of the [Hestia Familia], Zorf, I still ask for your help."

"...Ah, I must."

Under Zhou Fangwu\'s reminder, Zolf seemed to understand something.

It seems that after he goes back, he will talk to his **** about changing his family.

"Then everything will be arranged after I come back."

With that said, Zhou Fangwu turned and left, heading towards the dungeon.

Bell and Zorff also split up.

One went to Ais and the other to Hesfitus.

Of course, it\'s not just the two of them.

There are others in action too.

Until, three days later.

[War Game] officially begins!