Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 25: The Secret of the Sun's Breath

The breathing method of the sun is the initial breathing method.

The five breathing methods currently practiced by the Demon Killing Team are all derivatives of the Sun\'s Breathing Method, and are many times inferior to the Sun\'s Breathing Method.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Demon Slayer Squad has been searching for the breathing method of the sun in addition to looking for Onimai Tsuji for nearly a thousand years.

All because, in their view, the Sun Breathing Technique is the key to defeating Onimai Tsuji.

With the breathing method of the sun, you can greatly improve your own strength, and you can also effectively fight against Oni Wu Tsuji!

However, now they have heard the news of the Sun Breathing Method!

"The Breath of the Sun Comes to Me?" ! "

"...Shou Fang-kun, it doesn\'t look like you\'re joking." Although Ubuyashiki Yaoya couldn\'t see Zhou Fangwu\'s expression, but from Zhou Fangwu\'s tone, he could feel that Zhou Fangwu was not lying.

"Of course." Zhou Fangwu looked at the expressions of everyone.

It was Zhou Fangwu\'s decision to expose the breathing method of the sun face to face.

Now Lei has been slain, which means that the Blade of Ghost Slayer will soon be transformed into the Blade of Zhu Mie.

In a short time, Purgatory Kyojuro will go to the Infinity Train, and then he will fight against Yawoza of Shangxiansan, fighting until dawn and being killed, thus opening the following series of endings of pillar destruction, and the story will also proceed to the end of the final chapter The blade of group destruction.

And now, it is a good opportunity for Zhou Fangwu to accumulate strength!

All the pillars are there, their breathing methods and sword skills, as well as their battle experience, will be used by Zhou Fangwu.

And the emergence of the Sun\'s breathing method will also strengthen the strength of a wave of ghost killing teams.

Whether it is for the Ghost Killing Team or Zhou Fangwu, it is of great benefit!

This is called win-win!

"What did you say...the Sun\'s Breathing Method?" Purgatory Xingshourou said impatiently: "Where, where is the Sun\'s Breathing Method!?"

"Tell the gorgeous grandpa first, and I will fetch it and present it to the lord!" Yu Mao Tianyuan also expressed his merit.

"I\'ll go, I\'ll go!"

"What stupid things to say, of course leave this kind of thing to me!"

"I am me!"

The pillars at the top of the Ghost Slayer Squad are just like the general quarrelsome people in the neighborhood, noisy and noisy, without any reservations about being in a high position.

It\'s not their fault, after all, it\'s the sun breathing method that they have been thinking about for a thousand years.

Without looking, even Shitou Wuichiro, who had been wandering away all the time, his eyes burst out with eager light, staring at Zhou Fangwu.


Yuya Ubuyashiki said these two words calmly, and the noisy Demon Slayer Squad headquarters fell silent for a moment, "Let me ask Zhou Fang-kun to explain this issue in detail."

Zhou Fangwu didn\'t refuse, and said, "Just now you said, \'I don\'t know why Oniwu Tsujimu chased and killed Zaomen Tanjirou\', right?"

"That\'s right." Ubuyashiki Yoya seemed to understand something, "Could it be related to Tanjirou?"

"Well, it has a lot to do with it."

Zhou Fangwu pointed to Zaomen Tanjiro, and said, "I think Oniwu Tsuji will chase and kill Zaomen Tanjirou, probably because he is afraid."


Everyone fell into doubt.

"Do you know Ji Guo Yuan Yi?" Zhou Fangwu\'s topic was very jumpy, and everyone couldn\'t keep up.

But who doesn\'t know Ji Guoyuanyi\'s name?

"Zhou Fang-kun is talking about the senior of the Demon Slayer Squad who pioneered the breathing method of the sun and suppressed Onimai Tsuji for nearly a hundred years?"

"it\'s him!"

Zhou Fangwu continued to explain: "It is rumored that Ji Guoyuan was able to use the full-concentration breathing method from birth, and he was also the first swordsman to awaken the stripes. He was the natural enemy who drove Gui Wu Tsuji to a desperate situation and almost killed him."

"I didn\'t expect Zhou Fang-kun to know these secrets, but what does all this have to do with Onimai Tsuji\'s pursuit and killing of Tanjiro?"

Ubuyashiki Yoya tried to change the subject back.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m going to explain now."

Zhou Fangwu waved his hands, "Do you know what Ji Guo Yuanyi looks like?"


"Since Ji Guoyuan was born, he has flame-like markings on his forehead, and he wears sun pattern earrings on both ears, and even his hair is black and red..." Zhou Fangwu didn\'t finish his sentence, but everyone looked at Zaomen Charcoal Jiro\'s eyes had changed.

Stripes, sun-patterned earrings, black-red hair... This is already a clear indication!

"This guy, could it be..."

"Is it a descendant of Ji Guoyuanyi...?!"

"No, it won\'t be..."

Zhongzhu was already speechless in surprise.

Tanjirou Kamado in front of him is extremely weak, how could he be the descendant of Enichi Ji Kuni? !

Disqualified, too disqualified!

I am really ashamed of my ancestors!

Look at Shitou Muichiro, who is also a descendant of the successor country, he has become a pillar after holding a sword for only two months, which is worthy of the name of the successor country!

But Kamado Tanjiro immediately denied, "No, that\'s not the case! The scar on my forehead is not natural, it\'s a scar formed when I was burned because I was protecting my younger brother when I was young."

Hearing what he said, everyone suddenly realized and calmed down their excitement.

Ubuyashiki Yoya also came to his senses, "Could it be that Tanjirou was hunted down because he looks similar to Tsukuni Enichi?"

As expected of the leader of the Ghost Killing Squad, his mind is sensitive.

"That makes sense..."

"How could it be...as a ghost ancestor, sending people to chase and kill them just because of their similar looks...isn\'t it too gorgeous!"

"The impression of the ancestor of ghosts is shattered."

Zhong Zhu couldn\'t stop laughing at Oni Wu Tsuji\'s approach, and someone like Ganluji Mitsuri, who had a low laugh point, laughed out loud, "It\'s too funny."

"That\'s right, that\'s right."

All the pillars agreed with each other, and the evaluation of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi dropped a lot in their hearts. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"What I said, it\'s impossible for Kamado Tanjirou to be the descendant of Ji Kunienichi, it\'s too rubbish!" Undead Kawa Minami unceremoniously belittled and mocked Kamado Tanjirou, who was already ferocious The face is even more terrifying.

Kamado Tanjiro also remained silent, because what he said was indeed true.

He can\'t even protect his own sister.

Only Yoya Ubuyashiki noticed the problem, "Shoubo-kun, why Onimai Tsujimu chased and killed Tanjiro already understood, but what does this have to do with the Hi no Breathing Method?"

Only then did the others realize that from just now, what Zhou Fangwu said had nothing to do with the Sun\'s breathing method.

All the pillars held their breath and looked at Zhou Fangwu, waiting for him to speak.

Zhou Fangwu looked at them with a wicked smile, and said, "If I said that Kamado Tanjiro knows the breathing method of the day, what expressions would you make?"

"Nani—?!!" X9

Bad, too bad!

This kind of dragon king\'s return method, where the opening was downgraded to the extreme, and then reached the top in an instant, really made the expressions on Zhong Zhu\'s face toss up and down like a roller coaster ride. This feeling is really exciting.

Zhongzhu was dumbfounded again, his mouth turned up and down but no sound came out.

"Tanjiro, you still say that you are not a descendant of Ji Kuni Enichi! "

After a while, the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad started to be as noisy as a vegetable market.

"The breathing method of the sun... the breathing method of the sun, unexpectedly... actually...!"

"No...are you kidding me?"

"Is it true, is it true?!"

They looked at Zhou Fangwu eagerly, and after getting Zhou Fangwu\'s affirmation, Zhongzhu looked at Zaomen Tanjirou very hotly.