Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 226: Attack on the God of Beauty [must see! 】

【God\'s Banquet】

As the name suggests, it is a banquet hosted by God.

Although the name is grand and admirable, it is actually just an ordinary banquet held by the gods from time to time when the gods are bored.

Even if the venue is a noble and elegant large auditorium, it still can\'t change that the gods are like down-to-earth market uncles and aunts, gathering together to brag and fart, compare each other, and quarrel non-stop.

In fact, this has long been the norm.

Even if they are gods, they also have the same heart to compare with human beings.

Even their body is more vigorous than human beings.

However, at this banquet, some changes have taken place.

"Hey! Freya! Little brat!"

When Loki saw his deadly enemy Hestia coming to the venue, she left Dionysus and Demeter regardless, and then ran in the direction of the poor loli god.

It\'s just that her face, which was smiling happily, suddenly became ugly.

Because she saw her deadly enemy, Hestia actually put on an evening dress!

Although this evening dress is very simple, Loki, who doesn\'t like wearing women\'s evening dresses, didn\'t put it on specially this time to be able to mock her?

But in this way, wouldn\'t his plan be aborted?

Compared with Hestia, who has a huge mountain peak, doesn\'t he look like a clown? !

Oh, she would have been a clown.

That\'s fine.

Not only her, Hestia was also upset when she saw Loki.



The two disliked each other.

Loki, who felt as if he had done something superfluous, pulled Hestia\'s evening dress and said, "Hey, little man, where did you get the evening dress you were wearing, didn\'t you steal it? "

There is no lack of malice towards the loli **** in front of her in her words.

As an evil god, she naturally belittled her deadly enemy mercilessly.

Freya, who was watching the two bickering, also asked her own doubts, "Yes, Hestia, I am also curious."

"Indeed, I didn\'t expect that Hestia, who was crying and running to say that she had no money, no place to live, and couldn\'t find a job, would put on a dress in just one month. Was it a stroke of luck?"

Interrupted by a tall woman wearing a blindfold, she is the **** of fire and craftsman - Hephaestus!

As a good friend of Hestia, Hephaestus was also very curious about how his impoverished **** friend could wear an evening dress.

The poor Kitchen God has changed from his shabby appearance before, and Hestia is even more charming after he is dressed up in a formal dress.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of all the male gods present.

The gathered gaze made Hestia straighten his back proudly, and the already proud mountain became even taller and straighter.

[Mountain] Hestia VS [Cliff] Loki!

The two formed a stark contrast.

This made Loki shed tears of envy and as if she couldn\'t bear the [huge] blow, she ran away crying desperately.

"Big luck... well, that\'s right."

Hestia stretched out his right hand to make a victory gesture, and said proudly: "Anyway, I have my own family!"

"Ah, is that the human named Bell?"

As a **** friend, Hephaestus certainly heard her muttering in her ear, "Is that... the boy with white hair and red pupils?"

"No, not him."

"Eh? Isn\'t that the boy?"

"It\'s not Bell-kun, but another boy who has just joined the family!"

Hearing what she said, Hephaestus was obviously taken aback.

Even Freya, who wanted to propose leaving, stopped and listened quietly to Hestia bragging about her new family.

"Hey, just your family, it\'s really strange."

"What do you call me a family member!"

Of course Hestia was not happy to hear that his **** friend belittled him.

But she immediately said proudly: "Wu Ke is a good boy. He is mature, stable, and polite. Most importantly, his incomparable [armor], if he grows up, he will be able to disdain the entire Orario!"

Let me explain again!

The nature of this banquet is that the gods compare and show off each other!

If given the chance, they would brag about it even more.

Even Hestia is the same, but the Bell she often flaunted before is too unknown, so other gods regard her as a self-entertaining nature of "their own child is the best in the world", He didn\'t pay attention to her.

"The thing that makes me the happiest is that the child took the initiative to choose my family!"

As if it was something to be proud of, Hestia stood tall and proud.

Hephaestus asked aloud, "Is that child so special?"

Seeing the expression of her **** friend, she was very curious, which was very different from when Hestia introduced her only family member before.

"Special, really special!"

Finding that his **** friend was interested, Hestia stepped up his efforts.

"When I met him for the first time, I felt that he was no different from ordinary people. Even after talking to him, I just thought he was a mature, stable, polite boy, but when I gave him favors, I realized that he, he..."

Hestia scratched her head in distress, as if she couldn\'t find a suitable sentence to describe it.

"It\'s like jewels that have been dusted. After a simple wipe, it emits its own radiance—the incomparably dazzling and gorgeous light that can\'t be lost to anyone."

Freya who was quietly at the side suddenly said this sentence, "Is that so, Hestia."

"Yes, that\'s it! Freya will say it!"

Hestia said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Wu chose me, otherwise I would have missed this outstanding child!"

After she finished speaking, she smiled foolishly, completely unaware of the maliciousness that came quietly.

"Yeah, I almost missed it too..."

"Huh? Freya, did you say something?"

"No, you heard wrong."


Hestia glanced at her suspiciously, then suddenly remembered that he had something to do, and said to his **** friend: "Hephaestus, I have something to ask for your help!"

"What\'s the matter? I told you in advance that if I borrow money, I won\'t lend it to you even Wallis!"

Hephaestus solemnly made his request to Hestia, who had a criminal record.

Don\'t even think about borrowing money from yourself!

"Am I that kind of person!"

Hestia yelled in dissatisfaction, then pointed to the evening dress on her body, and said, "I already have money to wear an evening dress, so how can I borrow money from you?"

"Indeed... Then, if you have anything to ask me, let me hear it."

Hephaestus said again in a low voice: "Based on what you said, I may choose to sever all ties with you."

"Actually, I would like to ask you, Hephaestus, to help me build two weapons with your own hands."

"I reject!"

As soon as Hestia finished speaking, she was flatly rejected.

"Eh—?! Why!"

Hestia looked at his **** friend in surprise, and asked loudly, "Why did Hephaestus reject me!"

"You are, why are you so surprised?"

Hephaestus sighed, leaning on his forehead and explained to God Lori: "Hestia, you know how expensive my family\'s weapons are, and you asked me to build them myself, I don\'t think so. You can afford that huge fee."

"I know."

Hestia nodded, not surprised, "Of course I know that it will cost a lot to make weapons for you, Hephaestus."


"But! I have something to trade!"

"Something?" X2

Not only Hephaestus, but even Freya had an interested expression.

She was very curious about what this poor loli **** could come up with that would make Hephaestus\' heart flutter.

"This is it!"

Hestia took out a few pieces of ore hidden in the mountain and handed them to Hephaestus, the God of Craftsmen.

"what is this?"

Hephaestus was playing with it in his hands, and at the same time asked his **** friend.

"You can tell at a glance, this is ore."

"Of course I know this is ore, I mean, where did you get it?"

"It\'s my family, it was given to me by Wu!"

Hestia puffed out her chest again.

Freya asked aloud, "That\'s the human who joined the Familia later, isn\'t it?"

"Ah, did I mention that Wu is human?"

Hestia was puzzled for a moment and said:

"However, it\'s just like what you said, Freya.

Wu Zeng told me before I came here that these are the few unique ores left in the world.

If you don\'t agree with Hephaestus, I will show you these few ores, and then you should be able to agree. "

"You should be able to promise... something."

Hephaestus said to Hestia: "Isn\'t this just an ordinary stone?"

"How?! This can\'t be an ordinary stone!"

Hestia would of course refute loudly when he heard his **** friend say such words.

"Why, are you questioning my vision of the God of [Fire and Craftsman]?"

"No, but...Wu Ta will never lie to me!"

It seems that if they don\'t communicate well, there may be a gap between the two of them.


No matter how you look at it, there is a problem.

Want to say why?

Because Freya saw that Hephaestus\' right hand was tightly clutching the few pieces of ore and would not let go.

Although his complexion did not change as usual, this actually explained everything even more.

[If it was an ordinary stone, it should have been discarded long ago. 】

"Hephaestus, you are lying."

Freya\'s words shocked the two people in front of her, "Those ores are very rare."

"...Tsk, you really found out, Freya."

Hephaestus clicked his tongue softly, looking slightly annoyed.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Only Hestia didn\'t respond.

"It means that the few ores you brought are indeed, as you said, unique ores in this world...at least, I have never seen them before."

Seeming to get angrier as he spoke, Hephaestus squeezed her cheek fiercely, and scolded loudly: "Why did you take it out so openly, do you know the value of these ores? The idiot!"

She was worrying about her **** friend.

If news of these few ores spread, even if Hestia said that they were the only few, those greedy gods would not think so.

Is it hidden?

Is it a monopoly?

Greed is the most terrible thing, even Freya would choose to start a family war.

And Hestia is the weakest family member of Orario, and he will definitely not be able to face those powerful family members.

"Ah, as expected..."

Hestia was not surprised at all, she seemed to know the value of these ores from the beginning.

"Sure enough... what do you mean?"

Hephaestus felt that he couldn\'t understand his **** friend anymore. He hadn\'t seen him for only a month, and the change was so huge.

More importantly, Hestia dared to play tricks on him!

This made her even angrier, and she pinched her face more and more until Hestia begged for mercy, and she let go.

Hephaestus asked: "What\'s going on, explain it quickly!"

"My child, Wu is a very special person."

Hestia thought for a while and said, "From the moment we met, he has values ​​that are different from other children. He doesn\'t like to owe favors to others."

"Don\'t like being in debt?"

"Well, with him like this, it feels like he\'s doing a fair deal."

Hestia replied softly, "Before, when I granted him the favor, he also asked me to move out of the basement, and prepared this evening dress for me.

This time too... Obviously I selfishly wanted to build a weapon for Bell, and I clearly said that I had nothing to do with him, but he forced these few ores to me as if he was repaying [someone]\'s kindness. "

"is that so."

"Yes! So, please, Hesfitus!"

After speaking, she begged Hephaestus to grant her wish.

"Ah, trouble."

Hephaestus tugged at her hair, but she agreed after a short thought, "Forget it, for the sake of these few ores, I promise you."


"But! The material fee is unnecessary, but my handicraft fee is very expensive. You have to be mentally prepared, understand?"

"Yes, I have realized it a long time ago!"

After that, Hestia discussed with Hephaestus what kind of weapon to build.

They didn\'t even know when Freya left.


"Don\'t you like being in debt...?"

In the staff dormitory on the second floor of the tavern, Hill was shaking a glass bottle.

Two of the 500 Wallis coins collided with the wall of the bottle and made a pleasant tinkling sound.

This made Anya on the side interested.

"It\'s so strange, meow, why did you make bento, Hill, even Mia\'s mother refused."

"Because you can earn tips."

Hill said as a matter of course: "Look, there are 1,000 Wallis in 2 days, what a generous reward."

She shook the small glass bottle, and the two coins made a pleasant sound again.

"But, he seems very unhappy meow." Anya told a hurtful fact.

"That\'s right...it\'s because the bento I made is terrible." Hill sighed a little depressed.

It looked as if she didn\'t want to give up the tempting extra income of 500 wallis a day.

This did not arouse the suspicion of others.

"For this, I can think of a way for you meow."

"What is it?"

"Forcibly sell the bento to him, meow! If you don\'t buy it, we will teach him a lesson, just like today, meow!"

Aniya said proudly enough to be regarded as a prisoner, "Just like I did before, I took him into the tavern without any reason, and then sold him the most expensive set menu here meow!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was lightly hit on the back of the head.

"Don\'t trouble our tavern, you stupid Anya."

It was Lunova Fast who beat her.

In the tavern, he plays the role of the persuader of the two cat-eared girls who are out of character, always admonishing them not to dig their own graves and get carried away.

Do your duty as you do now.

"Then, what should I do, meow?"

"Shouldn\'t Hill practice his cooking skills in this situation, and then let him buy it willingly?" Lu Nova at the side finally couldn\'t stand it anymore, so she reminded her aloud.

Aniya shouted in shock after hearing this: "Meow meow! There is still such a method!"

Lu Nuova rested her forehead and sighed, "It\'s better to say, this is the normal way."

"Yes, just like what Lunova said, I also need to practice my cooking skills."

It seems that Hill chose to practice cooking, and then she set a goal for herself, "...at least, the kind that can be eaten!"

"Okay! Let\'s work hard starting tomorrow, meow!"

"Then from tomorrow~www.novelhall.com~ let Anya be my dish tester."

"Meow meow meow meow—?!"

"Ok, deal."

For Hill who didn\'t reject her at all, and in Lunova\'s mournful and conciliatory eyes, Anya suddenly doubted her life.

Who in this tavern doesn\'t know how bad Hill\'s craftsmanship is.

It\'s not a question of whether you can eat it, it\'s kind of... It\'s a question of not knowing if you can live or not.

But at this time, she could no longer refuse, so she could only passively accept the coming devastation.

I just hope that my delicate cat-eared girl won\'t be spoiled by Hill.

As the persecutor, Hill looked at the glass bottle in his hand, imagining what it would look like when it was filled, and at the same time had a charming smile on his face that no one could refuse.

— That\'s the smile of the Goddess of Beauty!