Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 136: Tease Shiprell

"Didn\'t expect that I traveled again and again (!

"Crack clap clap clap."

Seeing Subaru Nayue clearing up the trio of gangsters neatly, Zhou Fangwu couldn\'t help clapping his hands.

OK, great!

The surprise that Natsuki Subaru gave him was really big.

Zhou Fangwu thought that Nayue Subaru would slack off after he left, but he didn\'t expect his strength to improve so obviously!

The sudden applause caught the attention of a man and a woman in the alley.

Natsuki Subaru originally wanted to step forward to care about the safety of the beautiful girl, but he could only stop when he heard the applause, holding the long knife at his waist and waiting.

"Don\'t be nervous, Cai Yue-jun, it\'s me."

"Oh—! It\'s Wu!"

When Zhou Fangwu jumped off the roof, Nayue Subaru was overjoyed when he saw who was coming.

"Yo, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Wu! I miss you so much! Without you, I can\'t sleep every night!"


Is the ambiguity of this sentence a bit big?

Well, it may be that his strength has increased, and Natsuki Subaru\'s open-mouthed attributes have also increased a lot.

"It\'s better than anything else to see you so energetic."

"Yeah, I have worked hard for Emilia Tan, I really hope Wu Neng will praise me."

"Well, Mr. Caiyue did a good job and deserves praise."

The two just chatted like no one else, completely forgetting about the beautiful girl beside them.

This kind of behavior is extremely disrespectful in the eyes of a beautiful girl.

"Hey, you two disrespectful people! Are you deliberately fooling me by leaving my body aside!"

Sure enough, the beautiful girl got angry.

Recklessly insulting the savior.

She didn\'t feel grateful to Natsuki Subaru for saving her at all, instead she felt it was a matter of course.

A sense of overbearing overlord came over me.

This attitude made Zhou Fangwu raise his eyebrows.

look at her.

What catches the eye is her extremely conspicuous blood red dress.

The girl in front of me is very beautiful.

Vibrant orange hair seemed to reflect the radiance of the sun, white skin, light peach lips, and provocative hanging eyes with hot red pupils.

The figure is bumpy and the chest is very full.

She folded her arms, and even filled the gorgeous dress, which would collapse if she was not careful, making one wonder if she was strangled.

All kinds of expensive jewelry are worn on the head, neck, and hands, and a luxurious folding fan inlaid with precious stones is held in the hand.

— No wonder she\'s being targeted by a trio of punks.

She is dressed in gold and silver, and she looks like a very rich person.

Priscilla Balier

One of the candidates for the throne, known as [Bloody Bride].

There is a protection called "Sun\'s Protection", and the effect is that various actions will be corrected during the day.

It is a very powerful protection!

At the same time, her own magic attribute is [Yang], combining her protection with her own excellent magic ability, she has a combat power comparable to that of Crusch!

At this time, she was looking at the two dissatisfied, and was very dissatisfied with the man in front of her ignoring her behavior.

"Isn\'t this, isn\'t this Priscilla Balier-sama, one of the candidates for the successor of the kingdom?!"

As if he just saw her, Zhou Fangwu hurriedly bowed to her.

He said in a cadenced tone: "It\'s the first time I met you. My name is Zhou Fangwu. I am currently serving as [Silver-haired Fairy] Lord Emilia\'s guard knight. I am rude, please forgive me."

With false politeness and exaggerated acting skills, Hipler\'s eyes instantly became dangerous.

"You, did you do it on purpose?"


"Before you have been looking down here from above, since you know the concubine, how can you not see the concubine?"

She is self-aware of her conspicuousness, and at the same time blames the rude man in front of her.

"You really misunderstood me. I just paid too much attention to my housekeeper and accidentally ignored you. Please forgive me."

"The housekeeper? Ah, it\'s him~"

As if she had just discovered Subaru Nayue, she pointed to the butler who had saved her just now, and said dissatisfiedly, "This guy dares to disturb my concubine\'s elegant mood, he really deserves death."

As soon as these words came out, Natsuki Subaru couldn\'t bear it anymore.

"Hey, you woman! I saved you just now! If I didn\'t show up, you know what will happen to you!"

"Saved? Hmm...sorry, didn\'t notice at all."

Hearing Natsuki Subaru\'s words, Hipler tilted his head with an incredulous expression.

"I did not notice-?!"

Nayuki Subaru suddenly felt that his heroic act of saving the beauty just now was for nothing.

Because the beautiful girl doesn\'t care at all!

"Damn it. This is no longer a level of reciprocation."

He muttered unwillingly.

It\'s not that he has a good impression of the beautiful girl in front of him, but simply wants to be handsome and be a hero to save the beauty.

However, the experience brought about by the hero saving the beauty this time was very unfriendly to him.

The beautiful imagination in my heart was suddenly disillusioned.

"Do not misunderstand!

Even if you don\'t come, the concubine will not be harmed, after all, the concubine is super strong!

No, something simpler!

——This world revolves around the concubine, and absolutely nothing will happen to the concubine!

The concubine\'s salvation is all due to the concubine\'s body!

However, you take this as your own credit, don\'t you feel ashamed to steal credit or something! "

Hearing what Natsuki Subaru said, Hipler confidently declared his absoluteness.

As if taking it for granted, she asserts her [absoluteness]!


If the Archbishop of Laziness and Sin was here, he would definitely suspect that the girl in front of him was being arrogant.

However, Hipler did have contact with the Arrogant Sin Archbishop.

"Oh, that\'s right... Sorry, we did something unnecessary. In this case, we will leave first."

I found that the girl in front of me was the type who had brain problems and couldn\'t communicate.

After knowing that there was no repayment, Natsuki Subaru said something very coldly. The two immediately turned to leave.

"Stop for me, I haven\'t finished talking yet!"

Hipler annoyed the two who were about to leave after talking to themselves.

"what happened again?"

"Continue with the topic just now!"

Hipler pointed at Zhou Fangwu who was walking ahead with the folding fan in his hand, blamed and questioned him, and said:

"You, knowing who I am, but treating me with this attitude, are you provoking me on behalf of that half-demon elf!"

She absolutely hates people who have no dignity.

Zhou Fangwu\'s fake attitude just touched her minefield.

It would be fine if her nature was like this, but she just pretended it. This bad behavior made her feel uncomfortable.

"I\'m not, I\'m not, don\'t talk nonsense."

Zhou Fangwu quickly waved his hands and shook his head in denial.

But no matter how you look at it, he is perfunctory.

Doesn\'t this prove that it was faked?

"You bastard... how dare you fool me like this!"

Hipler pointed at Zhou Fangwu and said, "Irreverent, as one of the candidates for the successor of the kingdom, I ask you to kneel down and apologize!"

"I reject."

Zhou Fangwu refused without thinking.

"Why do you have dignity again at this time!"

"You can\'t kneel when you kneel. It is impossible to kneel in this life. There is gold under the man\'s knees. I am afraid that my knees will hurt."

"That concubine only asks you to apologize!"

"I reject."

"You disrespectful person! Sure enough, you are fooling the concubine!"

The two started bickering mode.

Although they were fighting verbally, the two did not fight, instead they both seemed to be enjoying it.

It\'s just that the time of bickering was a little long, and Natsuki Subaru couldn\'t stand it anymore. He was very worried about Emilia.

Immediately intervene between the two.

"Let me tell you~www.novelhall.com~ What\'s the matter with you, we saved you!"

"Hmph! I don\'t need you to save me, I can save myself!"

This attitude of Hipler, in the eyes of outsiders, is unreasonable.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that what she said was true.

Because of [the protection of the sun], of course she is not afraid.

And Zhou Fangwu\'s purpose of provoking her like this is for this!

[Protection of the Sun] Here I come!

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