Umbrella Travel to the Heavens

Chapter 6

In the middle of the day, everything was warm under the sun.

At this time, the cold spring is just over, and it's just April when it's getting warmer. It's such a good weather that the streets of the small town at the foot of Wudang Mountain are very busy.

There are lots of street stalls on both sides of the street, such as jewelry, rouge, fruit, groceries, teahouses, pubs and so on.

People coming and going on the street, shopping, carrying, pulling cars and delivering goods, all kinds of pedestrians are bustling.

Li Xiu sat on the second floor of the restaurant by the window, looking down at the bustling things.

Although the modern streets are more luxuriant, it's a different scene here. Li Xiu has lived here for several days, but he still has a novelty.

A table of good food and wine just put on, small two bow back.

Li Xiu didn't mean to move chopsticks. He was waiting for someone.

After a while, a thin old man with old clothes and wrinkled face went up to the open second floor and had a look. When he saw Li Xiu, his muddy eyes lit up a little.

"Old man Yang?"

Old man Yang looks at Li Xiu, who is rich in ink and bamboo. He doesn't know why he doesn't export his reply, but he just answers his head in embarrassment.

"Sit down."

Seeing the old man coming this way, Li Xiu put away his golden lotus fan and waved it.

When Yang sat down, he thought about the conversation in his mind, but he didn't continue.

Looking at the young man who sent for him, he didn't mean to talk to him. Instead, he looked out of the window with great interest. For a moment, old man Yang felt a little nervous.

Old man Yang also tried to learn from the childe brother and looked out of the window. As usual, he didn't find any interesting scene, so he took back his eyes.

The young man in front of him didn't move his chopsticks, and he didn't dare to move in front of the rich and luxurious dishes.

More than ten breath of silence in the past, old man Yang gradually felt uncomfortable, and even some on pins and needles.

Finally, when old man Yang couldn't sit still, the young man still looked out of the window but opened his mouth.

"How much silver can you earn in a year, old man?"

I didn't mean to introduce myself, and I didn't apologize, as if there was nothing wrong with old man Yang waiting.

And coincidentally, in the face of such rudeness, Yang didn't have the slightest annoyance. Instead, he replied quickly and respectfully.

"Back to you, old man, I can have nineteen twenty-six dollars a year at most."

Obviously, this number is really high for Mr. Yang, otherwise he would not remember it so clearly.

But in front of the rich man who didn't know the world affairs, he felt a little surprised at this number.

"Oh? Is it that small? "

The boy finally turned his head back, no longer focused on the window, and looked at old man Yang.

Because of this, the old man's face turned red.

But the next second, Yang's mind was attracted by the sudden increase of things on the table. The next sentence from the young man made Yang's heart beat harder and almost gasped for breath.

There was a big piece of gold on the table, followed by an understatement.

"Here are thirty taels of gold. It's yours."


After a long time, the greasy and red faced old man Yang went downstairs, nodded to the four big men guarding the stairs on the second floor, and left the restaurant happily.

Looking at old man Yang who was not alone when he came, Li Xiu withdrew his eyes.

He took out a handful of broken silver from his purse and scattered it on the table. The four men who had pretended to be his servants divided up and left with a fist in their arms.

Call the shopkeeper and pay for the food and drinks and the money for the private shop on the second floor.

Li Xiu went downstairs and walked out of the best restaurant in the town to an ordinary Inn not far away.

Back in his room, he ordered some small dishes and sent them upstairs. At a small table, some hungry Li Xiu began to eat.

There's no way. In order to keep the oppressive style of the son of the aristocratic family to the end, the meal with old man Yang just now was eaten by old man Yang. He just shook his fan and drank a little.

It's also interesting to talk about that. After Li Xiu came to this world, he lived much more freely and extravagantly than in modern times.

More than a month ago, Li Xiu walked out of the bamboo forest not long in that direction. Then he saw the official road and came to the town along the official road.

At that time, Li Xiu was careful in his words, but he didn't let out anything. A few days later, he learned a lot.

For example, his wealth, the four hundred taels of gold tickets and two bags of silver found from Zhang Fengshan and Zhang Fengshan, would be equivalent to millions if they were modern!

If there is no big accident, the money will be enough for Li Xiu to eat and drink. He will be a rich man until he dies.

Of course, Li Xiu will not be satisfied with it after he knows about the seven injury boxing.

After he settled down in the small town, he immediately asked an old boy to teach him how to read. Now, nothing else, at least daily use is not a problem.

He also read about the two secret books, one is sword and the other is boxing.

Although he knows some words separately, he can't understand the meaning of a combination, but that doesn't prevent him from finding that he can't practice these two martial arts.

One of the nameless swordsmanship does not contain any mental skill, and the other is mental skill with the strength of qishang boxing, but Li Xiu does not dare to practice it.

How famous is qishang boxing!

It can be said that in the story of relying on heaven to kill the dragon, in addition to those peerless skills, Li Xiu was most impressed by his martial arts.

Seven injury boxing is a kind of fierce, vicious and powerful boxing.

The trained person can give out seven different kinds of strength in one boxing, which are hard and fierce, yin and soft, hard and soft in the hard, hard in the soft, horizontal delivery, straight out, or inward contraction.

If the enemy can't resist the continuous seven forces, he will hurt his internal organs and even die instantly!

However, this martial arts has a big side effect, that is, seven injury boxing practice seven injury! If you want to hurt the enemy, you must hurt yourself first!

Seven injuries means that not only the five zang organs but also the mind and will will be affected.

Of course, if you want to avoid these, there is no way. The first sentence of the seven injury fist score clearly says the solution.

That is to say, if you master your internal power, you will not suffer from seven injuries!

Li Xiu thinks that this sentence is almost nonsense!

Even the top five Kongtong masters of Kongtong school at this time are not great at internal power, and they have to suffer from seven injuries!

Zhang Sanfeng at this time and Zhang Wuji in the future can be identified among the people with great internal power in the river and lake. It seems that they are not clear beyond that.

As for Li Xiu, he is not strong even among ordinary people at this time. If he really practices according to the seven injury boxing score, not to mention whether he can play the power of the seven injury boxing, I'm afraid whether he can survive this year is a difficult problem!

So no matter what, Li Xiu needs a Book of internal mental skills, and the level is not too low.

At that time, after realizing this, Li Xiu came up with the idea of Wudang sect, which was too close to him.

Although I'm old and well-established, Wudang may not accept it, but I always have to try.

As long as you learn your own internal skill, you can try to practice that nameless sword technique. It's of the same value as qishang boxing. It's supposed to be powerful.

After that, as soon as he had enough strength to protect himself in the Jianghu, he immediately set out to find the Nine Yang Scripture in Kunlun mountain.

If he is best before Zhang Wuji, he is not afraid after that. After all, Zhang Wuji will bury the Nine Yang Sutra.

Li Xiu's early goal plan has been worked out, but later, when he inquired about the news about Wudang school, Li Xiu got a surprise.

It's about Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang. It's also about the world!

In many small towns, when people talk about Zhang Sanfeng, there is another word after the fixed adjectives, such as immortal, crane hair and child face, immortal, etc., that is, face is rich.

To put it mildly, it's better to say that Zhang Sanfeng, the first master in the world and the founder of Wudang in his 100s, is a fat man! Fat man!

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