My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 126 Zheng's proposal

"Don't you know Zheng has been promoted to level six Star Division?" Yan Chen asked with wide eyes.

Murphy nodded and said, "you know, it's hard to know if he's making so much noise!"

Yan Chen, with a bitter face, said gloomily, "I've been promoted one by one. Why can't I be promoted? It's very urgent."

After patting Yan Chen on the shoulder, Murphy said: "Yan Yan, as long as you put the strength of eating into cultivation, you will surely be promoted."

Yan Chen shook his head and muttered, "it's fun to eat in cultivation!"

Yan Chen scratched her head and said happily, "I thought Zheng's endorsement would not sell as well as yours, but now he's promoted. This morning, his endorsement sold out. I wonder if I should give him some bonus." Thirty thousand star coins are really a little shabby!

Looking at Yan Chen, Mo Fei blinked and complained: "Yan Yan, you are eccentric! Just think about giving Zheng Jia a bonus. Do you want to think about giving me a bonus? "

"You? It's not non ah! If you are the first in the pharmacy competition, Chen Chen and I said, let him increase your bonus by 500 million yuan, 300 million yuan in the first three competitions, 100 million yuan in the first ten competitions, OK? " Yan Chen is sweet.

If I look at Yan Chen with a little suspicion, I secretly doubt where I have exposed my horse's feet, so that Yan Chen can see that I can win the first place. Although I am a little nervous, but I still cooperate with the tunnel: "OK!"

Yan Chen breathed out a sigh and looked at Mo Fei compassionately: "it's not! You don't want to think too much. The top ten is too far away from you. I was just joking. "

"Well, if you are not the last one, I will ask Chen Chen to give you five million star coins. If you are not the last three, I will ask Chen Chen to give you three million star coins. If you are not the last ten, one million star coins, OK?"

"Yan Yan, do you think I will be the number one?" he asked curiously

Yan Chen touched his chin, and his eyes sincerely stopped him. "If I don't make a mistake, you should be the last one!"

Murphy: &Yan Chen patted Mo Fei on the shoulder! How on earth did you offend any female devil? She didn't send anyone. She recognized that you should be humiliated. "

Murphy: &Amp; quot;

took a deep breath and said, "Yan Yan, how do you know that I must be ashamed?"

Yan Chen shrugged and naturally said, "isn't this something that is clearly set out? How can you rank as a first-class pharmacist compared with a group of third, fourth and fifth class pharmacists? "

"Can I tell you! The female devil can't teach the students. The students she sent out to participate in the competition are basically at the bottom. "

Murphy: &Yan Chen patted Murphy on the shoulder and said, "it's not so! If you don't want to lose face, you can consider redeeming yourself. "

Could it not help asking, "redeem yourself?"

Yan Chen nodded and said, "yes! That devil doesn't seem to eat fireworks. In fact, she's greedy. If you pay, she may agree to change someone to humiliate you. That's not right! If you want to redeem yourself, I can do it for you. "

"Yan Yan, why are you so kind to me? Are you in love with me? " It's a little confused.

Yan Chen smiled shyly and said with a sad face: "in fact, I am selfish. If you take the bottom one, the things you speak for will not be sold. That's right! How can you offend the devil if you are immortal? "

Murphy: &How can Yan Chen decide that he is the last one.

"Yan Yan, I must take part in the potion competition. I can't get rid of it." There is no alternative.

Yan Chen looked at Murphy gloomily, grabbed Murphy's hand and said, "it's not! Since you can't get rid of it, you remember never to take the last but the second. "

Murphy nodded and said, "I will try my best."

Murphy thought: if Wu gouyue's request is as good as Yan Chen's, it's a pity that the girl's heart is black!

Marshal Zheng's office.

"Where are you going?" Zheng honghei stopped Zheng, who was going out.

"I'm going out." Zheng light tunnel.

"You just got promoted. Why don't you stay at home and consolidate, and run out?" Zheng Hong looks at Zheng Dao displeased.

Zheng Li said bluntly, "no matter what, I will go out."

Looking at Zheng's expression, Zheng Hong sighed, "Lin Feiyu and the eldest prince have dissolved their engagement. Lin Feiyu now lives in the third prince's mansion."

Zheng raised his head and saw a trace of surprise in his eyes. "Lin Feiyu lives in the third prince's mansion now, so he must be angry one by one."

Zheng Hong nodded and said, "it should be."

Zheng's eyes twinkled and said, "since that's the case, I'll find a way to move in one by one."

Zheng Hong disagreed and said, "I think it's very important for Mo to have a box. At this point, he will not leave Mo Fei."

Zheng thought for a moment and said, "it's a big deal. I'll take the third princess to live?"

Zheng Hong is stupefied for a moment, immediately furious, "nonsense."

Zheng raised his head and argued for the truth: "where am i fooling around? By what means, my wife must live in the third prince's mansion, not the third prince's wife. "

Zheng Hong sneered: "Mo Yi is not your wife yet."

Zheng grinds his teeth and says, "sooner or later it will be."

Zheng Hong disagreed and said, "really! I'll wait. "

Zheng clenched his fist and walked out of Marshal Zheng's mansion.

On the way to the Royal College, Zheng was unexpectedly found outside the school gate, standing by a barbecue stand waiting for the finished products.

There were not many people within two meters around Zheng, but there were many people around him in the distance, and many curious eyes fell on Zheng.

Many people secretly took photos of Zheng in the building. Zheng didn't respond at all. I don't know whether he didn't find them or didn't care.

"Zheng, why are you here?" Building full of accidents came to Zheng and asked.

Zheng smiled and said, "I'll give you something to eat."

Looking at Zheng, the building frowned and said, "you just got promoted today. Don't you need to consolidate it? Will you just run out like this? "

Zheng disagreed and said, "it doesn't matter. I can't delay delivering food to you one by one! The third princess said that as long as I send them one by one for a hundred days in a row, he will surely fall in love with me. "

The corner of the building's mouth twitched for a moment. "You're very kind to 11!"

Zheng disagreed and said, "one is better for me."

The building couldn't help laughing.

Zheng looked at the building and asked excitedly, "third prince, I heard that you and Lin Feiyu are going to get back together soon. In this way, you can get rid of the third princess as soon as possible. You can get rid of the third princess as soon as possible, so that I can take them to the mansion one by one and take them to the mansion by the way."

When the building heard Zheng's words, it almost couldn't come at one breath and fainted directly.

"Who are you listening to The building is not well ventilated.

Zheng shrugged. "Isn't it? That's what everyone said! Why don't you want to reunite with Lin Feiyu and pick him up? "

The building gnashed its teeth and said, "Lin Feiyu just lives in my house for the time being. I didn't mean to mend the old relationship with him."

Zheng sighed and said, "what a pity."

The building gnashed its teeth and looked at Zheng. It said to him, "Zheng, you bastard, don't persuade him to understand or not!"! Before I lost myself, I saw him pitifully, and I still spoke good words for him in front of Mo Yi. As a result, this guy paid him back.

"What are you going to do with Lin Feiyu?" Zheng asked.

The building exhaled, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"You are too indecisive, I am not like you, you can refer to my practice!" Zheng is a little proud.

Looking at Zheng, the building turned a white eye. Referring to Zheng's practice, could Lin Feiyu be sent to the night? He and Zheng are not the same at all.

Zheng was cheated by Xu Zihan for three years. Xu Zihan's mother persecuted him secretly. He really liked Lin Feiyu before.

Looking at the expression of the building, Zheng said to himself: the building guy may be smarter than himself, but he is not as reliable as himself, and he is not so good.

"Boss, are you ready?" Zheng asked.

The barbecue seller said respectfully, "OK, OK, 200 strings, you order."

Zheng walked into the Royal College with a pile of kebabs.

Looking at Zheng, the building asked, "are you going in like this?"

Zheng nodded and said, "yes!"

The building looked at Zheng with a twitch on its face, and said in secret: the poor guard is good-natured, or he will surely be thrown out.

I don't know about the building. It's not that the gatekeeper has a good temper, but that the strength of the gatekeeper is not enough. In fact, several gatekeepers are eager to blow out Zheng, a guy who has reduced the level of Royal College.

Zheng is also a man of the moment, especially his promotion to the sixth level, but also reaped countless attention.

Looking at Zheng holding a large handful of mutton kebabs and receiving a lot of people's attention, the building still looks the same, and suddenly has some admiration.

Mo Fei and Mo came out of the college and saw Zheng.

Zheng stands in the campus, has a kind of distinctive taste.

Mo Yi sees Zheng holding a big handful of mutton kebabs and wants to pretend not to know him.

If it's a ticket, don't look at it! Zheng is also kind-hearted. I thought he just got promoted and couldn't come. "

Mo Yi couldn't help but smile and say, "I thought it would be humiliating not to accompany him today, but I still can't escape!"

Murphy: &"One by one, I bought it for you."

Murphy smiled at Zheng and said, "I have a heart."