Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 298: Major improvement of the quasi-daughter

Ye Nanling’s original serious face was looking at Du Cheng’s smiling face. He was obviously very happy and asked directly to Du Cheng: “Duo Cheng is this time Guo’s thing is not your shot?”


Du Chengwei smiled and knew that Ye Nanling would definitely ask him this. Now that Ye Mei did not hide how Du Cheng naturally would not hide anything from Ye Nanling.

Of course, Du Cheng only admits that as far as Du Chen is naturally, he will not say anything. If he really wants to say it, Du Cheng will have nothing to do. Because his computer technology is not better than Xiner.

Ye Nanling nodded and said: "There is no other video in your hand. If you have any, don't upload it. To some extent, the impact on some aspects is not so good. How long Guo should not support it. ”

"Good father."

I heard that Ye Nanling said that Du Cheng has already confirmed that Ye Nanling is going to deal with Guo’s identity. With Ye Nanling and Ye Chengtu’s identity, Guo’s family is definitely a long-term life.

"Well, you are going to lose Xiaoyao - I will not delay you."

Ye Nanling smiled just in the heart but was a little more surprised.

Because Ye Nanling seems to have underestimated Du Guotang, a Guo family has almost fallen into his hands in such a way that it is incredible. This is not something anyone can do.

When I had lunch at noon, Ye Chengtu and Ye Hu did not return home, just Du Cheng and Zhong Xuehua, Ye Mei and Ye Nanling.

But even this is still a very warm meal.

After eating lunch, Ye Mei and Du Cheng went to climb Xiangshan once or went to Wangfujing to wait until the time when they came home. It was already more than five o'clock in the evening.

When they arrived home, Ye Chengtu came back to drink tea in the hall. But the place where Du Cheng’s eyes first fell was the three stars on Ye Chengtu’s shoulder.

"Bo pod ■ Congratulations to you.

"The three stars represent what it means. Du Cheng, how can he not understand what it means to sit down on the opposite side of Ye Chengtu, and congratulate him on the first time."

Ye Chengtu smiled slightly and then said something lightly: "In fact, I can mention that your credit can not be attacked."

Du Cheng’s somewhat incomprehensible Ye Cheng’s plan refers to the study of Ye Nanling’s study.

Looking at Ye Chengtu's action Du Cheng has already thought that the reason why Ye Chenggu can be mentioned is probably related to Guo's impending collapse. That is to say, Ye Family is likely to directly replace the Guo family's position.

Or he said that the video released this time not only fell a Guo family but also because the female protagonists of the video affected several important figures, so Ye Chengtu can take the opportunity to climb up and all the Du Cheng is naturally It is said that Ye Chengtu will say that Du Dugong is indispensable.

"Du Cheng my father is not as simple as the promotion of the ranks." Ye Mei is very mysterious towards Du Cheng.

Just listening to Ye Mei said that Du Cheng is already a move.

Ye Mei went on to say: "Dad is now the nominee of the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission. If there is no accident, it can be put up within this month. This is what Grandpa said."

Although Du Cheng has already refined some of them, but Du Cheng is simply not refined to Ye Chengtu even reached this height. This makes Du Cheng can not help but be very surprised that the results are only 50 years old, as long as they wait a few more years. I am afraid that it is not difficult to go further.

I remembered that I will have Ye Chengtu, the future military. I will be able to withstand the self-control of Du Cheng’s self-control, and I can’t help but feel very happy and smile. This time, I want to really congratulate you once again.

"I will talk about it when I am really waiting for it." Ye Chengtu put his hand on his hand, but his face is also faint and has a bit of excitement.

This position was originally Guo's, but it is now empty. If the original position is empty, I am afraid that there is no copy of his Ye Chengtu. Only a few candidates ranked in front of him are more or less involved. This time, this also caused Ye Chengtu, who was originally ranked in the fourth or fifth candidate position, to become a military hot spot.

In addition, Ye Jia’s successive contributions to the military have actually been the object of Ye Chengtu’s bag.

As for the position of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, Ye Chengtu also has a great opportunity. This is the reason why Ye Chengtu is really fluctuating.

Ahu came back later. Du Cheng, they were finished eating dinner, and Ahu came back from the outside.

Now the Guard Bureau has occupied the strongest position of the military. All the brothers in the entire Guard Bureau are more powerful than before. It is said that it is a lot of improvement and the most improvement is the current strength of Ahu Ahu. Compared with Du Ducheng, when he saw him, he had to improve four or five times, and even his own strength became more powerful.

Moreover, Ahu also took over several important tasks, all of which are perfect. It can be said that Ahu is now following the meaning of Ye Nanling and Ye Chengtu in the collection of merits. As long as the timing comes, Ye Nanling and Ye Chengtu can naturally arrange Directly transferred Ahu to the military department to hold a high post.

Ah Hu was very happy to see Du Cheng, and Du Cheng said that after a lot of information about the current situation in the bureau, Du Fu returned to the upstairs.

It seems that it was because of the reason that Luo Cheng was left out a few times ago. Ye Mei was undoubtedly very crazy last night. It was a wonderful feeling that Du Cheng could say that he could not enjoy it.

The early morning, the whole body was soft and soft, but when Du Cheng and Ye Laozi pushed the taiji, they climbed up the bed and then personally sent Du Cheng to the airport. She then went to the Academy of Sciences.

From the meaning revealed by Ye Nanling's words, he may cultivate Ye Mei into his successor. At least in the Academy of Sciences, he needs to have the power. Therefore, the electronic technology department is only a rising platform for Ye Mei. Ye Mei really needs to learn. There are many things to master.

Therefore, Ye Mei is still very, very, very little, and can't be wasted.

Although Du Cheng is pity in his heart, he will not interfere with Ye Mei’s life or in the time when he can’t accompany Ye Mei. This may also be a kind of sustenance of Ye Mei. At least let Ye Mei’s life hole not be like in the former city of F. That kind of hollow.

After returning to the F city by car, Du Cheng did not immediately go to Xiamen but returned to Villa No. 15.

In another three days, it was the beginning of the Tokyo Electronics Show in Japan. Cheng Hao was naturally going to go to Du Cheng and planned to accompany Cheng Hao to go to Japan. So before going out to Xiamen, Du Cheng finally decided to stay at Villa No. 15 One or two days.

After all, Gu Sixin has to go out to Beijing in a few days. Du Cheng can also accompany the female Bo Gu Sixin, who is going to go to the city on the 10th, and her schedule will be very full.

On the 10th, Du Cheng personally sent Gu Sixin to the airport and waited for Gu Sixin to board the plane. Du Cheng then drove directly to Xiamen.

Before the exit, Du Cheng got a good news from Ye Mei.

Huang Pudong came out. As Du Cheng expected, the hands of Huang Pudong really have something that can bring down Guo’s family.

Naturally, these things do not need Du Cheng to worry about what is because this thing will be handled very clearly and Guo family is already the countdown to the number-fall.

Without Guo Mingcheng as a backing Guo Guojin, the threat to Du Cheng is not great. As for the strength behind Du Jia and He Yaoying, it is not necessary to focus on the current influence of Ye Jia.

This is the scene that Du Cheng wants to see. So Du Cheng’s mood on the way to Xiamen has always been very good because Du Cheng has already prepared for the next move. Not only Guo’s entry into the countdown of defeat, but also Du’s home. .

In accordance with the practice, Du Cheng did not immediately go to Xing Teng Technology but went directly to Yinglian Electronics and then accompanied by Tan Wen on the first floor of Yinglian and the second floor of Yinglian.

The work ability of Tan Wen is undoubtedly more and more strong. The first floor of Yinglian and the second floor of Yinglian under his management can be well-ordered. www.novelhall.com~ Perfect Life, although the experience has gone through the initial Things have dropped but the number of players is extremely stable and Tan Wen is doing a good job of the follow-up version of "Perfect Life". According to Tan Wen’s investigation, at least before the first half of next year, "Perfect Life" is every month. Pure profit will exceed ten million.

The ten-day small internal test on the "Xuanyuan" was already on the verge of the 10th.

This internal test is very successful. The media of all major game platforms have gathered their eyes on the "Xuanyuan" and flattened "Xuanyuan" as the most anticipated work of the year. Among them, there are some authoritative media directly. "Xuanyuan" is called a landmark masterpiece in the history of China's online game exhibition. It is far above the various evaluations. It is far higher than the current "World of Warcraft" o. Not only that, "Xuanyuan" is in all gamers. The evaluation is very, very high.

Just relying on these two points has already made the popular popularity of "Xuanyuan" very popular. In fact, the popularity of Xuanyuan is now almost over the "World of Warcraft". As for the problem of time, it only needs to be connected. After the second large-scale internal test, it will definitely be faster.