Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 296: Huang Dongpu, Huang Pudong

3[o]Chapter 269, Huang Dongpu, Huang Pudong

The one that Cheng Cheng gave to Cheng Tanye was Du Cheng’s plan to let Kaijing Energy open the smuggling information file.

This information document clearly identifies the various technologies and parameter specifications and is open to the current state of the art.

Take the eyes of Cheng Tanye. Although I can't see the 10%, but at least I can see that it is seven or eighty. So Cheng Tanye hasn't finished watching the face that is slightly old and full of excitement.

From the lowest fly mA to the highest four mAh battery size and thinner than the current battery. If it can be opened, it will be an absolutely unparalleled impact on the mobile phone industry of the whole world.

The most important thing is that this phone only needs to be opened out so that the profit margin can be imagined without the need for research funding.

"Duo Cheng this information can really be opened? Small. Just Cheng Tanye obviously still can't believe it. After all, this thing is really too impactful. Even he feels a little unbearable, especially think of this information. The battery that will be opened will have an impact on the mobile phone battery industry in the whole world. Cheng Tanye can't help but feel excited.

Du Cheng thought for a moment and then said with great certainty: "As long as there is a professional open team, the chance of success should be over 90%."

"There is no problem with the team. This package is good for me. I can devote a lot of money to dig a world-class team. Cheng Tanye is also very sure. Because Cheng Tanye knows what a small group needs. The salary is definitely a big deal for the profit brought by this hand motor battery.

And this. At that time, Cheng Tanye finally understood why Du Cheng wanted him to give up the rest of the business professional attack because this market is so big that even the 10 Kaijing energy sources could not be swallowed up.

"Well, we can almost start to fight for it in the shortest possible time."

Regarding the issue of opening the team, Du Cheng naturally does not need to worry about it. These are not a problem at all.

"I will start working right away. If you open the team, you can have this information within one month. We can definitely open this new battery within a month." Cheng Tanye is full of expectations in direct tone.

Du Cheng nodded. Among the many lines under his command, Kaijing Energy is the most reassuring to him. Cheng Tanye does not need to worry about anything in Du Cheng because of the experience in this area, Cheng Tanye is much richer than Du Cheng. .

After Cheng Tanye said something about the performance of the electric melt, Du Cheng then drove Kaijing Energy.

Du Cheng’s many lines are now the most profitable. Zhongheng Pharmaceutical and Kaijing Energy have been able to make money in a short period of time. In fact, Kaijing Energy is far from Zhongheng Pharmaceutical.

However, in the case of Heng Pharmaceutical, it is not to be underestimated because Zhongheng Pharmaceutical has a wide range of coverage as long as it is fully open. The outlook is also no worse than Kaijing Energy.

And Du Cheng's car between Du Chengsi and Suo has already slowly entered the Zhongheng recommendation industry.

When Du Cheng came back, it was not fast. So when Du Cheng went to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, the time network was good at around 5:30, which was just the time of Xiao’an’s mother’s work.

Because it is the time to get off work. Therefore, the company is very lively. In Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, the time for getting off work and going to work has been fine-tuned. Basically, the working hours of all the doors are different. So even if there are more than 1,000 employees, the company will be off after work. Although it is lively but not crowded.

Du Cheng did not wait long. Xiao'an's mother came out of the packaging workshop. She saw Du Cheng's Audi car and Du Cheng, who was beckoning her. Quickly and quickly walked over.

After Xiao An’s mother got into the car, Du Cheng left the car and Xiao’an mother left.

Du Cheng front foot net away. Zhong Lianlan then walked down from the office building. She didn't see Du Cheng. But this time is also the time for her to get off work because she still needs to take care of Du Cheng's mother.

Lin Zhongling arranged for her a Mercedes-Benz and a middle-aged driver. Usually responsible for the commute of Zhong Lianlan. Therefore, every time after work, the Mercedes-Benz will stop under the office building and wait for Zhong Lianlan.

And when Zhong Lianlan sat in the Mercedes-Benz to leave the gate of the company. Du Cheng’s Audi Fan has long since gone.

Xiao An was enrolled in an ordinary middle school named Qinyang Middle School next to the Qinyang Kai District. Because the bus route just passed through the Qinyang District, Zhong Lianlan would go to Qinyang to go to work every day.

Of course, today, Du Cheng drove her to Qinyang Middle School.

When Du Cheng drove to Qinyang Middle School, Qin Yang Middle School had already been in class for a long time. However, Xiao An would wait for his mother Du Cheng to see Xiao An’s thin figure every day at the bus stop near the school gate.

Although Xiao An has an ankle, he is standing very straight like a small javelin. If you don't walk, you can't see that he has a disability.

Audi car slowly stopped in front of Xiao An. When he saw the mother sitting in the car, Xiao An’s obvious glimpse until he saw Du Cheng’s reaction, which reflected the small, tender face Excited smile and said to Du Cheng, "Big Brother


Du Cheng smiled and opened the door of the back seat to let Xiao An sit in.

"Little brother, do you want to go anywhere to eat?"

After Xiao An got into the car: Bu An’s mother asked a little embarrassed to Du Cheng.

Although she paid the salary plus a few of her previous motor factories. The monthly salary is also four or five thousand. But at this moment, the money on her body is not much more than a thousand dollars. So Xiao An’s mother is also afraid that Du Cheng’s going to a high-end party is not enough for her.

"Well, let me think about it. Du Cheng smiled a little. Why didn't he know Xiao An's mother's embarrassment? He naturally wouldn't let Xiao An's mother spend the time pretending to think for a moment and said: "I know that there is a small shop with a very good meal. Good and affordable, let's go there and eat. ”

“Little shop?”

Hearing Du Cheng said that Xiao An’s mother was afraid of grievances. Du Cheng quickly said: “Little brother. It’s better to choose a better one. It’s okay, as long as it’s not too expensive, I’ll ask for it.”

"No need to pay attention to what I eat." Du Cheng directly rejected Xiao An's mother's proposal and then drove to the city center.

Du Cheng chose the place where he and Gu Sixin went to eat for the first time. The A fat shop was very good and the price was very cheap. It would not cause economic pressure on Xiao An’s mother.

Du Cheng’s meaning is actually very simple. I just want to eat a meal so that Xiao’an mother doesn’t have to put things in her heart, so Du Cheng simply ordered a few side dishes and didn’t have much more.

Xiao An is obviously one of the few who can come to this kind of place to eat rice with the same Du Cheng, and the simple little dish is in his eyes. However, it is like a delicious food. However, he is very understanding of the courtesy. Du Cheng does not have chopsticks. He only eats and waits for Du Cheng to pick up the dishes. After that, he will be careful to take a bite and then eat it.

Xiao An’s mother is obviously very painful. Xiao’an’s eyes are full of pity and then she said to Du Cheng: The last time the little brother really thanked you, Xiao’an, his father’s fast. If I have something, I really don’t know. What will Xiao An become?

"It doesn't matter if you don't care, you don't have to worry about it." Du Cheng smiled and pointed at the food on the table and said: "The medicines I caught at the beginning are not worth the money.

"Big brother Xiao An also thank you. Xiao An also raised his head and looked sincere."

"Well, I won’t have to mention it later. I don’t know if Du Cheng smiled and said to Xiao An about Xiao An’s character. Du Cheng is still very fond of it because Xiao’an’s character is very similar to that of his childhood~www.novelhall.com ~ Just when Du Cheng’s gaze was going to be removed from Xiao’an’s face, Du Cheng’s mind suddenly felt like a picture of the old man’s photo on the wall of Xiao’an’s mother’s room and the photo inside him. Feel a familiar man.

The result of Du Cheng's combination of the man's appearance and Xiao'an's appearance in his mind is that Du Cheng feels a little surprised.

So Du Cheng thought about it, although he felt that something was wrong, but he still turned to Xiao An's mother. "Auntie, can I take the liberty to ask a little name? What is his father's name?"

Hearing Du Cheng’s question, Xiao An’s mother’s look was obviously a bit more fragrant, but she still said: Xiao An’s father’s surname Huang was named Dongpu. ”

Hearing the name Du Cheng has already directly affirmed his own thoughts.

Huang Dongpu Huang Pudong Du Cheng knew that if he did not guess wrong, then the man on the photo must be Huang Pudong's. However, the difference in appearance is to make Du Cheng somewhat puzzling.

Step up the time and then code a daughter to sleep with her to sleep.