Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 287: Bossham Development Team

Sitting in the hotel from the Français Hotel is less than: 100 meters away from the ... home-style cafe, Du Cheng's hands, playing with a white business card.

Li Enhui went to her villa with Gu Sixin to pack things up. Because in the next few days, Li Enhui will live with Gu Sixin in the Grand Hotel, so Li Enhui needs to go back and pack some things.

Du Cheng, I chose to sit in this coffee shop and wait for the second person.

That business card was Charlie to Du Cheng.

Alsa Group

With this business card, plus the name of the Alcatel Group, Du Cheng wants to know the identity of Charlie Haywood's ten names, which is undoubtedly a very simple matter.

Originally, Du Cheng only thought that Charlie was a lot of gold, but Du Cheng did not think that behind the idiot, there was such a huge group.

As a leader in the high-speed access market and optical transmission market, the Alcatel Group has significant influence in the field of telecommunications and Internet. In the mouth of the mouth exchange training system, mobile communication system, wireless local loop system, satellite communication system, Alka has an absolute advantage in various terminals such as Internet terminal equipment.

In addition, Alcatel's mobile phone brand, the company can also be ranked among the top ten in the world.

It can be imagined that this is a super group with strong financial strength and strength, and this Alca headquarters is within Paris.

When I think of Charlie's business card, the sincere friendly smile on my face, Du Cheng's face is also a bit of a smile.

This Charlie is such a huge group of successors, and it is undoubtedly suitable for being a friend. If there is no relationship between Li Enhui, Du Cheng does not mind going deep inside. Because, if handled well, Du Cheng does not even rule out the possibility of cooperation with the ten "Alka Group."

After thinking about it, Du Cheng put the business card directly. Inside the bag, if this Charlie can really put it down, Du Cheng knows that he and he are not necessarily unable to cooperate.

And this time, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and then, a middle quickly came in.

This middle-aged man, Kelly Girard, the president of Burr Electronic Technology, made a phone call to Du Cheng at two points. Here, it is their place of appointment.

Kenny Girard quickly discovered Du Cheng, although there were quite a few people in the coffee shop at this time, but the Chinese, only Du Cheng.

Although Kenny Girard knew that Du Cheng was his goal, he did not know the true identity of Du Cheng. Therefore, after approaching, he was very polite to ask Du Cheng: "Hello, may I ask, are you? Mr. Du?"

"sit down.

Du Cheng did not answer, but pointed to the position in front of him, indicating that Kenny Gillard sat down.

Kenny Girard was impatient. After sitting down, he asked Du Cheng for the first time: "Mr. Du, about my son, I don't know if you can revoke the complaint. I can promise any condition if you like. your."

Qi Zhijilar is his only son. If Du Cheng does not let him go, then Kenny Girard will probably have no one to follow, even if it can come out, it will be ten or twenty years later.

And this "apparently not acceptable to Kenigirard.

"Oh, what can you give me?"

Du Cheng only faintly responded, and then gently took a bite of the coffee that only needed sixteen dollars for the RMB. It was very cheap, but the taste Du Duan was quite like it.

"Thirty million euros, how, as long as you promise to withdraw the complaint, I am willing to pay 30 million euros to compensate for your losses."

Kenny Girard looked forward and looked forward. In his opinion, Du Cheng did not have any loss. He took out 30 million euros and the other party should be satisfied. After all, if the 30 million euros were exchanged for RMB, There are also more than 200 million. For many people, this is a great fortune.

Du Cheng just smiled, but did not answer anything, but the meaning is very obvious, Du Cheng is not interested in the 30 million euros.

Kenny Girard looked at Du Cheng’s indifferent look and said, “Five million euros...”

Du Cheng just took a glimpse and said: "If you are not sincere, you can go back."

"100 million euros..." was dubbed by saying that Kenny Girard’s face was obviously ugly, but he was re-raised in his heart.

"Money, I have no interest in two"

Du Cheng said that it is very simple. He does not have any idea about money now. Moreover, Du Cheng’s lack of money is not money. He now owns 70% of Kaijing Energy, plus the electric melt. Hot selling, Du Cheng’s hidden assets have actually reached a very scary number.

Kenny Girard did not think that he had mentioned the money to 100 million euros, but the other party was actually moving. This made him feel a little discouraged. However, he still asked Du Cheng: "Then you want what?"

"I want a few people. If you promise, I will cancel the complaint. Otherwise, your son will be ready to stay in it for decades." Du Cheng said faintly, this is his real purpose.


Kenny Girard was a glimpse first, and then he looked obviously happy. He said directly: "Who wants you, you can say it, as long as you say it, I can help you find it."

Kenny Girard said that he is very confident. Compared with money, people are much easier. His son’s life is comparable to others.

Du Cheng saw the look of Kenny Girard, smiled lightly, and then slowly said, "This is what you said, then, let me give you the Bethham development team of your Burr electronic technology."

"What do you say, do you want my Bossham development team?"

Kenny Girard was obviously stunned, and then he asked some anger toward Du Cheng.

If Burr Electronic Technology is a person, then, for Kenny Girard, the Bossin development team is absolutely the soul of Burr Electronics, which is a top-ranking world. Development team.

It can even be said that this Bossham development water group is the heart of Kenigirard's efforts, and it is his life root. If there is no small team developed by Bursham, Burr Electronics will definitely be badly hurt, even gradually. Going down.

However, George Girard is also his life root. Now, Du Cheng’s choice for him is undoubtedly very simple. He wants his son to be a company.

"I mean you didn't hear it clearly?"

This Bossham team was learned from the news when he learned about Burr Electronic Technology. The overall evaluation was very high. Therefore, this is also the reason why Du Cheng has made things big. His goal is only one. That is the Bossham development team.

Looking at Du Cheng's indifferent look, Kenny Girard's face was pale and soft on the seat.

This is not a choice that anyone can easily make. Obviously, he can't make a choice at the time.

At this time, Kenny Girard’s heart must have already smashed George Giral’s blood. Why did he offend this character because of a woman, and the other party is obviously prepared, and George Ji Lal, just slammed into the opponent's muzzle.

"I will stay in Paris for a few days, you think about it, call me after making a decision."

Du Cheng did not pay attention to the meaning of Kenny Girard. After leaving a sentence, he left.

In this kind of thing, Du Cheng needs to show absolute strength, the kind of strength without the third choice, of course, Du Cheng also needs to give the other party time to consider.


When Du Cheng returned to the Fran Hotel, Li Enhui and Gu Sixin have already returned. After all, Li Enhui only needs to clean up some of the usual daily necessities and cosmetics, and does not need to pack up for a long time.

Of course, together with Li Enhui's design manuscript paper.

When Du Chenggang entered the hall, he saw Li Enhui designing some of her princess dresses on the glass table in the hall, while Gu Sixin was sitting on the side, but offered some of her own opinions.

Because the glass square table is a little short, Li Enhui's body is a little bent, a pair of beautiful legs to straighten the straight, the upper body is bent into a curvature of a beautiful song, very attractive.

In particular, Li Enhui’s slightly lower neckline, with Du Cheng’s position, although the distance is far, but Du Cheng’s eyesight is so amazing, it can be said that it is very obvious to see Li Enhui’s neckline. Round spring, and Li Enhui's white sexy.

This made Du Cheng’s mind can’t help but think of the last scene in Li Enhui’s home, and Li Enhui’s perfect white body.

Li Enhui apparently discovered Du Cheng’s return. When she looked up, she just found Du Cheng’s gaze. It seemed to be falling between her spring clothes. The pretty face suddenly became red and quickly stood up. It’s just that there’s no point in the heart, but there’s a strange feeling.

"Du Cheng, you are back.

Gu Sixin also found Du Cheng’s return at this time. When she saw Du Cheng, Du Cheng had already turned his eyes away, or Du Cheng’s eyes only stopped for a moment, but just happened to Li Enhui’s eyes ran into it.

"Yeah." Du Cheng's face was unchanged, but he walked easily toward the two.

Li Enhui also calmed down quickly and his face recovered a lot. After all, she was enough to see Du Cheng, and then she looked at it again, but she still had a look at Du Cheng, but this one However, it is a feeling of a lot of styles.

"Enhui sister is designing, do you want to come over and give some advice?"

Gu Sixin pointed to the position beside him and asked Du Cheng

Li Enhui is also a bright eye. It is obviously very much in favor of Gu Sixin's statement. She has seen the design level of Du Cheng, and naturally she is very much looking forward to it.

Du Cheng nodded. For Gu Sixin's proposal, he would naturally not refuse.

Therefore, Du Cheng also took the opportunity to study together with Li Enhui. Of course, Du Cheng naturally does not have any design talent. He just put forward some suggestions for the future design concepts, but even so, for Li Enhui Inspiration is also very big.

Just one afternoon, Li Enhui once again completed the design of two princess dresses. One suggestion that blends with Du Cheng is full of futuristic, and one is a combination of ancient Egyptian elements, two princess dresses. The style can be said to be completely unremarkable, but full of features.

Du Cheng returned to the room when Li Enhui finally closed, because Du Cheng pressed a few calls during the period, and now naturally he has to fight back one by one.

The first call was sent by Cheng Hao. The tone was full of surprises. I was very happy with Du Cheng who found a talented person. He also told Du Cheng that the new hard disk was silenced. Very smooth two

The second call was made by Lin Zhongling. The sales of the more Aizhong tablets were extremely hot. It was only about two days. The total amount of the deposits was more than 700 million. More than that, the market department is already open. The South African market has also received strong support from the South African government. It can be said that the results are fierce.

The third call was made by Su Xueru. The foundation’s tricks were very successful. However, the number of participants was too much, and Su Xueru could not cope with it. This made Du Cheng feel the people he once again. It is too little, but in the morning when Zhong Lianlan will be in the villa, helping the Su Cigars will alleviate some of the burden.

The fourth call was received by the text. He routinely reported the company to Du Cheng, as well as the hot beta of Xuanyuan. It also reflected a problem, that is, the hardware requirements of Xuanyuan. Too high, although some people grabbed the beta account, but the computer is not working at all.

These calls more or less let Du Cheng understand the operation of several lines of his own, are very stable and are developing very fast.

And the most let Du Cai rest assured or do not worry, is undoubtedly the most profitable Kaijing energy.

With Cheng Shiye, Kaijing Energy can be said to be extremely stable, and the promotion is very fast. Basically, Du Cheng does not need to intervene at all. In addition, Kaijing Energy has won various awards from the state and the province. Naturally, it is even more smooth.

Moreover, Cheng Haoye also listened to Du Cheng's suggestion and began to rectify and transform the company.

In the past, Kaijing Energy mainly produced various batteries. The small to ordinary No.5 No.5 battery and the large-scale battery used in the industry are almost all involved. Although the scope is very wide, it has become less professional. .

The transformation of Du Chengrang Cheng Xiaoye is to use the huge capital to cause the most advanced production line, mainly to produce mobile phone batteries. Although the process is somewhat puzzling, it is still in accordance with Du Cheng’s suggestion to start rectification, as for the process. However, Du Cheng was extremely satisfied. Before he left for Paris, Cheng Haoye had already introduced the first batch of production lines.

It can be said that Du Chen’s several lines are basically stable now. Zhongheng Pharmaceutical has one more Zhonglianlan to help, and there is no need for Du Cheng to worry about anything. Xingteng Technology has Cheng Hao’s management and only needs to be a boss. The introduction of the John Development Team will also begin to enter a stable state.

辜 Yu Rongxin Motor and Yinglian Electronics. These two lines are currently on the track, and do not have to worry about anything. Therefore, Du Cheng has already begun to prepare for the development of mobile phone batteries.

And time is exactly after Du Cheng returned to China.

In addition to these, there are a few other things that Du Cheng also needs to solve. The first one is naturally to defeat Guo.

If there are no videos of Guo Tianyang, Du Cheng wants to bring down Guo’s family. In fact, it’s an idiotic dream. At least it’s impossible to do it in recent years. “It’s not a scandal to attack Guo’s, at most It can only make Guo Jia hurt some strength.

Therefore, those videos have become the biggest guarantee for Du Cheng to take over Guo’s, because Du Cheng’s hands still have more than a dozen videos that have not been released. Almost every one can help Guo Jia’s next enemy. It can be said that Guo Jia May not wait for Du Cheng to finish the video, it will fall down two

Of course, Du Cheng wants to deal with, not only Guo Jia, Du Jiacai is Du Cheng's biggest goal.

Guo Jin did not have a good hand, Du Cheng actually started to deal with Du Jia, in order to Du Cheng's current strength and financial resources, it is not too difficult to deal with Du Cheng, it is only necessary to develop a special and Tianrong medicine Industry, crash, the drug can come out, plus days... Once the reputation of the pharmaceutical industry, I am afraid it will take only a few months~www.novelhall.com~ can make Tianrong Pharmaceuticals hurt.

The only thing that made Du Cheng worry a bit was the Du Qingwu who disappeared like a void.

Du Qingwu naturally cannot disappear without reason. Du Cheng can even be sure that Du Qingwu is planning something, or preparing for something, waiting for the opportunity to give himself a fatal blow.


In the evening, Li Enhui took Du Cheng and Gu Sixin to a very good western restaurant. After dinner, Li Enhui once again strolled with Gu Sixin, but this time the speed street was changed to the first place. Ten Streets.

Du Cheng naturally continued to serve as his, squatter, but Du Cheng thought that when he was going to accompany the two women for a night, Du Cheng’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

The call to this person is to let Du Cheng have some accidents, because the call to him is actually Charlie.

Today, the first one, there are two more, are five thousand words, call, today can see if you can finish more, and fight for tomorrow without owing. (To be continued, if you want to know