Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 277: Completely opposite

Chapter 267 is completely opposite

On the last stop of this tour, Gu Sixin successfully held a 30,000 seats that were temporarily added by the city workers' gymnasium, which can accommodate 36,000 people. It was also bought in an hour.

As a fan of Gu Sixin's hometown Gu Sixin, it is naturally not a minority. Moreover, Su Xueru has already released the wind. This time the finale performance will be carried out by Du Chenglai. So many fans who missed the first Beijing concert came to the city yesterday or the day before yesterday.

When Du Cheng and Gu Sixin arrived at the Workers’ Gymnasium, at least nearly 50,000 people gathered inside and outside the gymnasium. The organizers had already had experience in the afternoon and installed a large LCD screen. Fans outside the Workers’ Stadium can also see the performances inside.

8:30 in the evening.

The concert officially began. Gu Sixin, who has long been accustomed to the feeling of the scene. Just like a holy angel, he wore a set of white long skirts sent by Li Enhui from Paris to Du Cheng.

It is a white dress full of feminine temperament of oriental women. It is Li Enhui's special exquisite setting for Gu Sixin's last concert and the pure and holy temperament of Gu Sixin.

Gu Sixin's appearance. Suddenly caused the crazy applause of tens of thousands of fans inside and outside the stadium, Gu Sixin was on the stage with this warm applause.

In the background, Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi and Peng Yuhua are looking at the scene through the window in the background.

Looking at Gu Sixin’s white dress, Du Cheng’s mind suddenly sounded in the afternoon to get the parcel. The content of the note that Li Enhui wrote to him was very simple. “Warning Du Cheng should not forget their agreement. At the same time, it also once again warned that Du Cheng had not contacted the phone for nearly a month.

Du Cheng has a flaw in his heart. Because he seems to have forgotten his second appointment of Li Enhui, that is to call, so Du Cheng called the first time to Li Enhui and did not expect Du Cheng’s expectation that he was naturally blamed by Li Enhui’s sentence. Du Cheng was even more embarrassed until he promised that he would come to Paris with Gu Sixin within two days between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Li Enhui let him go.

Du Cheng quickly retracted his thoughts and then looked directly at the front seat and quickly showed Cheng Hao, Cheng Tanye and Ye Rou.

Just when Du Cheng wanted to regain his gaze, Du Cheng saw a person in the front row on the other side who he did not want to see Guo Jin.

The emergence of Guo Jin. Let Du Cheng's original good mood suddenly faded down. The most important thing is that Guo Jin looked at Gu Sixin's eyes and made Du Cheng very uncomfortable.

Because that look is like looking at the food in your plate. Naked possessiveness and very strong.

This scene made Du Cheng think of a possible possibility that Du Cheng's eyes would be cold.

It seems that I felt the cold and cold meaning of Du Cheng’s body. The indifferent gaze of Peng Yuhua suddenly turned to Du Cheng and then. She followed Du Cheng’s gaze and was sitting in the front row of the scene.


This made Peng Yuhua's beautiful brow wrinkled slightly but she did not say anything.

However, Gu Jiayi, who was on the side of her, turned out to be Du Cheng’s intention and quickly asked Du Cheng: "Du Cheng. What happened? What happened?"

"It's nothing."

I heard Gu Jiayi’s worried tone. Du Cheng’s face was a quick smile, but Du Cheng did not say much.

Gu Jiayi saw Du Cheng did not say much, although he was curious but did not ask anything.

The concert was very smooth. Gu Sixin's wonderful piano sounds with everyone in the field entered one after another wonderful illusion and time is gradually passing away.

This time the concert. Gu Sixin added two new pieces of music; it also added a bit of new ideas.

When Gu Sixin finished the last song and stood up, the whole stadium was filled with incomparable warm applause. The applause was applauding for Gu Sixin and applauding Du Chen, who was about to appear.

In the introduction voice of the applause and the presiding ceremonies, Du Cheng, who also wore a mask, walked out from the background in the incomparable warm applause.

At the moment of coming out, Du Cheng can feel very obvious. The innumerable light that gathered on oneself. There are a few gaze that are completely different.

Although Du Cheng did not specifically look at it, but Du Cheng can clearly understand that Gu Sixin is full of pride and excitement in his eyes.

Somewhat different from Gu Sixin is that Cheng Hao’s eyes are full of tenderness and sweetness, apparently thinking of the scene of the two.

It’s just that the most attention to Du Cheng’s attention is Guo Jin’s.

What made Du Cheng somewhat surprised was that Guo Jin had a bit of horror when he saw him, and finally turned into endless anger.

"Don't he know my relationship with Sixin?

Du Cheng also has a bit of incomprehension. If Guo Jin’s power is checked, how can he not find out what relationship he has with Gu Sixin but Guo Jin does not know.

And between thinking and thinking, Du Cheng has already reached the stage.

Because the relationship between Du Cheng and Gu Sixin is no longer a secret and has received the blessings of many fans. After Du Cheng took the stage, the host also officially introduced the relationship between Du Cheng and Gu Sixin and introduced the forthcoming Du Cheng To play Qin's "edge."

At the time of the introduction of the host, Du Cheng’s gaze at the corner of his eyes glanced at Guo Jin, who was standing up and not coming back.

When Du Chengwang turned to Guo Jin, Guo Jin suddenly turned around and looked at Du Cheng with a glance at his eyes full of incomparable anger and cold killing.

Just watching Guo Jin’s eyes Du Cheng has been able to confirm that Guo Jin is going to officially shoot himself.

Let Du Cheng some did not think of it. The exchange of fire between him and Guo Jin would be because of Gu Sixin.

However, Du Cheng will not be on the mind. He will not be afraid of Guo Jin if he fights.

The entire concert was very successful. Du Cheng’s last “margin” made the concert reach the final real peak.

After Du Chengyi’s repertoire, this time Gu Sixin’s final national tour was officially completed and successfully concluded.

Just waiting for Du Cheng to return to the No. 15 villa, Du Cheng is now a Ford Mustang with a Shanghai Guard Zone license. It is not far from the villa gate.

And the Mustang sports car leaned against the door quietly next to the front.

Du Chengrang let Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin enter the villa first and he himself went to Cheng Feng.

"Guo Shao wants to see you."

Watching Du Cheng walked over and turned into a faint confession and said a face to Du Cheng, but it was not as easy as when I came here last time.

And after finishing this, Cheng Feng’s fist. Directly pointed to a corner not far from the front.

Du Chengzhi did not think that Guo Jin would open it directly. After looking at himself, Du Cheng did not say anything but went straight to the corner that Cheng Feng said.

Cheng Feng also followed Du Cheng and walked over, but Cheng Feng was far away and did not dare to approach.

Just turned around the corner and Du Cheng saw the right hand standing on the lawn waiting for his Guo Jin. At this moment, Guo Jin is a very gloomy feeling.

"Leaving Gu Sixin, I will give you a living path. Otherwise, I will not only let you lose your name but also make him robbed.

When Du Cheng walked, Guo Jin slowly turned around, but his tone was extremely cold.

"is it."

Du Cheng gently smiled Guo Guo did have this power but it does not mean that Du Cheng will be afraid of the other party's chuckle. Du Cheng directly said to Guo Jin: "Guo Jin is afraid of you but it does not mean that I will be afraid of you. Tell me if you rely on Guo Guo’s little power or your own by what?

Du Cheng’s words are very cold and very disdainful.

Because there is no room for excess turning between him and Guo Bei, but now all the room for all the turning is eliminated.

"Do you want to know?"

Du Cheng’s words are like a sword. The self-esteem of Guo Jin makes Guo Jin’s face more cold and his voice is more like the general appearance from the nine secluded ~www.novelhall.com~ Guo Jin is colder The smile on Du Cheng’s face was even stronger. Some of them formed a sharp contrast with Guo Jin. Finally, Du Cheng was laughing loudly. And very straightforward to Guo Jin said: "I don't want to know and I don't have the interest to know a word. You Guo Jin is just a matter of the kind."

"Well, you have a kind."

After Guo Jin left a sentence, he turned and left. At this moment, Guo Jin and Du Cheng are already standing on a completely opposite relationship.

Du Cheng did not have any regrets and fears. Guo Guo is powerful but he is not a grazing sheep.

Because Du Cheng knew that Guo Jin was the first giant to be crossed or Guo.

The second one is more sweaty and sleeps. It’s just a chapter but it’s a codeword for nearly three hours. But everyone can rest assured that today’s small cold will try to finish the five chapters even if it’s a little cold and give you five chapters. come out.