Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 266: Joint brand

Chapter 266 Joint Brand

Note Du Guo and Gu Jia bone in the booth. Hong Feng and Hong Shicheng’s father called Yichuan’s departure.

At this time, the exhibition is about to start. This time, the exhibition is really aimed at the ratio of foreign dealers to domestic distributors. Therefore, when the exhibition starts, foreigners of various skin colors can be seen in the exhibition hall. .

For the promotion and promotion of the motor, Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi did not need to be shot, so both of them sat at the station desk on the inside of the Rongxin Motor Show booth and watched the hall of the more and more lively hall.

However, the dealers who participated in the exhibition basically had the booths of the five or six large motor companies, such as Taiyang Electric, especially those strong dealers, which basically cooperated with these large enterprises.

Only a few small dealers will stop at other small booths.

Because of the hallmark of the exhibition hall, the motivation in the exhibition hall is not able to move on the spot. However, basically every booth has its own LCD TV for publicity. It is also very lively.

"Gu, can we start?"

Looking at more and more dealers in the exhibition hall, Zhang Chaofeng, who had several experiences with this kind of exhibition, knew that the time was almost the same, so he first came to the front of Gu Jiayi and asked Gu Jiayi very excitedly.

Just talking. Zhang Chaofeng was somewhat jealous and took a look at Du Cheng who was sitting next to Gu Jiayi.

It’s just that Du Cheng’s quietly sitting and casually looking at things outside the exhibition hall simply ignored the meaning of Zhang Chaofeng.

"let's start."

Gu Jiayi is a bit of an excited look on the indifferent face of Shantou.

Zhang Chaofeng took the lead. After looking at Du Cheng again, I turned directly to the booth where the new stepper motor was placed.

Under the direction of Zhang Chaofeng, the two sales ladies slowly opened the red cloth of the latest stepping motor. Zhang Chaofeng personally opened a huge LCD TV and began to broadcast the latest type of stepper motor promotional video.

Although the movement of Rongxin Motor is not big, it has attracted the attention of some dealers.

Those dealers originally only wanted to join in the fun. After all, Rongxin Motor is a new brand. They are very strange and naturally have no trust at all.

Just waiting for them to go to the front of Rongxin Motor's booth, they stopped.

All of them are looking at the product specifications of the singer from the singer's product, and compared with the contempt between the propaganda videos, the fascination is gradually showing a deep interest.

At this time, Zhang Chaofeng's relay is reflected in the best.

With a microphone, he walked straight to the front of the booth. I started to introduce this latest stepping motor.

Zhang Chaofeng’s eloquence was so ten-minded that his dealer’s interest was even stronger under his introduction. After stopping, basically no one left.

In this case, the dealers in front of the booth of Rongxin Motor can be said that the more and more, especially the Zhang Chaofeng, after the interaction, the dealers asked him questions and Zhang Chaofeng responded to the flow of the film. applause.

In less than ten minutes, the Rongxin motor booth, which was originally very deserted, has become the most lively place in the entire exhibition hall. It has gathered more than 100 domestic and foreign distributions.


There is nothing unexpected about Du Cheng's look. The excitement of Gu Jiayi's pretty face is even stronger.

And in the distance. Hong Feng and Hong Shicheng and his son were somewhat sluggish looking at Rongxin Motor.

Originally Hongfeng believed that Rongxin Motor only made a gimmick. He didn’t even think that the reaction would be so big. What made him unhappy was that the dozen dealers who had stayed at their Huafeng Motor side turned out to be all Xin Motor went over there.

"Dad, what is going on?"

Hong Shicheng asked Hongfeng with a puzzled face. Although they couldn’t make a further motor like Taiyang Motor, but they did a lot of work on mute, but now it seems that there is no use at all. Because no one is watching their booth at all.

"Looking past

Although I am not willing. However, Hong Feng is also a curious look of the net. The sneer of Rong Xin’s sneer and sneer of Hong Feng’s old face is even more unspeakable, but this time is not the time to pay attention to the face. For Hongfeng, it is most important to understand the situation.

So after talking to Hong Shicheng, Hongfeng walked over to the booth of Rongxin Motor.

Not only Hongfeng and Hong Shicheng went to the exhibition hall of Rongxin Motor. Some high-level motor companies also went to the booth of Rongxin Motor. Because Rongxin Motor’s book was on the side of the book, it was only the advertisement. The renunciation of 1 will almost pull a fine rice for the customers at their booths. Naturally, they want to lose money.

Tang Feng is also among them. Fortunately, Taiyang Electric is the leader of this line. The popularity is enough, but the customers of Taiyang Motor are obviously less and more curious. So Tang Feng decided to go to Rongxin Motor to have a look.

Tang Feng is different from others. After he arrived, he immediately greeted Du Cheng and then directly entered the booth without having to huddle with others.

"Du Cheng. You are too uncomfortable. Make such a big move to pull people away."

Although Tang Feng said so, but the composition of jokes is mostly after all, Rong Xin motor really opened such a motor. Sooner or later, it will cause a sensation, and his Tang Feng just gave the other party a platform in advance. And also by the way a person.

Du Cheng smiled slightly. It was throwing out a very tempting suggestion: "If you are interested, I don't mind moving to your booth at Taiyang Electric for publicity."

When Tang Feng’s eyes brightened, he naturally knew what Du Cheng said.

That is equivalent to merging the booth of Rongxin Motor with Taiyang Electric, so that you can pull people to Taiyang Motor and give Rongxin Motor a bigger exhibition.


Of course, it is true that Rongxin Motor can let the distributors connect Rongxin Motor with Taiyang Electric to improve the brand image of Rongxin Motor. If this situation is followed, then the people of Taiyang Electric will be afraid. It will be less and less.

So after thinking about it, Tang Feng said directly: "I will go back and discuss with the head of the company's director of the exhibition. I will reply to you.

Du Cheng mysterious smile. Said: "When you have good news, if you can, maybe we can talk about some cooperation.

Hearing Du Cheng said that Tang Feng’s eyes suddenly became one of the brightest. It’s already guessing what Du Cheng said is the meaning of cooperation. After thinking about it directly, Tang Feng went to the booth of Taiyang Company for the first time. Go back.

For Du Cheng's decision, Gu Jiayi did not have any unexpected look because this was proposed by Gu Jiayi and Du Cheng.

Looking for a large-scale motor company to cooperate and use the joint brand can use the other's huge customer resources and can quickly launch their own brand image. Although it is lower under the weeping, it is very beneficial for the later exhibition. .

And to do so. Another advantage is to prevent some jealous motor companies from joining forces to suppress Rongxin Motor because of the huge backing of Taiyang Electric.

As for the later exhibitions, it is even simpler. After the brand and reputation have started, Rongxin Motor will not have to worry about it when it comes out with a newer motor.

It is.

Tang Feng did not let Du Cheng'an wait for only about twenty minutes. He once again came to the booth of Rongxin Motor.

However, this time Tang Feng did not come alone to bring a middle-aged person.

The middle-aged man looks like a soldier in his face in his fifties. Apparently, he is a young soldier and his appearance is full of majesty.

The middle-aged Du Chengyou, who met the vice president of Taiyang Electric in the news, is Tang Feng’s second uncle Tang Hao. A character who is above 10,000 people in Taiyang Electric is still on the top of Tang Feng.

"Du Cheng. Gu Jiayi, I will tell you about this is my second uncle Tang Yan."

After entering the booth, Tang Feng pointed directly to Tang Yan and introduced to Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi. ~www.novelhall.com~Hello

Du Cheng stood up from the seat and shook hands with Tang Hao and smiled.

This kind of character of Sui and Tang Dynasties deliberately came from the side of his booth to show sincerity. Du Cheng naturally would not slow down.

Tang Yan obviously knows something. If there is any interest in Du Cheng’s eyes, the serious face reveals a smile and says: “Du Cheng, right, I’ve heard Tan Tan say that you’re good.

Just listening to Tang Wei’s saying that Du Cheng knew that Cheng Tanye and Tang Hao were afraid of friendship was good, but they could also use their own family to describe it.

After Du Chen’s hand was finished, Tang Hao shook hands with Gu Jiayi. The face is also a lot of relief.

The first is more. The chapters that are starting now will be updated a little longer. Because the layout between the eleventh month and the twelfth month is somewhat related to the later stage of the whole book, each chapter basically has to use a lot of time to be embarrassed.