Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 262: Du Cheng's wish

Chapter 226, Du Cheng's wish

“Duo Cheng Gu Sixin is your girlfriend?”

Ye Rou looked a little weird and looked at Du Cheng's half-ring, then she suddenly asked a word Du Cheng some unprepared words.

Although Du Cheng knew that Cheng Tanye wanted to check it, this was not a secret matter. However, the appearance of Du Cheng on the spot was still somewhat obvious.

However, what made Du Cheng even more surprised was the reaction between Ye Rou and Cheng Tanye.

Because from the look of Cheng Tanye and Ye Rou, it seems that there is no objection or dissatisfaction at all.

After thinking about it. Du Cheng did not conceal but just tentatively asked: "Aunt and aunt, you all know?"

"When I first met you, I knew the rest." Cheng Tanye nodded and no concealed.

"Why why?

Du Cheng was somewhat puzzled and watched Cheng Tanye apparently did not expect that Cheng Tanye would even agree to be with Cheng Hao in this situation.

"Actually. This is also a causal cycle.

Cheng Tanye sighed and fell on Yerou's body again. Extremely warm eyes


Ye Rou gently nodded and she continued: "Du Cheng, actually, I am not a small mother.

"how is this possible?"

Du Cheng’s obvious sorrow is also unbelievable. Because Ye Rou and Cheng Hao are too much like the picture. If Ye Rou is not the birth mother of Cheng Hao, then who will be.

"I know that you definitely don't believe it is because I am very similar to Xiao Yan." Ye Rou smiled and snarled, but there was some sadness in his tone.

Du Cheng was very honest and nodded. He couldn’t think of anything smart.


The feeling of sadness in Ye You’s eyes is more intense and then slowly said: “In fact, Xiao Yan’s is more like her mother and her mother is my biological sister. My twin sister is just my sister. She is small and small. Time has passed."

Ye Rou’s answer made Du Cheng’s obvious squatting there.

Du Cheng thought about thousands of possibilities but did not think of this one. Looking at Ye Rou and Cheng Tanye Du Cheng suddenly understood why he thought about it and Du Cheng asked him again: "Auntie, this thing, she knows?"

"She knows. So in the past few years, she was not willing to go home. Yerou's tone was a little sad. Afterwards, Yerou was very gentle and looked at Cheng Tanye and then said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng is a smart person. You should be able to think of it right? ”

"Yeah." Du Cheng points the words of the lamb's head and leaves him so that he can basically confirm the conjecture in his heart.

Ye Rou sighed softly and said: "So in the matter of Xiao Xiao and you, I and Tan will not stop you as long as you are good to Xiao Yan."

"Do not worry. Auntie I will be very good to Cheng Hao."

Du Cheng is very sure and Ying Lu’s statement is undoubtedly the default relationship between Du Cheng and Gu Sixin.

"Okay, let's talk about business." Cheng Tanye's eyes are also full of sadness and seeing something wrong. He directly opened the topic and said: "Du Cheng. This time I plan to use green environmental protection as the theme of the market. So can you let Gu Sixin come to us for a spokesperson? If you can, we can open a very high endorsement fee. Give her even a 100% loss of performance to the Xinxin Charity Foundation. What do you think?"

In fact, Cheng Tanye does not need to say that Du Cheng also has this plan. Although the market positioning of electrolytic melt is different, Gu Sixin’s endorsement may not bring much sales to the electrolytic melt, but some things may not be apparent on the surface. The Cheng Tanye's search for Gu Sixin's endorsement is undoubtedly the desire to establish a brand image in the long run. For Kaijing Energy, it is very beneficial.

And this is undoubtedly a great opportunity for Gu Sixin to increase popularity and image. It is also in line with Gu Sixin's image. So Du Cheng did not want to say anything directly: "Well, I will talk to Sixin about this thing, let her come back." Okay."

This endorsement does not need to advertise for the time being. It only needs to take some publicity photos. It does not need to think about how much time.

Cheng Tanye saw Du Cheng promised and said with a smile: "That this will be handed over to you. Just like my aunt and I want to see for yourself what the talented woman who came out of our city looks like."

Du Cheng smiled slightly. Did not say anything.

"But Du Cheng

It’s just that Yerou seems to think of something. Once again, I’m a little weird. After looking at Du Cheng, I’m wondering some of the incredible directions toward Du Cheng: “Gu Sixin’s piano is really what you teach.

Du Cheng shook his head. Answer: "Half of it.

He does have a teacher Gu Sixin but Gu Sixin is able to achieve such success but is inseparable from her own talent. ※Xing ridge ridges in the capital of the city of Puhui Lebu face to talk about the "the edge of the people Chuan Xianfan heart?" Ye Rou then asked, but the look is full of wonder.

"Well, Du Cheng nodded.

Ye Rou and Guan Tanye looked at each other at a glance. Although they have already guessed a bit, they heard Du Cheng personally admit it. Still can feel some incredible.

On the way back to Villa No. 15. Du Cheng made a phone call to Gu Sixin.

Gu Sixin ended the Hainan concert yesterday and was preparing to go to Tianjin. After receiving the call from Du Cheng, Gu Sixin directly changed the itinerary and sat down with Su Xueru and Peng Yuhua to fly back to the city.

However, when Gu Sixin returned to the city, it was close to dusk.

"Du Cheng that Kaijing Energy will not have you again?"

Gu Sixin, who was sitting in the vice seat after getting on the bus, asked some of the lights to go to Du Cheng.

As a city person, Gu Sixin rarely touches this aspect, but she still knows about Kaijing Energy, the top three companies in the city. So when she heard Du Cheng let her come back to speak, Gu Sixin already guessed. I am afraid that this Kaijing Energy has a relationship with Du Cheng.

Because now she Gu Sixin has basically become a professional spokesperson for Du Cheng.

It is like giving Yinglian Electronics' "Perfect Life" and Zhongheng Pharmaceutical's Zhongheng Weight Loss Tablets as the endorsement. These are all Du Cheng Holdings companies and they control most of the shares.

On the one hand, Su Xueru is an incredible look at Du Cheng.

Compared with Gu Sixin, what she knows is more. When she returned to the city, she even handed it over to Kaijing Energy. Naturally, she has studied Kaijing Energy.


If a large company with a total asset of over 10 billion has a holding, Du Cheng’s net worth

Su Xueru is now somewhat unimaginable. The most important thing is that Du Cheng is not yet 21 years old.

But Peng Yuhua still wears a sun hat and black-framed eyes. She just looks cold and looks at the window. For her, martial arts is the most important thing, and everything else is like feces.


For Gu Sixin's question, Du Cheng did not conceal the meaning directly: "Well, I have 70% of the shares. So if you want to give me a good endorsement, you should give us a message of our own things."

How many shares have been mastered by Du Cheng. Gu Sixin did not pay attention to what she noticed, but Du Cheng’s last words were sweet.


However, Su Xueru in the back seat is directly sluggish.

At this moment, Su Xueru’s own brain is short-circuited. In her opinion, Du Cheng’s maximum holdings of only one to five percent are already very horrible. If there is more, then it will never be more than 10%.

It’s just that she can’t imagine it. Du Cheng actually controlled 70%. This is Du Cheng, now the largest shareholder of Kaijing Energy. If you go deeper, you will rely on this 70% stake. It is possible to make Du Cheng the youngest billionaire in the country.

Du Cheng did not care about Su Xueru's thoughts but Du Chengcheng had thought about his own family.

It’s just that the money is for Du Cheng. It was just a beginning because Du Cheng’s heart already had a bigger plan. And these funds are far from enough for Du Cheng to realize his plan~www.novelhall.com~ In the hands of Du Cheng, there are still many things that the current technology can't make. If Du Cheng wants to make those things, then Must have their own research institutes and a large number of world-class cutting-edge talents.

Based on these two points, Du Cheng needs an absolutely safe and confidential place, which is the base.

The money needed to build a large base is absolutely horrible and unimaginable. So for Du Cheng, the money is not enough for the time being. What he needs is more money.

And that. The base will be the core of Du Cheng's huge business empire, so Du Cheng needs to speed up the exhibition to get more assets before this.

Of course, this idea is now only preserved in Du Cheng’s mind. The reason why Du Cheng is not to say to anyone is very simple because Du admits that there is no need at all.

The second remaining night is updated.

The stock is apologetic to everyone for the typo. In fact, every chapter of the small cold will be modified several times. There are always a lot of typos that can't be seen. I am really embarrassed to be cold and guilty.