Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 258: Full attack

The 258th chapter comprehensive attack

Mu Qing left. of course. When he was special, he took a lot of people. Han Xin is in it.

Du Cheng didn't say much because some things were enough for a little bit of it. What he had to wait for was what Lin Qing handled.

But no matter how the harvest tonight is definitely not small, perhaps this will become one of the Xuantang exhibition. Opportunity.

If Lin Qing’s action is slightly larger, Xuantang can take the opportunity to expand directly.

Du Cheng’s ambitions are still not big enough, as long as Xuantang is stable in the Huli District, and then slowly carry out the exhibition and the exhibition is too fast. It is not good for Xuantang. Because the exhibition is too fast, the foundation is simply too late to stabilize. This is not what Du Cheng wants to see.

So when he left, Du Cheng made a direct call to A Jiu-Jun to let A Jiudu pay attention to the movement of the Lake Gang and he himself took a taxi to Star Teng Technology.

Xingteng Technology has received a big order today, and if it is completed, the profit is still very impressive.

Therefore, when Du Cheng arrived, Cheng Hao and Zhong Chengshou were still sorting out relevant materials to prepare for production.

Du Cheng did not say anything directly in Xingteng Technology waiting for Cheng Hao to work.

On the second day, Du Cheng returned directly to the city.

This is basically Du Cheng's habit of going to any place to Du Cheng will not stay too long. Du Cheng will return to Villa No. 15 as soon as he has time. After all, Du Cheng is now the most time for him. He hopes to spend more time with his mother.

After all, Du Cheng will not have that much time after December.

However, although Du Cheng returned to the city, Du Cheng, who is a member of the lake, was careful to pay attention.

In fact, Lin Qing did not let Du Cheng disappointed.

Under the testimony of Chen Sihan, Han Minggui was dismissed and the two regulations were also in the Huli District. A very strong anti-black operation was carried out to conduct a surprise inspection and strict investigation of the scenes covered by the lake. Greatly hit the power of the lake.

This result Du Fu actually had expected that the Lake Gang is the biggest gang in the Huli District. It is impossible to clear the lake to help, but this is enough for Du Cheng.

After Lin Qing’s action ended, Du Cheng began to prepare for Ah Jiu.

At this time, Du Cheng returned to the third day of the city and stayed at home for three days. Du Cheng once again drove to Xiamen.

However, in addition to Du Cheng, there are 50 new elite members and two hundred members of the Xuantang ordinary members.

Coupled with the fact that Xuantang had already arrived in Xiamen, the ordinary members of the 400th elite group member of the 150th team are completely capable of clearing the strength of the current lake.

And Ah Ji was prepared for a long time under the command of Du Cheng.

In the headquarters of the Xuantang Xiamen Coin, Ah Jiu, Du Cheng and A San are all sitting in the conference room. Tonight is the beginning of action and this time the meeting is precisely for this matter.

"The boss I have checked out that the forces of the Lake Gang are undergoing extreme contraction after the police investigation."

Ah Jiu’s preparation was very good. On the table, there was a map of her elaborate Xuan Ge and pointed to the three places on the map with red pens. Then, “There are most entertainment places in the entire lake area. All of them are in an unattended state. Some small gangs are directly removed by the police. So now our main convenience is only the three red sun nightclubs, paradise world and Jinhui Entertainment City."

With the introduction of Ah Jiu, the eyes of Du Cheng and A three people fell on the map.

These three places are far apart and this place is the largest entertainment city in the lake.

"The current power of the lake is shrinking, but the number of members is still six or seven hundred. In addition to the Red Sun nightclub at the headquarters of the Lake Gang, there are more than one hundred people scattered around. As for the Red Sun nightclub, I am afraid. More than 300 people

A Jiu said that he was very detailed and even introduced Du Cheng’s branch of the main members of the lake.

As a gang with a long history. It is impossible for the lake to naturally have no elite power of its own.

In addition to a gang and two deputy gangs, the lake gang has four elephants, namely Qinglongtang, Zhuquetang, Baihutang and Xuanwutang. The number of people in each hall is between 40 and 60.

It can be seen from the explanation of Ajiu that there are two churches in the four elephant halls that are kept in the red sun nightclub and the other two churches are in the heavens and the Jinhui entertainment city.

The same nature of the four elephants and the Xuantang elite group is only the elite of the lake. When it comes to strength, it is definitely not as good as the elite group.

After all, the elite group of Xuantang can now be said to be the anti-day existence. Even if it is the Ganzi world, I am afraid that it is impossible to have the strength of the imaginary imagination of the imaginary group.

When Ah Jiu introduced Du Cheng’s mind, he had already made a decision and asked A Jiu: "Are you having anything to check about the firearms?"

"There is only one good news. This time the police seized a pistol from the lake in the process of scrutinizing the police, and they increased the intensity of the investigation. This made the Lake Gang have to take them for the first time. The firearms were disposed of to avoid being detected by the police again. So if we can do it right now, the lake may not be able to use the guns as long as we can handle them well.

Ah Ji did not say anything more. Because the meaning is already very clear.

As long as the lake is solved, the guns must have become the sacs of Xuantang.

Du Cheng nodded. Although the domestic management of this aspect is very strict, but with Xuantang to a larger stage. This aspect is definitely indispensable, so Du Cheng did not say much, but directly pointed to the paradise of the world and said to A San: "A three of you with 30 elite members and 100 ordinary members to go here to start Don't let them have any chance to fight back."

Du Cheng’s minority to A3, although not as good as the other side, is definitely far from talking about the combat power, so Du Cheng is full of confidence.

"There is no problem with Du Ge. I must let them have no chance to call her mother." Ah San's face is full of excitement. The eyes are also full of confidence.

After the end of three o'clock. Du Cheng also pointed to Jinhui Entertainment City and said to Dagang: "Dagang will hand it over to you. You are like the people in the three belts. I hope that you two can attack these two places at the same time."

"it is good."

Dagang answered very simply. After all, he didn’t have much personality but it was very direct.

"Boss that red sun nightclub?" Ah Jiu heard the arrangement of Du Cheng seems to have guessed the look. There is a bit more excitement on the face of indifference.

"I am coming here.

Du Cheng directly responded. In order to be on the safe side, Du Cheng decided to take it in person. After all, this is a leap of Xuantang. Du Cheng does not want to have any accidents.

See Du Cheng to shoot. A nine and the women's episodes look at each other and obviously can foresee the ending tonight.

It seems that every time Xuantang has an action, the sky is very cooperative.

It was also a very dark night, but in the countless lights, the night was ruined.

At least the Red Sun nightclub is so bright and very lively.

This red sun nightclub is not the biggest one in Huli District. The size of the nightclub is very large. It is much more difficult than Du Jin’s last trip to the Golden Autumn Nightclub. The Lake Gang has to set up its headquarters here.

In this lively atmosphere, more than a dozen extremely discordant vans were flying and all stopped at the gate of the Red Sun nightclub, followed by 80 young people wearing black and black pants. Going down from the car.

Every young man's waist is incomparably straight and there is a strong temperament of eighty people standing together. Instantly formed a powerful gas field that makes people afraid to get close to half a point.

These eighty people are naturally members of the elite group of Xuantang. Ten steel and three of the remaining 90 members of the elite group of the three members of the team have stayed at the headquarters and looked around. The eighty people were all transferred by Du Cheng.

Of course, not only these eighty people ~ www.novelhall.com ~ nearly two hundred members of the Xuantang ordinary members will arrive later.

After the 80 elite members got off the bus, Du Cheng and A Jiu and the Queen came out from the last car.

A nine-necked black women's tight-fitting suit was crisp and neat, while the Queen was replaced by a nine-female tight-fitting suit at the request of Du Cheng, but compared to the slimming of Ah Jiu. It is said that the Queen’s **** figure is full of extra temptation to hold the tight suit.

Du Cheng, he also put on a black costume and also put on a black sun hat and the low pressure of the people can not see his appearance.

This time the action. Du Cheng is inevitable in order to prevent the emergence of the police. Du Cheng had already invaded the police communication system through Xiner Xun at the moment before getting off the bus and temporarily destroyed it and invaded the surveillance system to shut down all the street video and surveillance systems.

Under such circumstances, Du Cheng can safely deal with the lake to help Du Cheng. Under such circumstances, he still can't get the lake.

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