Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 248: Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Chapter 248 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

“The old left of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical Ducheng did not directly drive back to the No. 15 taming but went to Kaijing Energy Company outside the suburbs.

Because when Du Cheng left, Cheng Tanye made a phone call to Du Cheng to let Du Cheng go to a company to discuss the matter of electrolytic melting.

In the past few days, basically Kaijing Energy has gathered the eyes of many media in the world and everything is because of the electrolytic melt that can decompose the battery toxic.

Even many energy companies began to ask Kaijing Energy for price. However, Cheng Tanye has always kept the mystery. Perhaps Du Cheng has kept him mysterious.

Because this requires a process, a preheating can only be achieved by the value of the electrolytic melt after this process.

Originally Du Cheng expected that this would take more than a week, but Du Cheng did not think that everything only took three days.

The Audi car slowly stopped at the big ear of Kaijing Energy. Du Cheng gently rang the murderer.

Cheng Tanye had already told him to go down, so the doorman at the door saw Du Cheng’s license plate open the electric retractable door for the first time, so that Du Cheng’s car directly entered the company of Kaijing Energy.

Because the solution to the water pollution incident Kaijing Energy has returned to normal again, the employees have started to work again. So the feeling of Du Cheng’s coming this time is completely different. There is no dull silence in the entire Kaijing Energy. It is obvious that there is a good worship of 1 浔川浔.

Du Cheng did not expect this to quickly take over the invitation in the hands of Cheng Tanye. If you can get the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Kaijing Energy will undoubtedly maximize its reputation in the international arena.

However, Du Cheng’s mind is not here. For the electrolytic melt Du Cheng has absolute confidence, the probability of passing the review is absolutely over ninety-nine because this is a benefit for the human world, there is no reason to pass.

Because at this moment Du Cheng’s mind is transferred to another thing, it is the more Aizhong tablets.

If the more Aizhong tablets can also get this award, then it is definitely the best way to make a name for the Aizhong tablets.

I think that Du Cheng directly said to Cheng Tanye: 1 "Uncle. You can do this thing, you are better than me.

"Well, then I am ready to start."

Cheng Tanye nodded. The look of hope sparkles in the eyes.

Although the mind has already made plans, Du Cheng did not immediately say to Lin Zhongling that he would wait until the more recent Aizhong tablets began to officially go.

and so. After leaving Kaijing Energy, Du Cheng went directly to Villa No. 15.

just. What makes Du Cheng have some headaches is the lines he has his own. It seems that all the big events are scheduled to go to the same time period.

If the new hard drive can be opened, StarTeng Technology will go to the Electronics Show in Tokyo, Japan in December.

The opening of "Xuanyuan" will be completed in December and will be held for the first time.

Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is also currently in the middle of the weight loss tablets, no need to Du Cheng to worry about anything, even the overseas market development work is also very smooth. The marketing department has helped Zhongheng Pharmaceutical to bring back a large number of orders but if everything If the exhibition goes well, it will probably be officially launched in December.

Rongxin company is also the same as the late work, plus some preparations in the early stage, etc. Rongxin company began to officially operate in the late November or early December.

In addition, Gu Sixin's national tour will officially end in November, and Du Cheng will also need to take Gu Sixin to visit Paris. To fulfill the agreement between him and Li Enhui.

In the end, Xuantang’s expansion was in accordance with Du Cheng’s plan. “Xuantang will complete the annexation of Chitang within ten days. In November, Xuantang will officially enter Xiamen.

So many things have been squeezed into the same period of time, which makes Du Cheng have some headaches.

Because Du Cheng's time seems to be not enough, and it is still not enough to use it. He will probably run around like a headless fly.

This is a difficult problem for Du Cheng, but these things are already on the string. Du Cheng has to change it. On the contrary, it is now the most leisure time of Du Cheng at the same time until the end of November.

Between Du Cheng and Suo. His car has slowly stopped outside the gate of Villa 15.

After getting out of the car, Du Chengsu is no longer thinking about those. Instead, go straight inside the villa.

Just entering the gate Du Cheng saw the Gu Jiayi who was sitting in the hall waiting for her.

1 "Do you have time tomorrow?"

Gu Jiayi seems to be writing a document and seeing Du Cheng coming back. She raised her pretty face and asked for Du Cheng~www.novelhall.com~ Mingyu

Du Cheng originally planned to go to Xiamen tomorrow because tomorrow is the second phase of "Perfect Life". The second stage has passed three small internal test responses, so Du Cheng intends to go there. Of course, Du Cheng is also in order to see Cheng Hao.

However, seeing the look of Gu Jiayi is obviously something. Du Cheng did not think anything directly to Gu Jiayi said: "Should there be anything?"

Gu Jiayi pointed to a form in his hand. Said: "I have contacted the former employees of my dad company. Although some employees are willing to come to our new company, the new company still has a lot of vacancies in many positions. So tomorrow I plan to hold it in the downtown square. A job fair. If you have time, come with me.

11 good

Du Cheng nodded this is indeed a key. He naturally will not refuse.

This chapter is not easy to code for more than three hours. I have more than two hours of sweat to fight for a more chapter before twelve o'clock.