Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 242: that power

Chapter 242 Power

Renqing did not know that Du Cheng was meeting him to study the most difficult and old woman. Suddenly I received a call from the top. Then I will come here for the first time.


It is not Du Cheng who called him. But the director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau is Lin Xi’s top boss.

"Is it you Du Cheng?"

Approaching Du Cheng's front Lin Qing was very polite and asked Du Cheng.

Du Cheng nodded. For the arrival of Lin Qing, he did not have any unexpected look because the phone was Du Cheng let Ahu help him.

This matter is now met. That is naturally to be solved, and Du Cheng also intends to completely solve the problem and also allows Xuantang to enter the place to start paving the road, so the director Li and the bald green is Du Cheng to clean up the first time.

Seeing that Lin Qing, who seems to be not a low official, is actually a little more unexpected than the handsome face of Du Chengcheng. At this time, she finally understood the meaning of the somewhat inexplicable phone call before Du Cheng.

The policemen next to them also realized that Du Cheng’s identity seems to be somewhat simple. To be as simple as Lin’s identity, I’m so simple and I’m afraid I can’t go anywhere.

And got the confirmation of Du Cheng. Lin Qing’s face suddenly became more serious because he knew Du Chen’s identity on the phone, so Lin Qing first introduced to Du Cheng’s self: “Hello, I am the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Lin Qing. Call me Lin Qing.

Du Cheng nodded and said directly: "Director Lin, I saw the director Li in the Chinese restaurant and dine with that person and also heard that Li’s manager and the people had illegal transactions. This time, regarding the serious fight against drugs, Secretary Lin hopes that you can conduct a thorough investigation."

I heard that Du Cheng said that Lin Qing’s gaze fell on the ground. Li’s strengths are of course not far from the pale-headed bald green as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. I am very familiar with it. I heard that Du Cheng said that he also guessed something.

Du Cheng said that the simple but the director Li listened to the ear but it was like a spring thunder. If it was found out, then he could not only be derelict, so simple. Now Li’s chief suddenly panicked and said to Lin Qing: "Lin Secretary, you must not believe what he said, he has no way to openly attack the police.

"To shut up."

It’s just that Director Li’s words have not been finished, but Lin Qing’s words have stopped him. But he knows what the identity of the attacking police is.

After drinking stopped the director of Li. Lin Qing directly pointed to the bald heads of the heads of Li’s head and said: "Take them away. Give me all the power to scrutinize any unscrupulous elements and we must do our best to eradicate them."

"Is Secretary Lin."

Lin Qing’s words, who dared not listen to those of Li’s men, went to the bald green and his six men for the first time and put them directly up to the police car.

After those who were waiting for the bald head were taken away, Lin Qing told the men of his own: "Take him away from both of you and go to the restaurant to do a transcript."

His men's movements were also taken away from the face of Du Cheng's ruthless Li, but in less than a minute, there were only three policemen left next to Lin Qing.

"Director Lin. I am worried about your peace. I only got those people to put my idea on my friend. Fortunately, if I am present, if I am not there, then the consequences." Du Cheng did not continue to look at it. Lin Qing.

"I am really embarrassed that this is my fault. Du Cheng, you can rest assured that there will be no more next time."

Hearing Du Cheng said that Lin Qing quickly promised Du Cheng that this matter is also big and big, after all, Du Cheng’s identity is there.

At the time of the guarantee, Lin Qing’s gaze also fell on Du Cheng’s side, and he looked at Cheng Hao’s beautiful face and the elegant and temperament of Lin Qing. It’s also a headache because Cheng Hao’s long is too beautiful. some.

After thinking about it, Lin Qing said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng is not like this. I will send people to protect your friends for twenty-four hours. After things are settled, then you will withdraw."

? ”

"Well, that's it. Just don't bother with my friend's normal life." Du Cheng nodded and he waited for this sentence.

Compared to let the queen come here. It seems that the police here are better protected and there is a good excuse for how small Lin Linqing dare not protect.

"I know that I will arrange it well." Lin Qing naturally knows this kind of thing. Just patted the chest and it should come down.

After handling the matter of Director Li and the bald head, Du Cheng confessed to Lin Qing and then left with Cheng Hao.

"Du Cheng why they are so afraid of the Royal"

Cheng Hao took Du Cheng’s face and looked at Du Cheng’s reaction to Du Ren’s reaction to this person.

"Showing you something is better."

Du Cheng did not conceal the meaning of Cheng Hao. He took out a delicate badge from his arms and came out in the middle. It is engraved with the red guard bureau.

Cheng Hao grew up in Beijing and naturally knows something. So I just saw this badge. I have already guessed it and then I thought to Du Cheng, "Is it a badge of the Central Guard Bureau?"

"Yeah." Du Cheng nodded gently.

"No wonder.


Cheng Hao’s heart is no wonder that. Lin Qing will be so polite to Du Cheng. I don’t want to look down on this small and small badge. It represents a power with a very amazing power. He has heard some rumors about the Central Guard Bureau. The rumors are even more fascinating.

The things that happened tonight did not affect the interest of Du Cheng and Cheng Hao.

After leaving, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao went directly to the market in Xiamen. Cheng Hao was like a wife of Yi Xianshu. Du Cheng carefully selected several costumes and pajamas, which were obviously prepared for Du Cheng.

Looking at Cheng Hao's gentle look Du Cheng's heart has a very full feeling and Du Cheng is actually enjoying this feeling very much.

On the second day, Du Cheng immediately drove back to the city.

last night. Du Cheng once again gave Cheng Hao a massage and was very comfortable to sleep with Cheng Meimei.

Because Du Cheng did not want to destroy the subtle feeling between the two, and Du Cheng did not want to have Cheng Hao in the first place.

After returning to the city, Du Cheng did not immediately drive back to the 15th villa but directly to the city's airport.

Because Gu Jiayi, who will come back today and temporarily ended the tour, Gu Sixin and other women will come back with Gu Jiayi. Du Cheng naturally needs to pick up the plane at the airport.

Looking at a white snow-like slim dress, the look of the cold and noble Gu Jiayi and a youthful dress wearing a white sun hat and big sunglasses, Gu Sixin came out of the airport hall. Du Cheng’s face was a little more laughter. meaning.

Gu Sixin's temperament of the superstar is now strong, although the dress is excellent, but there is more than one ordinary person can't have a unique atmosphere.

Behind the two women is followed by Su Xueru and Peng Yuhua carrying a suitcase.

Peng Yuhua is still the same black sun hat with a thick black frame and the indifference of the eyes. Full of character.

Seeing that Du Cheng was waiting for his pretty face, Gu Sixin, a little bit of sweet smile suddenly did not take into account whether the airport hall directly rushed to Du Cheng’s arms because the relationship between the two lovers was long ago. And even if there is a reporter who is afraid that he will not take this scene, even if he photographed it, he will definitely not upload it because it will bring bad luck to their newspapers.

Du Cheng's hand gently licked Gu Sixin's small waist. Although Gu Sixin's abundance on his chest seemed to be more full than before, Du Cheng could see that Gu Sixin's pretty face was slightly thinner than before. In particular, the original point of the doll fertilizer has now disappeared completely.

However, Du Cheng can also imagine that these days, Gu Sixin has been conducting a tour. Every day, it is not a practice of playing a piano.

"Du Cheng. Have you thought about me?"

Du Cheng's Huai Zhong Gu Sixin looked forward to Du Cheng. Because these days Du Fu did not go to see her concert because she was too busy.

Looking at the sweet smile on Gu Sixin's pretty face, Du Cheng gently patted Gu Sixin's hips and said softly: "Of course I think every night."

"Silver ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Du Cheng's action makes Gu Sixin feel warm but also makes her pretty face instantly reddened and quickly broke away from Du Cheng's arms and ran to Gu Jiayi.

Looking at Gu Sixin's playful look, everyone laughed.

After receiving Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin's daughters, Du Cheng immediately drove back to the villa on the 15th.

Gu Sixin's tour still has six local cities. The last place is plus the itinerary. It takes about 20 days to finish. However, in the car, Gu Sixin has already asked Du Cheng to go to Paris to play in advance.

Du Cheng is naturally very happy to agree. Because of the time, I should almost meet with Li Enhui at that time.

Sweat summer is coming to my wife's hometown. There is a summer festival. The cold is the day to be a son-in-law. I have to send the bird in advance and still have some time in my wife’s house. My poor code time is much less.

In the afternoon, the rest of the update can only be opened at night and sweated again.