Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 240: Best

The twenty-fourth chapter of the best

Cheng Cheng and Cheng Hao were found in the Zhejiang University of Zengteng Technology Co., Ltd.... The decoration was better than the 趟 证 certificate. The Chinese restaurant sat down. Cheng Hao was very happy to tell Du Cheng what she was born in Xingteng Technology today. .

Looking at Cheng Hao’s happy look, Du Cheng did not want to mention Cheng Tanye’s affairs, but Du Fu finally raised it.


Listening to Du Cheng said that Kaijing Energy has solved the problem and won 70% of Kaijing Energy. Cheng Hao is already an incredible look at Du Cheng's eyes filled with an incredible look.

Cheng Hao naturally knows the difficulties that Kaijing Energy faced before, and how her knowledge does not know the crisis of Kaijing Energy.

It’s just that Cheng Hao is just an ordinary girl. She doesn’t have the spirit of being willing to sacrifice her happiness for all beings. Therefore, Cheng Hao has always been a strong resistance, but now the results have gone beyond the unexpected expectations of Cheng Hao.

Kaijing Energy solved the problem and may usher in a higher peak. Cheng Tanye also promised that Du Cheng would no longer force her to marry Guo Jin. It seems that everything is going in the direction of incomparable beauty and the initiator of all this is Du Cheng sitting in front of her.

“Does Du Cheng really solve it?”

Cheng Hao feels unbelievable and once again toward Du Cheng.

Du Cheng smiled and nodded. This kind of thing was changed to someone who would not be able to believe it for a while. After all, the gap between them was too big.

Then Du Cheng went on and said: "Your dad still let you move back to live. He worried that you are not safe for a girl outside. Small.

In fact, Du Cheng is also worried about this. If he did not meet Cheng Tanye, Du Cheng originally planned to arrange the Queen. But now Du Cheng can only see Cheng Wei’s decision and then do it again.

It is.

Just let Du Cheng have some surprises. Cheng Hao does not seem to move. He only considered the film Xuan. Then he said: "Du Cheng, you told me to tell my dad that I don't want to go back. I want to go back and naturally I will go back. of."

“Why?” Du Cheng asked some questions about Cheng.

Cheng Hao is obviously doing a good job of making a decision and then saying directly: "Some things are born, I don't want to be a child, I don't want to be a child, and I know that I can't be a flight attendant for a lifetime. I don't want to be one. You are. Cage canary so I want to learn something here

Du Cheng knows that Cheng Hao has a strong claim. Sure enough, Cheng Hao arranged for himself to know what he wanted to get.

"Well, I will help you to tell your dad if you want to see you. You can come here to see you." Even Cheng Hao said that Du Cheng naturally would not oppose anything.

Cheng Hao gently nodded and said with a smile: "Then we have dinner, we have dinner, we go shopping.

"it is good."

Du Cheng smiled and answered. Tomorrow, he will return to nature and want to have a good night with him.

Du Cheng was also making a decision at the same time that Cheng Hao made the decision.

It’s not a worry that Tan Cheng is not worried about it. Therefore, Du Cheng plans to arrange the Queen to protect Cheng Hao tomorrow. After all, the power of Xuantang will begin to enter Xiamen in a short time and it will become the first stronghold of Xuantang.

And this is like Du Cheng's Villa No. 15.

Although it seems that Villa No. 15 does not seem to be a small defense, Du Cheng has already prepared for it. Every day around the 15th Villa, there are several members of the Xuantang who are guarding and inside the Villa No. 15 Cheng also did some small hands and feet, although it is not dripping. But if you have any urgent things, you will give Du Cheng a sufficient buffer time.

And when Du Cheng and Cheng Hao talked. A middle-aged man with a fat body at a table a dozen meters away from the two is looking at Cheng Hao. Next to him is a bald youth.

The youth's body is not stout but the muscles are very solid. His eyes are also on Cheng Hao's body. However, compared with the middle-aged people, he has to hide some of the look in the eyes but still can't. hidden.

"Really * too positive, I have lived for forty years, and I have never seen such a good girl. If I can sleep for one night, I will be willing to live for ten years."

It is a pity that the middle-aged man is staring at Cheng Hao.

The bald youth heard the middle-aged man’s face and smiled in the eyes. It flashed a hint of gloom and said to the middle-aged man: “Director Li is indeed a superb girl, but if you are interested, if you are interested, There is no way.

"Oh, do you have a way to be a bald girl?" The words of the bald youth suddenly asked Director Li to come to the interest and look forward to the bald youth. "Dao Li, can you be able to

The young man known as the bald head did not go on because he knew that Secretary Li understood what he meant.

Director Li obviously couldn't stand the temptation of the bald green. After biting his teeth, he said directly: "No problem. As long as you can bring her to my room at night, I will let the people below relax some of these days."

"Well, this thing is on my body." The youth packaged the ticket and then began to conspire with the middle-aged and smirked.

It’s just that the voices of the two people’s voices are small, but they’ve been stunned by Du Cheng’s.


And before the two people's daylight has not yet fallen on Cheng Hao, Du Cheng actually began to pay attention to these two people. Du Guan also knows the identity of these two people from the conversation between the two.

The director Li is the director of this area and the bald head is a local snake in this area is also the boss of a gang here. In the crackdown on this bald green hand, there is a batch of goods that can't go out to find this director Li.

And in the eyes of the two men plotting Du Cheng, there was a chilly look.

Now that I intend to let Xuantang enter Xiamen, Du Cheng does not mind to help Xuantang first.

After dinner, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao left the Chinese restaurant and the director Li and the bald head had left before.

Just Du Cheng and Cheng Hao.com from the entrance of the Chinese restaurant, there are six young people who are led by the two to take the lead and are a stout youth.

Looking at the six people who surrounded themselves with Cheng Hao, Du Cheng’s face just floated a faint smile. It was looking into the distance, just looking at Du Cheng and seeing less than 300 meters in front. Outside the bald green with the director Li

Cheng Hao is gently holding Du Cheng's arm and his face is full of smiles.

She knows that the strength of Du Cheng is naturally not worried about anything.

And the six young people will be surrounded by Du Cheng. The young man who took the lead was taking out a knife and coming out between the two hands and quickly threatened with his seemingly skilled knife skills: Kid. Don't talk strangely with us to go small, otherwise it will be ruthless. ”

Du Cheng smiled slightly. This young man's knife skill is good, but if you compare it with Ah San, then it will be a hundred thousand miles away.

However, Du Cheng did not break through. Instead, pretend to be threatened and then walked towards a remote alley not far from the threat of the six youths.

Although Cheng Hao didn't know why Du Cheng didn't do it, she didn't have any look of fear. Instead, she looked forward to Du Cheng. Obviously I want to know what Du Cheng is thinking about.

Business, you borrow a woman. You will leave me here first. If you dare not be honest, Lao Tzu will remove your gluten. ”

After entering the alley, the young man with the knife once again threatened Du Cheng and then turned to the next two gangsters. Instruct them to go forward and bring Cheng Hao over.

Those two. The confusing seeing Cheng Namei to let them suffocate the face is already some fascinating. After getting the indication of the knife youth, suddenly a smirk toward Cheng Xiaola


If you change to the usual time, Cheng Hao may indeed be afraid of these gangsters, but there is Du Cheng and He is not at all in the heart because she knows that Du Cheng will protect her. www.novelhall.com~ Cheng Wei guesses that it is true. Du Cheng may have someone else encounter Cheng Hao's body is small and Cheng Hao is now his prospective woman, so seeing the two mixed hands and reaching Du Cheng's eyes suddenly a cold direct two feet to the two to mix hard The speed of the birth of the cockroaches makes the two gangsters simply not respond.

The young man with the knife was obviously stunned. Just waiting for him to react, the two gangsters had already rolled their stomachs on the ground and it was obviously very painful.

"*You dare to resist you. This is to let the old man give you some blood."

The sword dance in the hands of the young anger of the knife is more spent, but the person still has no intention to shoot. Instead, the three young people around him come out.

It’s just that the fate of the three young people is obviously not so good. When the three of them are not close, they will be directly promoted by Du Cheng. Suddenly, the young man standing in the entire alley still had Du Cheng and Cheng Hao.

Suddenly, the fifth time, I went to sleep and went to the bird, and everyone went on holiday, but Xiao Leng was still working hard."