Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 238: problem solved

Chapter 238 Problem Solving

※ When Tan Tan’s Maihehe opened to the gate of Kaijing Energy, he entered the 11th Pinnacle and opened the electric gate for the first time. Duocheng’s Austrian car was with the back of Maybach towards Kaijing Energy. Go inside.

Kaijing Energy covers a large atmosphere inside the layout of the layout. The nearly 12-meter-wide road is not directly visible in any company that can be seen directly in the interior of Kaijing Energy. About a minute later. The two cars stopped outside a building with a four-character sign in the research center.

This way comes. Perhaps because of this water pollution incident, Kaijing Energy has few people and most of them are health and security personnel who are obviously born after the incident of water pollution. Kaijing Energy is basically in a stoppage.

Fortunately, there are people in the research center who are still at work. After all, the problem of water pollution has not solved the problem that others can stop the research center. It is absolutely necessary to stay and find a solution.

After getting out of the car, Cheng Tanye took the research room on the third floor of Du Chengchao directly. Nearly 20 researchers were either sitting or standing very heavy.

When I saw Cheng Tanye coming in, all the researchers focused on Cheng Tanye.

Cheng Tanye just nodded to these people. Did not say anything but asked Du Cheng: "All the chemicals in Du Cheng are here. Do you want to look at it first?"

Ok. ”

Du Cheng gently nodded his gaze and it was already on the front of the piece of chemical agent. I went to the chemical agents.

After a brief glance, Du Cheng found the chemical needed to mix the electrolytic melt.

The researchers next to them were puzzled and watched Du Cheng clearly do not understand what Du Chenglai is doing here to see what these chemicals do.

They don't believe that Du Cheng is a researcher because their middle-aged and oldest are in their 30s, and most of them are over forty years old. This is not a career that can only be talented. It also requires the accumulation of experience.

Du Cheng is obviously too young.

"Cheng, I can start your stay. But. Can you let them all go out?"

Du Cheng pointed to the researchers while pointing to Cheng Tanye.

Cheng Tanye naturally knew that Du Cheng’s meaning was not directly thought to the researchers next to him: “You should go out first, wait for me to call you in.”

Cheng Tan’s words. How can the researchers dare to say that although they are all puzzled, they still retired.

Du Cheng did not say much. After the process, Tanye closed the door and started to work directly.

In fact, Du Cheng is not worried about letting others see it. Because this chemical agent can not be understood, it can be understood. Otherwise, Du Cheng will not leave Cheng Tanye because the different parts of each chemical agent can not be combined with no detailed dosage formula. If you do not, you will not be able to deploy it.

Cheng Tanye also knows. So there is no jealousy but a direct walk to the side of Du Cheng who has begun to deploy.

Du Cheng did not do it himself but let Xiner control his body. After all, this kind of thing Du Cheng only started in the biology class. The hand is born for the sake of insurance, only to let Xiner come.

In fact, the whole process of blending is very simple. It can be as simple as about 20 or so of chemical agents. Even Cheng Tanye feels some unbelief.

"Well, let's go to the polluted water source and try it together."

Du Cheng shook his hand in a small test tube with less than eighty milliliters of electrolytic melt. But the effect is amazing.

"Well, I am still going."

Cheng Tanye nodded and went out with Du Cheng.

The eyes of the researchers at the outside walkway were all gathered in Du Cheng and Cheng Tanye.

"Let's come together." Cheng Tanye did not explain what he said to the researchers and then walked downstairs with Du Cheng.

Behind Kaijing Energy is the source of Fuxiangxi. The source of water is black and there is a stench of scent. There are large dead fish floating on the river. This time the river pollution will probably clear all the remaining fish here.

After walking along the stone ladder to the riverside, Du Cheng did not say anything but poured the electrolytic melt in his hand into the stream.

Just heard a sizzling sound and then the river that turned out to be slightly dark began to gradually whiten and the sound of the sizzling sounded more and more open.

Seeing the arrival of the scene, not only the researchers were stunned. Even Cheng Tanye, who had long been mentally prepared, was also a dull color.

In fact, even Du Cheng himself is somewhat surprised. After all, Du Cheng did not think that the momentum would be like a little bit of a bite."

About a minute later, the sizzling sound stopped, and the water source in the front of Du Duan was nearly 100 meters. It was very obvious that it turned white. There is no difference between it and normal river water.

"Cheng Zong. Take some of these water sources and go back and see if there are any toxic substances.

This effect. In fact, Du Cheng did not know that it was a success, but for the sake of safety Du Cheng decided to let Cheng Tanye take some to go back and see.

Cheng Tanye nodded and then said to the researchers behind him: "Whoever has a container with some water to take some of the water back to test it."

I heard Cheng Tanye’s instructions to those researchers who suddenly took out the test tube from the body and quickly ran to the river to fetch water.

After all, they are all professional. It is not surprising that some people carry some test tubes with them.

At this time they also know what happened to them, and their faces are full of inspiring look. After taking the water. I returned to the lab the first time.

At the moment of testing, the entire laboratory can be described as static and terrible, and when the research results come out, all the researchers in the entire lab have exclaimed that everyone has looked at Du Cheng's eyes with some changes.

"We can talk about Xiao Cheng now?"

Du Cheng basically ignored the eyes of those researchers because he knew that it was time to talk about business.

"Well. Go to my office and have a good talk.

. Cheng Tanye’s face is also full of excitement. Because Cheng Tanye has seen a very beautiful future is waving to him. But this beckoning person is Du Cheng.

Cheng Tanye's office is not in the research center but in the office building of Kaijing Energy. This is a six-story building. Cheng Tanye’s office is on the fifth floor.

People in the city like five, so many companies and company owners like to put the office on the fifth floor. Cheng Tanye is no exception.

Cheng Tanye's office is very close to 60 square meters. The entire office is divided into two inside and one outside. Outside is the secretarial room. The inside is the overall layout of Cheng Tanye's office. The antique is full of unique elegance.

The secret of Cheng Tanye is that a woman of about 30 years old is a good temperament but she is very ordinary. Obviously, Cheng Tanye is also trying to avoid such a secretary.

Du Cheng and Cheng Tanye entered the office. The secretary first soaked tea for the two and then closed the door and went out.

1 "Is the formula of Du Cheng Na chemical agent you alone?" After the secretary went out, Cheng Tanye asked Du Cheng for the first time.

This is the most important thing. Because Cheng Tanye does not believe that Du Cheng can research this kind of electrolytic melt out. Cheng Tanye believes more. There is a research team or something behind Du Cheng.

1 small journey, you can rest assured that if this formula is also available to others. Do you think that no one has announced it yet? Du Cheng smiled and said that this is the future formula who will have it now.

Although Cheng Tanye did not believe in his heart. But I also think that Du Cheng said that there is a reasonable nod to say: "That's good. With this formula, this time the water pollution problem can basically be solved. Small

Finished. Cheng Tanye smiled and then said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, you talk about what you mean. I know that this formula is definitely very precious. This time, Kaijing Energy can escape from it. Thanks to you, as long as it is not Too difficult condition~www.novelhall.com~My Cheng Tanye will promise you

Du Cheng did not immediately say that this thing is quiet, but opened the topic and asked: "This matter will be said that I always want to ask Cheng Hao about the matter. This time the water pollution problem solved you. Will it force her to marry Guo Jin?"

Hearing Du Cheng said that Cheng Tanye sighed and then said a little ridiculously: "If there is a way, how can I force a small sigh? If it is not because of the company's thousands of employees, even if Cheng Tanye goes bankrupt, it will not force. If you are married to a person she doesn't like, don't worry about it. After this time, if Guo wants to deal with my Cheng Tanye, I won't force another half.

"I am relieved to have this sentence."

Du Cheng’s face showed a smile because he knew that Cheng Tanye was not lying.

The third is more difficult to play in the afternoon. The result is too relaxed. Sitting down the code word, it is not possible to get up at the moment. I am sure there are five more today. If it is not even before twelve o'clock, it will be overtime after twelve o'clock. Everyone is assured.

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