Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 207: Add program

Chapter 207 Adding Programs

Yuan. After Du Chenggang finished his dinner, the Iron Army led a ticket to the brothers who drove six out of the villas where Ye Family is located. The purpose is naturally very simple. Du Cheng simply has no way to refuse to be dragged by the Iron Army and a ticket brother. Heaven and earth.

Ahu was happily followed by him who was originally pulled by Du Du. As a result, I had no choice but to let the Iron Army lead a ticket to the brothers.

After going to heaven and being respected for dozens of bottles of beer, Du Cheng returned to the villa with some drunken Ahu.

Although it was already nearly twelve o'clock in the evening, but Ye Mei was still sitting in front of the computer in her pajamas and digested what Du was taught her.

It’s just that such a beautiful scenery, Du Cheng, how to let go of Ye Meixun’s rush to the bathroom after a shower, Du Cheng will directly hold Ye Mei from the computer desk and walk toward the big bed.

Ye Meixian is struggling. Then it was a slap in the eyes of Du Cheng’s eyes and the fascinating beauty. It is full of the meaning of each soul.

Night madness. Under the flattery of Ye Mei’s madness, Du Cheng did not know how many times he had asked for the storm of Du Cheng’s incomparable satisfaction. Ye Mei was soft and fell on the soft bed and fell asleep. Du Cheng left Ye Mei and did not wake up or said that Ye Mei simply did not want to wake up.

After leaving Yejia, Du Cheng took a taxi directly to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel where Gu Sixin and Gu Jiayi lived.

When Duan arrived at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, it was just ten o'clock in the morning. Gu Jiayi had already gotten up. Gu Sixin is working on the concert for the evening, and the piano Su Xueru and Zhang Huan went out to prepare for the concert. It was Gu Jiayi who opened the door to Du Cheng.

"I finally came to Sixin. I want you to think crazy."

Gu Jiayi pointed out that the piano room that was specially arranged for Gu Sixin said softly to Du Cheng, but she was very happy.

"You don't want me?"

Du Cheng gently closed the door and then grabbed Gu Jiayi and pressed the other person to the wall to kiss the other's lips, and then asked softly to her.

Gu Jiayi was shocked by Du Cheng’s action and took over Du Cheng’s action to make Gu Jiayi’s heart beat.

Because Du Cheng’s palm didn’t know when it’s covered her chest and the other hand’s palm was sliding towards her skirt.

Gu Jiayi knows that Du Chenghui is so bold and afraid that Gu Sixin suddenly ran out of her pretty face and suddenly filled with a nervous look. After Du Cheng’s big eyes, she quickly left the Du Han’s arms and left but only on the face. It is already a little more blush.

Du Cheng naturally wouldn't be so anxious. He just wanted to make a slight excitement. Gu Jiayi had already seen Gu Jiayi rushing away and the face of the graceful and moving back Du Cheng was full of smiles.

Sure enough, as Gu Jiayi said, Gu Sixin saw that Du Cheng’s arrival of the piano did not practice and went straight to Du Cheng’s arms. However, Gu Sixin’s face was only fleeing with Du Cheng’s hug. Hiding in the side of Gu Jiayi.

"How are you prepared for the night?"

My love heart

Looking at the moving appearance of Gu Sixin and the feelings expressed by Gu Sixin's simple movements, I can say that I am very comfortable.

"Well, I have already rehearsed yesterday and there should be no problem." Gu Sixin nodded this time and she was very prepared.

Ten thousand

As for the venue. Originally located in the Music Hall of Zhongshan Park, it was only after the location was announced that the wave of opposition from the fans on the Internet was overwhelming. The reason is that the number of people in the Zhongshan Park Concert Hall is too small.

Later, at the suggestion of Zhang Huanhua, the venue of the concert was changed to a national stadium that can accommodate 80,000 to 100,000 people. Because of this, Su Xueru and Peng Yuhua had already left the door early because the new venue was too big. It takes a lot of time to just arrange it, and today is the last day. Naturally, it can't be sloppy.

Although the National Stadium's fixed seats and temporary seats add up to nearly 100,000, the nearly 100,000 tickets are only sold out in the previous three days, and even many oxen are starting to speculate.

The ordinary 80-dollar rear seat has already fired more than 600 seats in the hands of the yellow cattle and the closer the seat in front. The higher the speculation, especially the seat in the front row, which is priced at 3,000, is nearly 10,000.

But even so. There are still many people who buy the scalper tickets. This shows how the concert of Gu Sixin is so popular.

"Du Cheng. I plan to add a program temporarily in the evening."

After simply introducing the location of this event with Du Cheng. Gu Sixin asked for Du Cheng, looking forward to it.

"You are the protagonist. You want to increase the program. Why do you want to show your cigars? It’s just a smile. It’s just that the words in the brain are suddenly flashing. It’s already clear what Gu Sixin wants to arrange.

Sure enough, Du Cheng’s expectation is correct. He said that Gu Sixin said that she was carrying her pure and beautiful beauty and said to Du Cheng: "This matter requires you to promise because this temporary program is related to you."

Seeing the cute appearance of Gu Sixin, Du Cheng couldn't help but reach out and touch her soft show. Then he asked: "Do you want me to go on stage to play one?"

"Yeah." Gu Sixin ordered a little head to see Du Cheng did not refuse, she was naturally very happy.

Du Cheng did not refuse to mean to whisper: "Well, anyway, I promised to create a piece of music for the Xinxin Charity Foundation, then play it tonight."

"Du Cheng, have you created it?" Hearing Du Cheng said that Gu Sixin was very excited and asked.

Ten thousand

Even Gu Jiayi, who is on the sidelines, is looking forward to Du Cheng.

"You will know the secret night. Small

Du Cheng’s mysterious smile was not revealed.

He didn't need to prepare anything at all because Xiner had already prepared Du Cheng for a love of the sky. The more beautiful piano music is just this piano piece, but it is not like Gu Sixin's style, so Du Cheng has never been. Jiao Sixin is small, but he has no problem talking about it.

In the afternoon, Du Cheng stayed in the hotel to accompany Gu Sixin and Su Xueru and Peng Yuhua until 5:00 pm, which was rushed back.

The excited look from Su Xueru’s face is not difficult to see. This preparation should be very smooth.

I love ugly heart

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that there is Peng Yuhua. There is also the special identity of Gu Sixin. Everything is naturally a green light. In this case, it is very smooth to prepare for the natural walk.

After waiting for the family to have a hearty dinner, Du Cheng and others immediately took the two military vehicles that Peng Yuhua transferred from the Armed Police Brigade.

Although the concert was held at 8 o'clock in the evening, when Du Cheng and others arrived, the entire national gymnasium was crowded with people. It’s almost like a crowd of people. This concert received the "strong support" of the police. A total of nearly 200 police officers maintained order at the scene. Although it looks a bit messy, it is very orderly.

Du Cheng and others were in the back door of the National Stadium and then entered the backstage of this stadium.

The concert crew of this concert was already waiting for a long time after Gu Sixin arrived. It was taken away by the makeup artist, Su Xueru and Zhang Huanhua followed by Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi.

However, the faces of both of them are full of expectation. After all, this is Gu Sixin's first personal concert and it is still Du Cheng in a stadium of such a large scale. I can't help but feel a little excited.

At about 7:30 in the evening, the entire national gymnasium was full of people, whether it was 80,000 seats in a fixed seat or 20,000 in a temporary seat. At first glance, it can be said that the sea of ​​people is very spectacular.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, under the auspices of the master of ceremonies, the music will begin on time.

Gu Sixin, who is dressed like a princess in a fairy tale, walks slowly to the stage in the center of the stadium.

All the lights are extinguished at this moment. Only one light illuminates the same as Gu Sixin~www.novelhall.com~ Everyone’s eyes are on this moment. Gusin’s applause and cheers can be said to be one after another. The waves are extremely warm.

Gu Sixin can now say that he is more and more aware of the style of the world in the eyes of 100,000 people. Always keep a sweet and pure smile, there is no such thing as a market.

When Gu Sixin sat in front of the piano, the sound around him stopped at this moment. With the sound of Gu Sixin's first note, the sound of the music was officially kicked off.

Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi looked at the scene outside the window. Gu Jiayi looked at Gu Sixin's eyes full of excitement and arrogance. Du Cheng was searching for the whole stadium.

Although it seems that it is a sea of ​​people at a glance, it is not too difficult to find someone with Du Cheng’s powerful vision.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, Du Cheng’s gaze has fallen on one person and one person.

sweat. I only got up at nine o'clock before I got up and rushed to the code. There is another one around 12 o'clock.