Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 193: Later

The 193th chapter of the fate

One by one Du Cheng. Do you hate me? ”

Sitting in the car, Cheng Wei looked at Du Cheng’s indifferent feeling in his indifference. He felt that a loss was like losing something important. This made Cheng Hao feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. So she did not wait for Du Cheng to take her to where she was already whispering to Du Cheng.

"Why do you say that?"

Du Cheng’s heart is actually a bit irritating. It’s just that his strength is too fast and he’s pressed down and calms his tone.

It’s just that Du Cheng’s calm is a kind of spiritual torture for Cheng Hao. Then he asks: “Small, do you not like me to go to that place?

. ? ”

but. After the words were spoken, Cheng Hao’s own tone seemed to be somewhat wrong. The tone was like a pair of male and female lovers who explained the wrong things to the male.

Listening to Cheng Hao said. Du Cheng’s eyes also flashed a strange look. At this moment, Du Cheng suddenly had a different feeling between himself and Cheng Hao. As for what he felt, Du Cheng couldn’t say it, but Du Cheng did not want it. Let this feeling continue because it is not a good thing for him.

Because he already has three confession, Du Cheng is not greedy, although Cheng Hao is so beautiful that Du Cheng is amazing, but Du Cheng does not want to make any surprises on the feelings.

Therefore, Du Cheng deliberately said in a relatively indifferent tone: "You don't have to care about my thoughts. After all, we are just ordinary friends. And I am not qualified to ask you anything.

Sure enough, I heard Du Cheng’s answer with a little indifference. Cheng Hao’s beautiful eyes suddenly looked awkward. There is still some pain between the faces. Bubble tough Bashan milk thistle drying plant sue less summer new reading small 诧 多

It was a feeling that I didn’t even think of it at this moment. She suddenly realized that she was so concerned about the feelings of Du Cheng.

This strong feeling. Let Cheng Hao can't help but blurt out: "Small if you don't like it. I won't go to that place again in the future."

After talking about Cheng Hao’s pretty face, it’s already a blush because it’s just a conversation between lovers. She just hasn’t taken it so much at this time.

Du Cheng can feel the special change between Cheng Hao's speech. This makes Du Cheng more firm in his own mind. Because of this situation, I am afraid that the relationship between the two will really be in that direction.

After thinking about it, Du Cheng said directly: 1 "In fact, you don't have to change anything for me because we are just ordinary friends.

Du Cheng deliberately emphasized an ordinary friend because Du Cheng did not want the US department to go further.

"Little ordinary friend

Cheng Hao muttered to himself. The eyes are even more awkward and some are missing.

Prior to this, Cheng Hao had been very much looking forward to his own meeting with Du Cheng's sixth meeting. It’s just that Cheng Hao didn’t think that the sixth meeting of the two would be like this if they knew so. Cheng Hao prefers that he will never have the opportunity to meet with Du Cheng for the sixth time.

Du Chengqiang resisted letting himself not look at Cheng Hao because Du Cheng was afraid that he would be soft and his heart was not cast.

If there is no Gu Sixin, then Du Cheng actually does not mind to follow Cheng Cheng. However, Du Cheng must be responsible for Gu Sixin, so Du Cheng had to directly destroy the feeling that he had already had some signs.

Seeing Du Cheng silent Cheng Hao suddenly had a very tired feeling turned around and looked at the "serious. Du Cheng driving a car, Hou Cheng said gently: "Du Cheng. I am a little tired, can you send me home?


Du Cheng nodded. He naturally refuses to accept this question for Cheng Hao.

It was just that when Duan Cheng said the place name, Du Cheng was almost stunned. Because Cheng Hao’s home is actually in Xicheng District. What makes Du Cheng feel speechless is that his No. 15 villa is on the 15th of Xicheng District Road and Cheng Hao’s home is on the 15th of Xicheng District Road.

The villa Du Cheng knew that because the villas behind his 15th villa were just a green river between the backs and backs. Also separated the two villas.

However, Du Cheng did not say it. Instead, drive directly to Xicheng District.

Cheng Hao did not speak, but he was somewhat powerless. He looked at the seat and looked at the window quietly. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Although the two villas are backed against the back. But it is two different roads. It's like two parallel lines. Du Cheng is not unfamiliar and is very familiar with turning at the traffic lights. The vehicle drove directly to the location mentioned by Cheng Hao.

This is a very stylish villa on the scale. It is even more atmospheric than Du Fu’s Villa No. 15. Or I am afraid that the size of a villa in the entire Xicheng District will pass through this villa.

It is quite obvious that the owner of this villa is not simple.

Du Cheng’s car stopped slowly just outside the gate... It’s a big wilderness and it’s just ten.

"Thank you.


Cheng Hao took a look at Du Cheng and took a look at the gate of the villa. After gently speaking to Du Cheng, he got off the bus.

Looking at Cheng Hao’s heart, Du Cheng’s heart sighed softly and then drove directly to his own No. 15.

After Du Cheng’s car drove off, Cheng Hao stopped to walk back and looked at Du Cheng’s direction of leaving the car. The whole piece was like a collapse. The head was buried in the arm and the shoulders trembled gently.

Du Cheng’s heart is also uncomfortable. In fact, he is also expecting the sixth encounter with Cheng Hao. It’s just that the relationship between the two is based on the fact that Du Cheng can’t believe it. Transferring to male and female friends, this made Du Cheng have to squat down and directly wipe everything in the sign.

It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening after returning to the villa on the 15th. Du Cheng did not go to Gu Jiayi and others and went straight back to his room.

After taking a shower, Du Cheng put on a robe and then sat directly on the sand beside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The glass Du Fu, who passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, could just see the villa where Cheng Hao lived.

Du Cheng just quietly sat in his mind and kept on fantasizing the scenes of his own encounters with Cheng Hao, and the elegant temperament revealed by Cheng Hao from the bones.

"If you really have a fate, you may meet later."

Du Cheng’s heart secretly thought that it was not impossible to use the fate of the two.

Sit for a while. Du Cheng stood up, but when Du Cheng planned to pull up the curtains and close the window, he suddenly saw a tall figure coming out from the back door of the villa and quietly walked to the bank of the green river.

That person is Cheng Hao, although separated by more than 100 meters, but under the illumination of the street lights, Du Cheng can clearly see the beautiful face of Cheng Hao. There is also a slightly reddened eyes of Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao quietly walked to the bank of the green river and then sat on the concrete bank next to the river and looked at the water in the river. But I don't know what it feels like to give people a feeling of sadness.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng now had some signs of soft heart. Du Ducheng directly pulled the curtains and turned off the lights and returned to the bed and forced all his spirit into the study.

The time passed by one minute and one minute until Du Cheng stopped learning, it was already more than three in the morning.

Du Cheng usually learned this time and then got up and spent two hours getting up and getting up.

just. Just as Du Cheng got up and went to the bathroom. Du Cheng’s meaning turned to the gap of the curtain and looked at the riverside opposite. I don’t know when I had left and looked at the empty shore. Du Cheng’s own heart was a little more lost.

Wang: Remind. This article has no tragic plot. Everyone is assured. By the way, let me know in advance that the protagonist and Cheng Hao will have a good fate.

In the next few days, Du Cheng did not go anywhere and basically spent it in the villa.

During the day, Du Cheng basically accompanied his mother to push the mother to the sun and read some essays or stories to the mother. And the rest of the time. In addition to studying, Du Cheng is accompanying Gu Sixin to practice the piano and will go to the site with Gu Jiayi.

In the case of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, everything went smoothly and under the circumstance of a lot of production, and began to prepare for the national promotion plan~www.novelhall.com~ In these few days, Du Cheng will make Xiner The advertisement was taken out and Gu Jiayi watched the strong visual impact. Gu Jiayi’s face looked sluggish. Even Peng Yuhua’s eyes are full of incredible looks.

Gu Jiayi's reaction to Du Chen had long expected that there would be no surprises, but it made Du Cheng look forward to the effect of the advertisement.

On the last day of the month, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao separated on the fifth day, Lin Zhongling called Du Cheng.

The preparation for the national promotion has been completed. Lin Zhongling can be promoted in several major cities in China as long as he gets the advertising of Gu Sixin.

Du Cheng waited for this moment. So after receiving the call from Lin Zhongling, Du Cheng drove directly to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical.

Well, tonight, there will be three chapters in this chapter. After the update, there will be a notice about the next few days of updates. Ha ha.