Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 179: Perfect man and fairy

The 179th chapter of the perfect man and 3627 women

The troubles of the clothes. The entertainment city quickly responded. Soon a group of people came from all over the place. Some people blocked the black people. Others began to evacuate the guests in the field. If they were willing to leave, they would arrange to leave from the back door. They would not leave. Those people also I don't care.

Du Cheng just sat quietly. His position was very good. It was just on the side of the building. It was nearly 100 meters away from the gate. Even if the two sides started to dry up, it would not even affect him.

Not far from Du Cheng, Cheng Hao looked at Du Cheng with a curious look, but the naked gaze of the Queen next to Du Cheng made her feel that some villas were twisted, but I didn't know what was going on.

The scene is not destined to be safe, the two parties seem to be talking about something, and then, the two sides began to hand over.

Although the number of people in the entertainment city accounted for the majority, but after the fight, it is the black people who have an advantage. Although the black people are monotonous, they all have a few practical fighting skills, that is, quasi-deaf, Therefore, the people in the entertainment city naturally gradually lost, and when the people in the entertainment city were to be completely defeated, the entertainment city suddenly fell down a dozen people.

Among these dozens of people, three people have attracted the attention of Du Cheng.

One of the three is a middle-aged person, two are young people, and the middle-aged person is very tall, at least two meters or more, and the two young people are twins, although they are younger.

But the most important thing is that the three people at first glance seem to be obviously weak.

"Du Ge, the three people are not weak. If those black people don't have a helping hand, then they will lose."

Although Ah San is smiling, his eyes will not be weak.

Du Cheng smiled slightly, he naturally understood the meaning of Ah San, just casually responded: "Let's watch it first, wait for it."

Du Cheng’s voice was published, and a small figure in the entrance of the entertainment city came in with two tall big men. The thin figure was actually. A nine.

Obviously, these black people are the underground forces of Ajiu. Now, according to Du Cheng’s instructions, Ah Ji did not rush to expand, but cultivated his own power and kicked out all the useless, leaving only It can be played and bold, and it is only a few days, but the results are very obvious.

At least at this moment, the strength of these black people is obviously much stronger than the ordinary mix.

Today, Ajiu’s shot is because he wants to take this. The biggest force that is closely connected with her site is to win the Malay. In this case, she can only count the underground controllers in this area.

After Ah Jiu came in, he directly took the two strong-looking big men to the opposite side. Two meters big man and twins.

Obviously, this is a negotiation. The two-meter-tall man is obviously old here. If he does not agree, he will start to work with Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu's skills are not weak. Although his body does not look like half the size of the other party, Ah Ji is extremely advantageous in terms of speed and skill. He is not weakly half-pointed with the two-meter big man.

However, the two stout men next to her were obviously weaker, and they were defeated by the twins.

The dozens of people who came down with the three people quickly joined the battle. These people’s skills were not strong, but they were not too weak. They were stronger than ordinary gangsters, so for a while, the entertainment city The aspect once again prevailed, and it was the turn of the knife to retreat.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng knew that Ah Jiu was definitely going to lose this time.

However, Du Cheng did not have any unexpected look. If Ah Ji has full grasp, he will not let him "watch the show. So, seeing the Ajiu side will not be able to support it, Du Cheng will directly Said to A San: "A three, you should know to help that side? ”

"Of course, Du Ge, you can rest assured that these people are small."

Ah San is an absolutely uneasy master. When he heard Du Cheng say this, he thought of standing up, and after leaving a sentence, he strode toward the fierce fighting place.

"Du Ge, I am also going to play?. The Queen is obviously also itchy, looking forward to Du Cheng.

"Go, don't be too heavy." Du Cheng naturally refused to do so, but he gave a special command, because Du Cheng knows that against the man, the Queen is still very embarrassed, so that Ah Jiu will be smooth. After annexing here, Du Cheng naturally did not want the Queen to be too heavy.


The Queen responded and then chased directly behind the scenes.

Du Cheng, who poured himself a half cup of red wine, slowly picked up.

In the distance, Cheng Hao’s more curious eyes once again fell on Du Cheng’s body, and he looked at the three men and the queen who walked toward the fighting place. They were somewhat envious, but their eyes were more curious.

With Ah San and the Queen’s body two, the six juices are naturally a breeze. There are two people to join. The deserted weather began to pick up, and then overwhelmed with absolute advantage.

A three is just an itchy. It’s not too heavy to start, but it’s fun, and the Queen is just the type of man who wants to smoke. I don’t know who she’s got from a belt, and she’s squeaking the belt in her hand. It looks very powerful.

Ah Ji also discovered the addition of Ah San and the Queen. Although she did not see Du Cheng, she knew that these two people must have been sent by Du Cheng to help her. The heart must be certain, Du Cheng’s guess is correct. For this time, the annexation was indeed not full of confidence, so before the shot, she specially called the Du Cheng, and with Du Cheng’s consent, she dared to take it easy.

Originally, Ajiu thought that Du Chenghui had personally shot it. However, what Ah Ji did not think was that Du Cheng had sent two "powers" who were extremely powerful and strong, which made Ah Ji have to estimate again the overall strength of Du Cheng.

The ending was obvious. With the addition of Ah San and the Queen, the people in the entertainment city quickly lost. After Arsan and the Queen each fixed a twin, the sound was nearing the end.

Du Cheng, who directly drank the red wine in his hand, then stood up and walked outside the gate, because Du Cheng knew that he had no need to stay here.

Du Chengwang went to the gate of the entertainment city. Ah San and the Queen also came over later. Then, the three did not stop at any time and strode directly.

At this time, Ajiu discovered the existence of Du Cheng, but she did not have time to focus on Du Cheng, because what she needs to do is to annex it.

In the distance, Cheng Hao waited until Du Cheng disappeared at the gate, which regained his gaze.

"So, is our Cheng Hao Fairy also moving?"

Next, a female friend who was obviously very good with Cheng Hao smiled and made a soft laugh at Cheng Hao. Then he went on and said: "However, the man is really good, has a grace, looks temperament again. Personality, but also a face, the standard perfect man, is very good with you, our Cheng Hao fairy."

Cheng Hao is obviously not an ordinary woman. Even if she is teased, she just smiles and then tastes the red wine in her hand. Then she goes on to say: "It is not a good thing for a man to be perfect. It is a sure thing to attract a bee." So, I am basically parallel to his two lines, although I have met, but I will not notice the intersection.

When the event was settled, Du Cheng sent the Queen and Ah San directly to the hotel, and he himself drove in the direction of Villa No. 15.

It was already around 10 o'clock in the evening, and it didn't take much time to go to the Huangdu nightclub.

However, when Du Cheng’s car stopped at the gate of Villa No. 15, Du Cheng received a call that made him somewhat surprised.

"Du Cheng, what's wrong, won't you forget me?"

On the phone, Li Enhui’s familiar voice rang in Du Cheng’s ear.

"How is it possible, my brain has not yet reached the point of forgetfulness, how long will it be, how can I forget." Du Cheng smiled and said, but I want to come, Li Enhui went to France for about two months.

"You dare to say, then you never thought about making a call to me. This is not forgotten what it is. Small. The voice of Li Enhui on the phone has a lot of blame, but it has become a lot more happy."

"I am not afraid to bother you, the time difference between the two places is not right.

Du Cheng was in the middle of his heart and quickly found an excuse.

Li Enhui directly interrupted Du Cheng’s explanation ~www.novelhall.com~ and bluntly said: "Okay, you don't have to explain now. When are you free to come out these few days, I think you want to come with me personally." Explanation

"Enhui, do you mean let me go to France to find you?"

Du Cheng knew that Li Enhui had called him what should be, so he did not feel any surprise.

"Why, you don't want to come out?" Li Enhui's voice deliberately got bigger.

"How is it possible, let me take a look, not tomorrow is the day after tomorrow, I will call you when I come out." Du Cheng naturally will not refuse, do not say anything else, Du Cheng heart still see Li Enhui as a sister.

"That's right, okay, you are too late, don't talk about it now, remember to call me when you come out."

Li Enhui saw Du Cheng promised, and the tone was also a lot of joy, but did not say much. After leaving a sentence, it hangs.

The third bird, it seems that I have to work overtime at night." I sweat (to be continued)