Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 174: retribution

Chapter 174 Retribution

"Wu Yun, I am so good to you, you are so turbid, what kind of poisoning, you are not going to care?"

Li Lan took Wu Yun’s sleeve and said with sorrow and anger.

"What do you say I don't know you roll."

Wu Yunyi greeted Li Wei with a cold face and then quickly said to the glamorous woman he was holding: "Amy, this woman must be crazy, she is so ugly, how can I recognize her."

"When you look at the goods and wear them so cold, Wu Yun, if you really know her, I will re-examine your taste." The glamorous woman is obviously very proud to look at Li very disdainfully. Then he said coldly.

Li Wei’s body is not bad. A new dress of Chanel’s dress is also worth 20,000 yuan, but this glamorous woman wears a more expensive set of custom-made dresses that the Italian marshals personally sewed. It will not be less than 150,000. The glamorous woman will laugh at Li Wei so.

"How come this kind of ordinary goods, how can Wu Yun see it." Wu Yun quickly explained that Li Wei was very low.

Li Wei can be said to be angry. She is really Wu Yun. She wants to give her two people who often go to the casino. There is no income in the senior club. Li Wei has hundreds of millions of assets and can’t stand Wu Yun. So toss.

But now she is just a small complaint with Wu Yun, saying that the two should save some flowers or they will not have money. The original Li Wei thought that Wu Yun will share her with her. Wu Yun turned his face on the next day. People and quickly accompanied a rich woman to let her painstakingly completely pay.

"Wu Yun, I will ask you again, are you really so unrequited?"

Looking at Wu Yun’s face, Li Wei’s face was desperate and suddenly had an impulse to laugh because at this moment she had a feeling of evil and bad news and she used to be with Gu Tao. The curtain is quickly appearing in her mind.

"Hey woman. I said that I didn't know you when I rolled." Wu Yun was so upset that he was so upset that he was afraid of the rich woman who was around him and gave him a wrath and directly pushed Li Wei to the ground and then The glamorous rich woman said: "Aime, let's go, don't ignore this crazy woman."

The glamorous rich woman looked at Li Wei with a smug look and then followed Wu Yun to go to Xinpu Department Store.

Looking at Wu Yun’s incomparable look, Li Wei’s eyes are full of anger and I think of myself. Because Wu Yun used all the money, Li’s eyes gradually turned into grievances and despairs and climbed from the ground. Li Wei actually took out a makeup knife from the bag in his hand and stepped forward toward Wu Yunzhi.

Wu Yun did not know that Li Weizheng was holding a make-up knife toward him. He was rushing to see him. He was eager to look at the glamorous rich woman who obviously wanted to make up the image he had just lost.

"Wu Yun."

At this moment, Wu Yun suddenly heard that someone had called him out of the natural conditions of the body to shoot him.

After returning to his head, Wu Yun’s face was filled with a horrified look because he was now sharp and his makeup knife was straight on his handsome face and he was already out of reach.

The incomparably fierce cry rang from Wu Yun. It was only at this moment that Wu Yun was forgotten. His heart was just thinking about whether he disfigured his handsome face that survived and was destroyed by Li Wei. It is.

"You go to die, abandon me, I won't make you better."

Li Yu’s cold voice of resentment said that the movement on his hand was a makeup knife in the hands of Zhen Si, who was not stopped. He was inserted in Wu Yun’s hand and his face.

The glamorous rich woman next to it was scared and the whole body was trembled on the spot.

Gradually, Wu Yun was already unable to speak out. He was stunned by Li Wei’s dozens of knives. He was lying on the ground and his blood was not so terrible.

"Smelly woman dares to grab my man, you can also die together."

Looking at Wu Yun's lying on the ground, Li Wei's face turned out to be a satisfying smile and then turned his eyes to the yinful laughter of the glamorous rich woman.


The glamorous and rich woman's face is full of fear and her body is constantly retreating because her clothes are too tight and luxurious and complicated. She is actually unable to escape.

The makeup knife in the hands of Li Wei is stabbing her face at this moment.

In the distance, Du Cheng and Gu Sixin took all of this scene into full view. Li Wei looked at Wu Yun’s eyes like Du Cheng’s eyes. In addition to indifference, he was indifferent and had no sympathy.

Not only Du Cheng, but even the usual crying of Gu Sixin who is crying, is also a face of indifference.

When Gu Sixin said that she... the most hated thing is that Li Wei’s six is ​​Li’s mother’s death in her illness. Li’s father’s father jumped from the building and committed suicide. Will have any sympathy for her.

"Shin, let's go."

Looking at Li Lan’s madness, he used his makeup knife to stab Du Cheng’s body. He knew that Li Wei’s next life would definitely be spent in jail. This is not a kind of retribution for Li Wei. .


Gu Sixin nodded at this moment, and the cockroaches that had remained in her heart disappeared without a trace.

The source of this embarrassment is Li Wei, the murderer who killed her parents.

However, perhaps because of Li Wei’s business, the interest of Gu Sixin’s shopping was not so high, so Du Cheng directly accompanied Gu Sixin back to Villa No. 15.

Back to the villa Gu Sixin will go to the fastest trotting to find Gu Jiayi obviously want to tell Gu Jiayi this time and Du Cheng is behind the second floor.

When Du Cheng came to the second floor, Du Cheng saw that Gu Sixin was holding Gu Jiayi sobbing and Gu Jiayi’s eyes were also flushed.

However, Gu Sixin is so happy that he is also crying because Gu Jiayi is also excited and excited.

Looking at the two women's look Du Cheng's heart is still very happy to be happy for the two women.

The matter of Li Wei was finally solved. The things that Du Cheng did at the beginning were just igniting the fact that Du Cheng had never thought that this would be the end.

However, the ending is perfect, at least for Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin.

What Du Cheng expected was that Li’s life in the future was indeed spent in jail.

Wu Yun died of excessive bleeding and died. The glamorous rich woman escaped a life but her appearance has been destroyed and nothing is dead.

After receiving the news, Du Cheng and others were driving in the direction of Xiamen City.

Du Cheng himself drove his Audi Fan and Peng Yuhua was driving her Carrefour carrying Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin sisters and Su Xueru.

Because Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin are not in the country, Du Cheng directly handed over the body to Xiner for control and he himself was very comfortable. He began to learn more than an hour and walked quickly.

After the city, Du Chengxian went to the Yinglian Electronic Building and Gu Sixin and others went directly to Xiamen Times Square, where the signing ceremony was held.

This time the signing will be done by the largest local album dealer in Xiamen. It is natural that you don’t need Su Xueru to worry about what she and Gu Sixin need to do is to visit and wait for the beginning of the afternoon signing.

When Gu Sixin and others arrived in Times Square, which was not far from Yinglian Electronics, Du Cheng’s car had stopped at the parking lot of Yinglian Electronic Building.

The whole parking lot is no longer like the one when Du Cheng.com was when the Yinglian Electronics moved in. It was just a few times of parking.

In the current Yinglian electronic parking lot, there are already a dozen cars that have been stopped. In addition to Tan Wen's Audi 6, there are other shareholders, such as the Magotan and other private cars, which can be said to be quite large.

When Du Cheng got off the bus, Tan Wen had already appeared at the gate of Yinglian Electronic Building. Du Cheng had called him before he came. He naturally came out to meet him the first time.

After Du Cheng came over, Tan Wen asked Du Cheng for the first time: "Is there a signing of the new album in the afternoon of Miss Du, Mr. Gu Sixin?"

"Well, at half past two in the afternoon, how come you have any arrangements?" Du Cheng looked at the face of Tan Wen’s excited face and asked him~www.novelhall.com~ I intend to organize the employees of the company to wear the company’s propaganda. Service to Miss Gu Sixin as a volunteer, how do you see? "Tan Wen is obviously ready."

Du Cheng’s eyes flashed a hint of appreciation, but it’s just a flash: but it’s a good idea: “This idea is good. Gu Sixin was originally the spokesperson of Yinglian Electronics. It’s normal for us to go to volunteer as a volunteer. You arrange it, the signing will start at 2pm."

"Good Du."

Tan Wen responded and began to prepare.

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Anti-new week This week, the streaking category click list is not worthwhile, but the classified week recommendation list is quite a chance. Everyone will take the recommendation ticket and let Xiao Leng get more chances on the list.