Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 172: 1st work

Chapter 172

Through the night, Du Cheng sneaked in the direction of the hike.

At this time, it was more than three in the morning. Basically, there were no pedestrians outside, and Du Cheng also handed over the body to Xiner’s control. Naturally, it was very easy.

This time, Du Cheng did not intend to do it himself, but let Xiner control his body.

About half an hour later, not far ahead, it appeared in front of Du Cheng.

As a symbol of spiritual civilization in Japan, the guardian work of the Yasukuni society is still very strict.

It’s just that for Du Cheng, these guards work is nothing. With Xin’s powerful ability to sense any probe or camera and infrared light, Du Cheng can completely enter without knowing it.

However, Du Cheng’s goal is the rear of the Yasukuni society, because this time the location of the time bomb was placed, in the middle of the main hall, the town’s spiritual society and the Feng’an Temple, these three temples form a character type, and by then, The power of the bomb will cause damage to the outer buildings of the three temples at the same time, that is, it can destroy a lot of things inside, and it can prevent the Japanese Emperor from paying homage. It can be said that it is more than one.

Of course, Du Cheng is only responsible for the placement. As for the violence, it is not Du Cheng’s business.

Things went very smoothly into the temple, Du Cheng's body shape escaped the multi-layered monitoring, and quietly climbed over the tall wall into it.

The grove below the wall undoubtedly gave Du Cheng a very good cover, while Xiner controlled the body of Du Cheng to dig a hole in the branch of a big tree, and then placed the time bomb into the hole. Then cover the excellent bark that was originally protected, and cover it up very well.

After finishing all this, Xiner directly controlled Du Cheng’s body to leave.

It’s simple when you come, and it’s naturally easier to go.

After leaving the Yasukuni society, Du Cheng left the Chiyoda area directly on foot, and then directly found a place where no one was waiting for dawn. After 9:00 in the morning, he drove directly to Kyoto Airport and then left by plane. Kyoto.

(It’s very simple, give a rough explanation, avoid being told about angry youth, irrigation, etc.)

"Du Cheng, is it finished?"

When Du Cheng returned to Ye Family, it was already close to noon. Ye Chengtu and Ye Nanling were at home. When they saw Du Cheng, Ye Nanling let Du Cheng and Ye Chengtu go to his study, and then Du Cheng asked.


Du Cheng nodded and went on to say: "It's still smooth, there is no problem, it has not been discovered, and the hidden place of the bomb is still very hidden. No one should find it. Small.

Ye Nan Ling Feng points his head in satisfaction, his face is a little more smile, and said: "That's good, this time things will not make you busy, this time the task belongs to the category of first class 1 In the afternoon, you will go to the Guard Bureau with Chengtu. Let the bureau first issue it to you, this will be very helpful for you in the future."

"Okay. Father."

Du Cheng should have a voice. He knows what it means to be a meritorious service. Naturally, he will not be polite. As an additional reward for this mission, Du Cheng is still very satisfied.

After finishing the business with Du Cheng, Ye Nanling seems to think of something again, and said to Du Cheng: "Oh, yes, you have time to bring me a few signature albums of Gu Sixin's little girl. I have several friends here. Interested in the album."

I heard Ye Nanling say so, Du Cheng dare not agree, this signature record is extremely precious for others, but for him Du Cheng, it is nothing at all, so this kind of human nature will not refuse. And, and can be an old friend of Ye Nanling, I am afraid that it is not an ordinary person.

"Shin Xin should be signing a sale at Chengdu Metropolis today.

Ye Nanling mentioned Gu Sixin, Du Cheng also remembered the schedule of Gu Sixin these days.

In the past few days, Gu Sixin's record sales can be said to be on the rise. Before Du Cheng’s departure yesterday, Gu Sixin’s record sales have exceeded 3 million, and it is still rising at a crazy rate.

According to Su Xueru's prediction, Gu Sixin's record sales this time will probably reach more than 20 million, which is absolutely a terrible record in China.

Such a horrible sales volume will also earn tens of millions of charitable funds for the Xinxin Charity Foundation. When the time comes, Du Chengcheng’s plans for several of them will be carried out.

Of course, the increase in record sales has led to a surge in the popularity of Gu Sixin. Now Gu Sixin’s popularity in China has far exceeded that of all entertainment stars, and her Xinxin Charity Foundation has become The topic that people talk about.

After the signing ceremony in various places, Gu Si is happy. I am doing a tour of various cities in China. The matter of Guan Qian’s tour “All the Macao have already prepared for Gu Sixin, and with the help of Peng Yuhua, everything is naturally green.

Du Cheng did not stay in the capital. In the afternoon, after going to receive the first-class medal with Ye Chengtu, Du Cheng stayed with Ye Mei for one night in the capital. The next morning, Du Cheng sat directly. The plane that flew to the city.

The end of the mission of Japan, coupled with the silence of Du's family, Du Cheng can now begin to develop his own three lines.

Therefore, after returning to the city, Du Cheng did not immediately return to the No. 15 villa, but drove directly to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical.

When Du Cheng went to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, it was about 11 o'clock in the morning. Before going there, Du Cheng had already called Lin Zhongling in advance. Therefore, when Du Cheng arrived, Lin Zhongling had been waiting for a long time.

Correctly speaking, Lin Zhongling has been waiting in Du Cheng’s office for a long time.

After Du Cheng obtained 80% of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical's shares, Lin Zhongling renovated Du Cheng's very atmospheric office, but it was only completed a few days ago. Therefore, Du Cheng is also the first time. Come to this office, which is nearly forty square meters in size and luxuriously decorated.

In addition to Lin Zhongling, Ah San is also in this office. He is now basically equal to Du Cheng’s representative in Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. Therefore, after the office is renovated, it is naturally used by Asan.

However, Ah San only used Duan's office to play with a knife. Unless there is any problem, the company will never intervene.

"Zhong Ling, how is the response now?"

Du Cheng did not go to the position of the boss who was taken up by A San Pa, but sat down on the luxurious sofa on the side, and then asked Lin Zhongling.

Ah San didn't mean to give way, because he didn't need to be polite with Du Cheng. Therefore, he was not interested in listening to the business, and he played the blade directly against the comfortable big chair. The three small sharp blades kept turning between his fingers, which was very beautiful.

Lin Zhongling’s skill in playing swords for Ah San’s skills has long been eccentric. When he heard Du Cheng’s question, he directly responded: “The response is very good, and this time the tablets are completely out of the previous one. The issue of approval has once again established a good image among consumers. Even if the last thing was mentioned again, it should have no effect on us."

"Well, then let's wait a few more days and make sure that there is no problem, then we will directly launch the national promotion plan."

Du Cheng nodded, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical to do big and real profit, only to promote the nationwide promotion of Zhongheng weight loss tablets, to the reputation of Zhongheng weight loss tablets, fame in the country It’s just a matter of time.

"Total, if you promote it, I think it is better to ask a female star to speak for it. In this case, the effect should be better and it will be beneficial to our promotion work."

Lin Zhongling has completely invested in the company's affairs these days, and he has gone less. He knows clearly that now is the most crucial period for Zhongheng Pharmaceutical. Naturally, I don't want to make any mistakes at this time.

"Well, I will solve this problem. You are almost ready. These days, you can increase the production of tablets in Zhongheng's weight loss. After the next month, we will launch a nationwide promotion on a large scale."

Du Cheng has long thought about the choice of spokesperson. According to the current situation, who is more suitable than Gu Sixin, and with Gu Sixin’s current popularity, I am afraid that as long as the advertisement is broadcast, this Chinese medicine will lose weight. The film will quickly become famous ~www.novelhall.com~ This is also the reason why Du Chengrang Lin Zhongling increased production, because the order will be very horrible at the time, and now I will prepare in advance, otherwise I am afraid I can’t meet it. The estimated order is up.

Ok, I am going to increase production and run all five lines. ”

For Du Cheng’s instructions, Lin Zhongling naturally would not oppose it, and directly responded to it because he knew that Du Cheng would say that he would definitely have his own plans.

"Well, you should first prepare for it. Before the end of the month, try to increase the production capacity to the maximum." Du Cheng nodded. Now Lin Zhongling's performance is really satisfactory, and far exceeds Du Cheng's expectations. .

As for the promotion, Du Cheng also needs to make a decision at the end of the month. After all, he is looking for Gu Sixin's endorsement. Du Cheng does not want to have any bad reaction in the weight loss tablets, which will hit Gu Sixin's image.

Lin Zhongling did not say much. After a sigh of relief, he got up and walked outside.

The third bird, continue to update, by the way, ask for a monthly pass (to be continued)