Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 163: Du Jia's powerful 1 hit

When Du Cheng drove to the Yulian Building, he said that the woman and a few other monkeys had a very big job fair.

The performance of the company in this ten-day towel can be said to be steady and rising. The number of monthly members has exceeded 450,000, and the total number of online users is as high as 3.2 million.

Such a brilliant achievement naturally requires a strong team support. Therefore, in the contact with Du Cheng, Yu Wen decided to conduct a large-scale job fair. Although Du Cheng knew that there would be this job fair, but I didn't think I had a chance.

Looking at the hundreds of candidates gathered outside the Yinglian Electronics Conference, Du Cheng’s heart is still very happy. Now the reputation of Yinglian Electronics can be said to be louder every day. In Xiamen, there is no more than one. It is even more unique to Gu Sixin to speak for him.

Slowly from the crowd into the Yinglian Electronics parking lot, those candidates are involuntarily separated on both sides, and Tan Wen, who is conducting an interview inside, found the arrival of Du Cheng car, and quickly stood up After the job of the interview was handed over to another shareholder next to him, he personally greeted Du Cheng.

Although there were a lot of people around the gate, there was very little parking here. After Du Cheng got off the bus, he walked with the essays toward the inside of the building.

At present, apart from a few people in the company, most of them are unclear about Du Cheng's identity. Therefore, Du Cheng and Yu Wen went directly to the sixth floor of the company.

"Yu Wen, this is Fu Gang. From the beginning of the meeting, he will represent me here for some time. He will not intervene in the operation of the company. However, if someone is looking for trouble with the company, no matter who you are, you must Come to him the first time."

After entering Du Cheng’s own office, Du Cheng did not say anything more, pointing directly to the big negative to know the essay.

"Hello, my name is please."

When I heard the first words of Du Cheng’s first words, I received the text and thought that I had done something wrong. Du Cheng intended to let people manage themselves, but after hearing the last two sentences, the arm was a big heart, and it was busy. Reach out and say to the outline.

"Outline." Taigang responded very simply and held a hand with the language.

Well, Yu Wen, Dagang's food and shelter will be handed over to you, as long as there is anything, you can let him directly handle it.

Du Cheng also needs to go back to the market, naturally it will not stay in Yinglian Electronics.

"Okay, Du, you can rest assured." Zeng Wen directly responded, without any hesitation.


Du Cheng nodded and then said to Dagang: "Dagang, here is handed over to you, what is the first time to call me."

"it is good."

Fugang is still as good as ever.

One one one,

After leaving Dagang in Yinglian Electronics, Du Cheng drove directly back to the city, and then the Queen returned to Villa No. 15.

Next, Du Cheng’s waiting is the offensive of Du’s family.

After the event, Du Cheng can be sure that Du Cheng will never dare to use the power of the underworld, because the strength of his own, if Du will definitely have scruples.

In terms of Bai Dao, Du Cheng would like to see how the Du Jia will be shot.

However, to Du Cheng’s current strength, Du’s attack on the White Road does not seem to threaten Du Cheng.

However, what made Du Cheng somewhat surprised was that the Du family seemed to be sinking, and there was no slight movement for several days.

However, Du Cheng’s own three lines have developed very rapidly. The reputation of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical has begun to recover and started. The good weight loss effect makes Zhongheng Pharmaceutical’s business better and better. Although the show method is comparable to the previous one, For Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, this is a improvement.

As long as the reputation is gradually started, and it is determined that the slimming tablets have no adverse effects, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical will usher in a real spring. At that time, as long as the tablets in the weight loss are sold nationwide, Zhongheng will continue to sell. The performance of the pharmaceutical industry will definitely increase by a hundred times or even thousands of times at the speed of the soil.

Therefore, before the problem of Du Jia was solved, Du Cheng was not in a hurry to promote the Chinese medicine industry.

In the case of Yinglian Electronics, the three-day job fair has also ended. This time, the company has recruited nearly 100 new employees. In addition to the technical and development departments on the fifth floor, the rest of the business has increased. A dozen or dozens of people.

With the addition of these new employees, the operation of Yinglian Electronics will become more relaxed. Simply running the "Perfect Life" is no problem at all, plus Xiner's improvement of "Perfect Life". The defensive system, unless Yinglian Electronics is directly ruined, otherwise the basic work of "Perfect Life" will not cause any problems.

In the case of Rongxin Motor, the project is also close to the medium term. If this situation is developed, it will take up to two months to complete the project.

However, just in this calm, the Du family's offensive is to make Du Cheng somewhat unprepared.

"Gu Sixin cohabiting with her boyfriend? 》

"Play Enxin mysterious boyfriend exposure, the illegitimate son. . . ""


. . 》

Just overnight, the rumors about Gu Sixin were flying all over the place, the whole network was like a deep-bottle, and the sound of opposition and support was filled with the entire network.

The opposing party believed that Gu Sixin insulted the title of goddess and angels, while the support was that Gu Sixin was a girl with freedom to pursue happiness.

Fortunately, although the two voices are fierce, the speech is not extreme, but the quarrel is more fierce.

It was not clear that Du Ducheng was in the evening. When Du Cheng got up the next day and wanted to exercise, there were more than one hundred media and newspaper reporters outside the villa on the 15th. The flash can be said to be a piece. One piece.

At that moment, Du Cheng knew that things were not good. He returned to the room in the first time and opened the network two through Xiner.

Sure enough, countless discussions about Gu Sixin and the whole network have basically been turned over, and their own information has been completely exposed to the network.

At this moment, Du Cheng’s mind was the first to think of Du.

However, it is Du’s. If this thing is not handled well, Gu Sixin’s reputation may collapse in an instant. For him, Du Cheng is definitely a powerful blow. For Gu Sixin, it is an absolutely fatal blow.

What Du Cheng did not think was that Du Zhen was either not a division, and he was the most deadly place in Du Cheng. It is no wonder that the Du family did not have any movements during these days. It was originally prepared to give himself one of the most deadly blows.

In the hall on the second floor, Gu Sixin was sitting quietly on the sofa, his eyes were a little red, but he insisted on his teeth.

Peng Weihua is quietly standing behind Gu Sixin. Although she is very strong, but at this time, there is no way to help Gu Sixin.

Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi and Su Xueru are sitting on one side.

Du Cheng’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and this attack by Du’s family really hit his most painful place.

Du Cheng, what do we do now, do you want to open a press conference to explain? ”

Gu Jiayi looked at Du Cheng, she did not have the slightest way. Under the strong trend, in addition to Gu Sixin's pregnancy, the rest of the personal arguments will not play any useful role.

"From the beginning of six o'clock in the morning, at least two hundred media have called."

Su Xueru glanced at the phone that was almost out of power. Her eyes were a little more confusing at this moment. After all, she became a broker, and she could say that she was the first time she saw this scene.

"In fact, we should have faced it long ago. As long as there are people who want to check it, it is not difficult to find out."

Du Cheng said slowly, and the brain is quickly thinking about the solution.

However, this is a very difficult problem. If a problem is not handled well, Gu Sixin will probably leave the stage from now on, because Du Cheng knows that with Gu Sixin’s psychological endurance, it is difficult to bear the pressure of public opinion. .

After thinking about it, Du Cheng said slowly and slowly, "And things don't necessarily have to be what you think. ~www.novelhall.com~ Although the Internet is very big, but it is really divided into two. The faction is still very supportive of Sixin, and it accounts for more than 50% of the total number. Therefore, this time is not an absolute bad thing. If it is handled well, it may make Sixin’s popularity reach a higher peak. Not necessarily two"

"Du Cheng, you have a way to produce" Gu Jiayi's eyes brightened, and quickly asked Du Cheng.

On the other side, Gu Sixin and Peng Yuhua’s eyes also fell on Du Cheng’s work.

Du Cheng nodded gently. When he said the last sentence, Du Cheng’s heart towel suddenly had an idea. However, the idea of ​​pig Bo was more of a nature, and the result was not that he could Expected, but that approach is the only way at the moment.

"If you are exposed, simply expose it."

Du Cheng paused and turned his eyes to Gu Sixin, who was looking at him. His eyes were a little gentle and very crisp. He said: "Open a media meeting, maybe everyone’s quarrel just wants to hear the last of Sixin. Explain it."

Second, the codeword is still going on.