Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 150: grand occasion

The photo looks very simple, but it is an art. It can show the unique side of a person or thing through different methods. It is not a simple photo. If it is, then it looks like yellow. These photographers, such as Qing, may have to change their meals before.

Although from the essays on Du Cheng's title and status, Huang Qing knows that Du Cheng seems to know the real boss, but this does not prevent Huang Qing from questioning Du Cheng's unbelief.

Faced with the other party's questioning eyes, Du Cheng just smiled slightly, and then said very politely: "I will try it, just you can take a break, maybe you will probably take a better photo after waiting." That's okay." Huang Qing saw Du Cheng so polite, but also difficult to push, had to take the camera on the chest and handed it to Du Cheng.

Judging from Du Cheng’s gesture of taking over the camera, Huang Qing can basically confirm that Du Cheng is definitely a good man. At that moment, Huang Qing even had the impulse to take the camera back, so as not to endure. The messy photos affect the beauty of Gu Sixin.

However, after the camera arrived, Huang Qing found that Du Cheng’s whole person was like a personal change. Whether it was taking the machine’s method or look, it became a very professional, which made Huang Qing have a strong The illusion is as if he saw Master’s feeling of holding a camera when he was taking pictures in the past ten years.

However, this Huang Qing guess is not wrong, Du Cheng is indeed amateur, even amateurs can not count, but with Xiner, Du Cheng can instantly become professional, more professional than any ace photographer.

Gu Sixin under the light, see Du Cheng to help her take pictures, the look between the look of a little more shy, but it is full of incomparable happiness, under the lens of Du Cheng constantly placed all kinds of North.

In less than half an hour, Gu Sixin’s three sets of costumes have been filmed, and Huang Qing stood on the sidelines.

Later, Huang Qing became more and more surprised. When Gu Sixin went to change clothes, he had seen the photos of Du Cheng, and each of them, Du Cheng’s framing and angle can basically be described as perfect, and will Gu Sixin’s temperament was completely revealed. Compared with the two, the yellow smashed by Huang Qing was difficult to be elegant.

After taking the photo, Yan Wen went to Huang Qing’s upper room with Huang Qing. Many of the photos taken were taken, and the background was changed to the scene in Perfect Life. Du Cheng and others stayed in the presidential suite and began to wait for the arrival of the next day's press conference. The "Perfect Life" public beta conference was at 10 o'clock in the morning. In the first half, the location is in the first floor lobby of Yinglian Electronics.

Although many mainstream media in China are not sure whether this time, Yinglian Electronics is really Gu Sixin, but they have sent their own reporters, so this time the public beta conference is very large.

Yingying Electronics is also preparing for the fire. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Yinglian Electronics finally hangs up the spokesperson's propaganda poster and hangs on the stage set up in the hall. It is just the huge poster. It was covered with a red cloth. Obviously, at the last moment, Yinglian Electronics intends to keep the mystery to the end.

About ten o'clock, all the reporters and interviewers are basically the same, there are more than 60 people, the scene is very spectacular, although I am afraid that more than half of them are filled with the mysterious spokesperson, but Yinglian Electronics The goal was to reach half past twenty. The essays and the rest of the company’s partners took to the stage. After a simple speech, they finally opened up in the eyes of everyone’s expectations. Layer mysterious veil.

Then, Gu Sixin, wearing a princess costume, walked out from the back of the stage.

Gu Sixin in the poster is dressed in the costume of Princess An, dancing, elegant, noble, just like a fairy, surrounded by a dozen popular characters in "Perfect Life", full of joy, and "Perfect Life" The theme of easy and happy is very consistent.

In reality, Gu Sixin's feeling is more impactful, pure and sweet smile, and her more sacred temperament, brought great impact to everyone present.

No need for any warm-up at all, the entire press conference entered the moment, and did not wait for Gu Sixin to sit down, the following reporters have been rushing to ask questions.

Most of the reporters' questions are based on whether Gu Sixin wants to take this opportunity to enter the entertainment circle. However, some of the reporters’ words are a little more pity, as if they saw a pure angel who could not stand. The temptation of money jumped into the scourge of money.

However, when Gu Sixin announced on the scene that the Xinxin Charity Foundation was established, and all the profits of her Xinxin Entertainment Co., Ltd., except for the operating expenses, will be donated to the charity foundation, the atmosphere may be It is said that it is very obvious to stop for nearly five seconds.

Then, the reporters gave up the questions, but they applauded.

At this time, the text was handed over to Gu Sixin, who had already prepared a million checks. The Su Cici took over a million checks and gave the one million to Xinxin. At the same time, the charity foundation, in accordance with the instructions of Du Cheng, on behalf of Yinglian Electronics on behalf of the Xinxin Charity Foundation damages 10,000 yuan.

The move of Ji Wen and Gu Sixin is undoubtedly the most mentioned in the press conference.

At the same time as the public beta conference was very enthusiastic, the Yinglian Electronic official website, which was broadcast live on this conference, was almost directly squeezed into the madness of clicks and visits.

In particular, the publicity photos on Gu Sixin appear on the official website, so that countless Gu Sixin fans are crazy, especially Gu Sixin’s speech about Xinxin Charity Foundation, which makes Gu Sixin’s popularity once again rush to a more horrible Shuo Shuo.

Throughout the process, Du Cheng was only sitting in his office on the sixth floor of Yinglian Electronics and watching the live broadcast inside the company. In addition to Du Cheng, there were Gu Jiayi and Su Hui.

Looking at the success of the public beta conference, Gu Jiayi or Su Hui, both faces are filled with joy and excitement.

Gu Jiayi is happy to see her sister grow up step by step, and Su Hui is because of Su Xueru's --shu-ku-most-fast-more-new-wen-word-version ------ - Happy with performance.

The whole conference Su Ke cigars are very decent and generous. Some simple questions have helped Gu Sixin to block them, and some questions that Gu Sixin did not answer, also gave her a clever transfer.

It can be said that Su Xueru's performance is not like a newbie at all, but more like a senior broker with many years of experience.

At noon on the 12th of the day, that is, the moment when the public beta conference was over, the beta of Perfect Life was officially launched. This is destined to be a record-breaking day.

The public beta was launched in less than an hour. The speed of the player in "Perfect Life" has reached an unprecedented breakthrough, and it is still rising at a horrible rate.

After about three hours, the speed of the beta player has reached the limit of Ma Wan, and there is no sign of slowing down.

After six hours, the player's speed has exceeded one million at a horrible rate. --shu-ku-most-fast-more-new-text-word-version-------Good for setting up a good already well prepared, yesterday after knowing that Gu Sixin is the spokesperson, another Together with ten groups of servers, it is guaranteed to withstand the simultaneous online presence of two million people.

However, according to the current trend, it is obvious that two million simultaneous online is not enough.

Fortunately, "Perfect Life" is just a web game. It doesn't require strong hardware support like those of large online games. Even more players, just need to have enough server support, can also accommodate.

Such impressive results have made all the members of Yinglian Electronics full of enthusiasm for the work, and even the face of Wenwen has been filled with an excited look.

Once upon a time ~www.novelhall.com~ How could he think that "Perfect Life" would be so successful, for Junwen at that time, as long as "Perfect Life" can be developed and then attract more than 100,000 players It is a success for him.

Now, the first phase of "Perfect Life" has been developed, and the number of players attracted to it is far beyond the imagination of the article.

Such horrific achievements directly compare all the popular online games of today, which is simply impossible to imagine.

Du Cheng’s heart is actually very excited. Although this result is similar to what he expected, he looks at "Perfect Life" - shu-ku-most-fast-more-new-text-word-version-- -----Excellent, Du Cheng Xin towel that excited mood is also difficult to live with patience, according to Yinglian Electronics now this momentum, as long as the development is good, in the future can definitely become a major burgeon in the electronics industry.

This is also one of Du Cheng's goals, but Du Cheng's heart is clear, Yinglian Electronics is just just getting started.

Second, sweat, eat a little cold medicine, especially good sleep, originally intended to sleep only an hour, the back actually went to sleep for three hours, I am speechless, in addition, there are eight more "" efforts.