Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 140: Injection

...A few days ago, we only became the first stage of the "Zongmei Life". The progress of the first phase should be completed before the end of the month. If there is no accident. Next month, "Perfect Life" can start public beta. What do you think of Du? ”

After Du Cheng finished the approximate number of public betas, Tan Wen asked Du Cheng for a public beta.

After all, Du Chengcai is the real boss of the public test time, he still needs to ask Du Cheng.

"Well, there are still about half a month or so should be enough."

Du Cheng gently nodded and then asked Tan Wen: "I asked you to prepare the budget and valuation information about the CITIC Electronics Building. Have you finished?"


Tan Wen took out a document from his briefcase and said it should be followed. Du Chen went on to say: "Xiaozhongxin Electronics Building is the capital of the country that Zhao Guorong bought in Tiannian at that time. The market value of the time was 6.2 million yuan. In the past seven years, the ground has been appreciating the conservative estimate. Now the CITIC Electronics Building It should be between 18 million and 23 million."

Du Cheng nodded. The corresponding facilities of the CITIC Electronics Building are very complete. This is what Du Chengzhi is looking at. Otherwise, he would naturally not take about two thousand to buy the CITIC Electronics Building.

After thinking for a moment, Du Cheng said to Tan Wen: "In the afternoon, let's go to the auction site together and see it later."

"What do you mean by Du You are our Yinglian Electronics to participate in the bid?" Although Tan Wen has already noticed when Du Chen ordered him to prepare the information, Tan Wen still feels unbelievable after Du Cheng said it.

Tan Wen naturally hopes that the company can switch to a larger environment. Because that would undoubtedly be more beneficial to the company's growth, but Yinglian Electronics now has less than three million funds left to buy the CITIC Electronics Building. It is undoubtedly a dream.


Just Du Cheng was gently responded.

It was confirmed by Du Cheng that Tan Wen’s face suddenly appeared a little excited. It was only a financial issue for him but he was a question. So he had to ask Du Cheng: “Do you have our funds?

"If the auction is successful, I plan to invest another 30 million yuan in addition to the funds for the CITIC Electronics Building, and all the funds will be used in the company's advertising and publicity." Du Cheng directly said his own thoughts.

Although he will inject 30 million yuan, the shares of Tan Wen and several other partners will be further compressed. However, if the company's interests become larger, even if the shares are compressed, the dividends obtained by Tan Wen and others are even more amazing.

Tan Wen is also very clear and most importantly, if there is no Du Cheng, there is no such thing as Tan Wen.

in the afternoon. Du Cheng and Tan Wen went to a government auction house next to the city government.

Tan Wen’s preparations are indeed quite in place. His estimate is almost the same as the price of the auction. Although it is the starting price of 12 million, the final Yinglian Electronics has used the high price of 22.5 million. Come down.

After Du Cheng injected 30 million yuan of funds, Yinglian Electronics' shares were further distributed. Finally, Du Cheng obtained a generous share. Among the remaining shares, Tan Wenqiang's other scale was divided by five other partners, such as Kang'an. People make assignments.

Regarding the new share arrangement, neither Tan Wen nor the rest of the partners have any opinions. Although the shares have become smaller. However, from the scale of Yinglian Electronics' exhibition, the dividends they receive will never be a small amount.

As for the follow-up, he was handed over to Tan Wenlai and he drove directly back to the city.

Some wise men drive people to do things only need to make a decision. However, it is not necessary to be an executive, Tan Wen, although not very good, but he is very cautious in doing things. And very fine things can not reach the goal of Du Cheng, but there is no problem in small things.

but. When Du Cheng returned to the 15th villa, it was already more than 10 o'clock in the evening.

When Du Cheng returned to the upper floor, Gu Jiayi was sitting in Du Cheng’s room on the big bed and Gu Sixin was on the phone wearing a silky low-cut nightdress. The slender legs were mostly exposed to the attractive and attractive outside. .

These days, Gu Jiayi basically spends the night in Du Cheng's room every night, so Du Chengsu let Gu Jiayi temporarily move over and live Gu Jiayi can't refuse to have Duchen.

When I saw Du Cheng coming back, Gu Jiayi seemed to have decided to hang up with Gu Sixin and then said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng we will go to Beijing together tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Du Cheng looked at Gu Jiayi with some puzzles.

Gu Jiayi smiled and said with some faintness: "Because the contestants have gradually withdrawn from the organizers and intend to advance the finals to tomorrow afternoon, Sixin has already given us a ticket, and we will cheer for her in the past."

Because of Gu Sixin's excellence, those who entered the competition basically had a "return" every day. So when the rematch of the day before yesterday was over, the entire public selection was less than eight.

Today, when Gu Sixin called, the number was reduced to five. Therefore, the organizer had to temporarily advance the finals because I would only see Gu Sixin’s one-man show if I didn’t advance.

"Well, let's go out tomorrow morning.

Du Cheng did not think that things would become like this, but the purpose of Gu Sixin's participation was basically reached. And far beyond the expectations of Du Cheng. Read the morning garlic; 琵; day, "峨佃 刚 just said 芹金

The next morning, Du Cheng started early.

And Gu Jiayi is a fascinating blush with a fascinating body.

I remembered the discomfort of Gu Jiayi last night and the last begging for Du Fu's face was also a helpless smile.

I don't know why Du Cheng is now becoming more and more persistent in that respect, especially after the integration of Jing, Qi and God. Du Cheng is stronger than before in this respect. Many times, Gu Jiayi can be sent several times. Compound peak. However, he himself is very difficult to explode, so every time before going back, Gu Jiayi needs to use other methods to let him explode.

However, I remembered that Gu Jiayi used her tempting lips with her own faucet to swallow the heart of Du Cheng’s heart. Then there was a fire in the heart and it began to burn again. Du Chengxun’s control was taken down and gently quilted for Gu Jiayi. After that, Du Cheng, who was replaced with a training suit, walked straight downstairs.

Standing on the marble stone ping in the middle of the lawn. After Du Cheng closed his eyes and adjusted his interest for nearly three minutes, he slowly raised his hand.

Boxing is like the sea.

The set of Tai Chi Chuan is slow and comfortable in Du Cheng. There is a mood of floating clouds.

After dancing for nearly five times of Tai Chi, Du Cheng’s boxing style suddenly changed. The fierceness of the incomparable net is the perfect expression of the two different styles of the fists of Fuhu Luohan.

These days, Du Cheng has already mastered the essentials of Taijiquan and Fuhu Luohanquan just to master the two sets of ancient martial arts. It takes a long time to practice.

Therefore, Du Cheng now basically spends an hour each morning to practice Tai Chi and Fu Hu Luo Han and the rest of the time Du Cheng is the beginning of the practice of re-entering degree and strength.

The strength of the two combined with Du Cheng is improving with a very horrible degree. Especially after learning Tai Chi and Fu Hu Luo Han Quan, Du Cheng believes that he will encounter the devil flower again. Even if there is no help from Xin Er, there is an absolute battle. Forced.

After the dance of Fuhu Luohanquan, Du Cheng began to practice physical training.

The combination of triple pseudo-gravity space and physical training ~www.novelhall.com~ Even if it is now Du Cheng, it feels full of pressure, but it has a very obvious effect on Du Cheng's degree and strength improvement.

This allowed Du Cheng to start the scene and the effect of four times the pseudo-gravity space. Du Cheng is only obscenity.

Although the degree and strength have reached the realm of Xiaocheng before, but in terms of Du Chen's current physical conditions, it is still unbearable to bear the terror pressure of four times the pseudo-gravity space.

In the past few days, Du Cheng asked Xiner to try to open four times the pseudo-gravity space. As a result, although Du Cheng can barely carry out the exercise, it can not be combined with the physical training. The gravitational pressure of the gravity space to be nearly four times larger can not complete the progress of Du Chenglian's physical training.

According to Xiner, if Du Cheng wants to integrate four times of pseudo-gravity space with physical training, at least four hundred units of strength and degree are required.

Therefore, Du Cheng can only use the three times of pseudo-gravity space to integrate with the physical training. Although the progress has slowed down a lot, but if you practice for one or two months, you will have the opportunity to improve the degree and strength. More than four hundred.