Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 130: Bite you

64 final intelligence hundred and thirty chapter bite you

※The location of the Elf Game is next to CCTV's new building. ※All the contestants are arranged to enter a four-star hotel. The male and female contestants live on the first floor according to the regulations of the organizer. During the game, it is not allowed to leave the hotel privately and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The Land Rover did not drive directly to the hotel but stopped at the entrance of a hotel next to the hotel. There were two girls in casual clothes who had been waiting for a long time. The body was faintly revealed. The grace of the military.

I saw Du Cheng and Zhao Fei getting off the car and getting two pounds. The girl’s eyes suddenly became as bright as the eyes of Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei introduced to Du Cheng that the two girls are the guards of the special police unit of the Guard Bureau. The girls are very good in the special police team. This time, they will be divided into twenty-four hours to guard Gu Sixin.

After the introduction, Du Cheng said to the two girls very much the first time: "This time I am fortunate to you."

"Unfortunately for Du Ge, two girls quickly said that Du Cheng is now a man of the three major groups of the Guard Bureau. They are very happy to see Du Cheng.

"Shin Xin, the two of them will protect you from today until the end of the game. If you have anything, tell them or tell me directly."

People with two special police groups looked at Gu Sixin and naturally he was very relieved.


Gu Sixin was very clever and nodded. Although he was curious about why Du Cheng would know these people, but for Du Cheng’s careful arrangement, Gu Sixin’s heart was incomparably sweet, but the eyes were full of disappointment. Obviously, he was reluctant to cooperate with Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi. It’s very pitiful to pity for a long time.

Du Cheng gently stroked the head of Gu Sixin and said: "Well, when the game is good, I will come to you with your sister to cheer for you."


Gu Sixin nodded again and then he and Yi Cheng said goodbye to the two female police team members in the direction of the hotel.

After bidding farewell to Gu Sixin, Du Cheng let Zhao Fei drive him to Yejia Villa.

Du Cheng did not call Ye Mei because Ye Mei was driving home yesterday. Although Porsche is very fast, I am afraid that when Ye Mei arrives home, it is already late at night. At this time, it may still be sleeping. Arrived at Ye Family.

Opening the door to Du Cheng is Zhong Xuehua's arrival at Du Cheng. Although Zhong Xuehua was somewhat surprised, he was very happy.

"Du Cheng, how come you came, Xiaoyao came home at three o'clock this morning and is sleeping now."

Zhong Xuehua said while leading Du Cheng into the house.

"Then I will go see her first." Du Cheng smiled at this time is about 11 o'clock in the morning. If Ye Mei returns home at three o'clock, then this time should almost wake up.

Zhong Xuehua nodded and said: "Well, lunch is ready for you, just call Xiaoyao and go down to eat together."


Du Cheng responded and then turned directly to the third floor.

The door of Ye Mei’s room was just closed and there was no anti-lock. The door was opened gently. Du Cheng’s eyes saw Ye Mei lying on the bed and her beautiful back.

Ye Mei’s snoring sound is very slow and evenly apparently sweet sleep.

Looking at the full-bodied beautiful buttocks and the gently-skinned slender legs Du Cheng's face, I have already floated a faint arc and then quietly walked toward Ye Mei.

After the combination of Jing, Qi, and God, every action can be controlled as you wish. The perfect power use makes his footsteps even worse. If you listen, you can't hear it clearly, let alone Ye Mei in your sleep.

Quietly walked to the front of Ye Mei's body, Du Cheng sat down on the bedside of the bed and the eyes fell on the beautiful face of Ye Mei who was so sweet and sleepy.

The time of sleep seems to be thinking about something beautiful. The face is faintly smiling with a few smiles.

Looking at this scene, Du Cheng couldn't help but put his hand toward Ye Mei's pretty face.

Du Cheng is not worried about waking up Ye Mei because what he has to do is wake up Ye Mei.

Sure enough, when Du Cheng’s fiery palm touched Ye Mei’s pretty face, Yu Meng’s sleep suddenly woke up and waited for her to see Du Cheng’s gentle eyes when the original faint scare disappeared and disappeared. It is an incomparable surprise and excitement.

"Du Cheng, how come you are, are I dreaming?"

Looking at Du Cheng Ye Mei’s eyes sitting on his bed, he was filled with an incredible look.

Yesterday, I separated from Du Cheng. I didn’t think that Du Cheng had come to see her so quickly and sat next to her, which made Ye Mei feel like a dream.

"You said it." Looking at Ye Mei's incomparable appearance, Du Cheng's curse said! After that, I kissed my eyes and saw Du Cheng kiss. Ye Mei didn't refuse to just look at it but it was a flash of smile and then met Du Cheng's kiss.

Ye Mei’s enthusiastic response made Du Cheng’s unusual enjoyment of the delicate and tender tongue, which made Du Cheng’s chase. However, when Du Cheng wanted to entangle Ye Mei’s tongue, Ye Mei suddenly bite Du Cheng. Tongue.

Du Cheng had some pain and quickly shrank his tongue back and looked at Ye Mei with a look of confusion: "How do you bite me?"

"I will bite you again, but I believe now that I am not dreaming." Ye Mei looked at Du Cheng very charmingly and glanced at it. After a soft voice, the more heated kisses on Du Cheng’s hands were tight. Taking advantage of Du Cheng’s neck, I fear that Du Cheng will leave the general.

Du Cheng did not think that Ye Mei actually took herself as a test article and suddenly had a bad temper and kissed Ye Mei. After she directly picked up Ye Mei, she pressed her to the bed and kissed the fiery palm. I touched it towards Ye Mei’s plump breasts.

Ye Mei was shocked by Du Cheng’s action and his eyes were suddenly rounded up. The eyes were obviously a little more scared and a little more for mercy.

It’s just how Du Cheng would easily put her hands in her hands and put them into her nightdress and put on a crispy chest with a soft touch that makes Du Cheng more exciting. It is a vacuum.


Ye Mei screamed Du Fu's fiery palm and the feeling of incomparable numbness made her body instantly soften between the eyes and filled with spring.

It was only when Ye Mei felt that Du Cheng’s hot palm was about to slide toward his intimate place, and he screamed and then ran away as Du Chengfei did.

Looking at Ye Mei’s face, panic and standing on the side, Du Cheng was very proud of the smile: “Look, you dare not bite me.”

"Don't dare."

How can Ye Mei dare to resist the embarrassing saying.

At noon, when Ye Nanling did not return to eat, there were only Du Cheng, Ye Mei and Zhong Xuehua.

However, this meal is also very lively. Ye Mei is obviously very happy because Du Chenglai and Zhong Xuehua likes to chat with Du Cheng, who is rich in knowledge. So it took nearly an hour for a meal to come down.

At the time of dinner, Zhong Xuehua let Ye Mei take Du Cheng to Xiangshan to play. So after dinner, Du Cheng and Ye Mei left Porsche and left Yejia Villa.

Xiangshan is a famous forest park in Beijing. The scenery is very beautiful. It is a good place to relax and play.

Du Cheng did not think much about what happened with Ye Mei. One after another, there is Ye Mei, such a beautiful woman is very enjoyable next to it, especially the feeling of letting Ye Mei’s tender little hand make Du Cheng extraordinarily enjoy.

Because in the morning, Zhao Fei promised to go to the police training building in the afternoon, so Du Cheng and Ye Meiyou left the forest park and drove to the courtyard of the Guard Bureau when they played more than three o'clock.

Ye Mei did not want to see the Iron Army but finally chose to enter the compound with Du Cheng.

When Du Cheng and Ye Mei arrived, Ahu and the Iron Army were leading a group of people playing basketball.

Basketball in the military is generally more popular, although the technical process is far less than the show, but the strength of the body confrontation is that the ordinary hitter has never had a foul. In fact, it is like playing basketball. Like in the fight.

When I saw Du Cheng’s coming to the side of the guards, the brothers in the Guard Bureau burst out with cheers. Obviously, Du Cheng is now in their hearts and has reached a height that I am afraid that even the Iron Army can’t match. Although Du Cheng is only temporarily in the Guard Bureau. Named but invisible Du Cheng has become their head. I am afraid that even the Iron Army thinks so ~www.novelhall.com~ After all, this is the strongest in the military rather than relying on qualifications.

The old man and the iron army in the field also showed that Du Cheng’s arrival had stopped.

After the iron army saw Ye Mei's look, there was no change, but he nodded toward Ye Mei. He said that he had already said hello. It is obvious that the iron army should now think of it.

Xi Er and even the Eight Birds. Today’s tenth is more complete and then ask for a monthly ticket. Don’t be embarrassed.

What is the first thing after rebirth? Going to play "Business Sea Hegemony" to enjoy the most gorgeous second life!

Recharge the monthly ticket for free and get a big gift. Crazy to get the starting point is not clear in the business sea hegemony!

I think it’s good to wait for everyone to connect to the starting point.

More than five 锄 winter geese