Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 128: Fusion

62 Final Intelligence Chapter 128 Integration

The marble stone pavement. Du Chengshen took a breath and he smashed his legs and set foot on the horse and let the gravity sink to open twice the pressure of the pseudo-gravity space.

After these days of adapting to the pressure of twice the pseudo-gravity space, it has not been a big pressure for Du Cheng. If Du Chengxiang insists on four hours and five hours, there is no problem at all.

However, Du Cheng's work is not simply to improve the solid foundation of his own step. Du Cheng's work is to make the body's essence, qi, and God fully integrated.

Simply being a steady and solid step in the exercise of the horse is not very helpful to Du Cheng. To complete the current physical condition, you only need to use three times of pseudo-gravity space to complete the exercise for a few days.

Therefore, the only thing Du Cheng needs to do now is to complete the integration of body essence, qi and spirit. Only after the integration, Du Cheng will learn more about Taijiquan and 仗虎罗汉拳.

Slightly closed, Du Cheng began to feel the frequency of each breath or the frequency of each heartbeat. This is equivalent to a kind of opportunity, the fusion of qi, qi and **** is actually looking for a feeling, as long as you find this feeling, you can Make every movement of the body reach the desired level.

In fact, during the exercise yesterday, Du Cheng has almost found this kind of stock. It feels that Du Cheng knows that his half-foot is already in the field of integration. So today Du Cheng wants to do is to break through.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes and thirty minutes.

As time goes by, the feeling of Du Cheng’s heart is getting stronger and stronger. Du Cheng can even feel the breath and heartbeat of his own or every muscle in the body has a sense of foreboding. It is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, when this feeling reached its peak, Du Chengmeng made a light drink and then the whole person suddenly ejected like a sharp arrow from the string and then stopped completely and stood still.

A simple action Du Cheng has been able to feel that his whole body has reacted at this moment. He can control his own movements and even every subtle movement.

Then Du Cheng slammed a punch toward the ground, but this punch was without any sound because Du Cheng stopped the fist and the wind did not move at the moment when the fist touched the ground.

This kind of control is something that Du Cheng could not do before, especially after the strength and degree were strengthened. But at this moment, he did not do it.

"Dear Du Cheng Congratulations, you have already succeeded. Your body fits to 92% and you need to work hard for a few days to reach 100%.

Xiner’s voice was ringing in Du Cheng’s mind and the voice was full of excitement.


Du Cheng should have a voice in his heart that he can completely feel the effect of perfection, gas and God after this moment. That is to control the control as desired. However, Du Cheng still needs to further grasp this feeling. .

And this step requires only time and at most two to three days, Du Cheng can fully reach 100% fit and then he can learn Fuhu Luohan and Taijiquan.

For this point Du Cheng can be said to be extremely urgent, especially after the battle with Peng Yuhua Du Cheng really realized the importance of skills.

No matter whether it is strength or Du Ducheng, it is far more than Zhang Huanhua. But in the face of Peng Yuhua, Du Cheng is the absolute downwind. Du Cheng’s heart is clear. If Peng Yuhua has a certain understanding of his strength and degree, then his own punch. It is impossible to hit her at all.

However, if you use the power and degree of your own hair and add certain skills, Du Cheng believes that even if you don't need the help of Xiner, you can compete with the towering flowers.

Ye Mei came back and she didn't call Du Cheng. If she didn't go to the Huangpu Club in the afternoon, she saw that her Porsche Du Cheng really didn't know that Ye Meishi had returned every time.

Originally, Du Cheng thought that Ye Mei had to play some time in the capital. I just didn't think that it would have been back in two days.

In the general manager's office on the fifth floor of the Huangpu Club, Du Cheng sat down on the sand and looked at Ye Mei, who was looking at himself. "Why don't you tell me when you come back?"

Ye Mei wears a tight-fitting professional women's trousers on the buttocks of the women's trousers, and the flesh-colored stockings are particularly attractive.

It is obvious that Ye Mei, who has left the capital, has changed back to her usual flattering look, especially in her slender phoenix eyes, which is already full of a little bit of pureness but full of feminine souls.

This makes Du Cheng's heart not enough suspicion that the one of these two personality is the true character of Ye Mei.

"How do you miss me?"

Ye Mei sat down beside Du Cheng’s body and leaned gently against Du Cheng’s book. The next day, only the advertisement was beautiful, and the eyes of Huang Li smoked a little bit of a smile with a smile. Cheng Shigong asked.

Undoubtedly, Ye Mei at this time is full of absolute seductive power.

"Half is not a lot but not a lot." Du Cheng is very honest.

"It's still a bit of a conscience." Although it wasn't a sweet talk, Ye Mei was very comfortable in her heart. She gently showed her tempting waist and said: "This time I came back and wanted to put Huangpu. The clubhouse that you have transferred out now has the identity. I can’t help you here. I haven’t been back for so many years. I want to go back and spend some time.”

"You want to go?"

Du Cheng’s eyes are obviously a little bit stunned and there are some disappointments. At this moment, Du Cheng suddenly appears to be quite concerned about Ye Mei’s, especially after that night, Du Cheng’s Ye Mei has left in his heart. A seat.

Ye Mei smiled and lit a female cigarette and asked softly: "How do you want to leave me with a big radish."

Du Cheng did not speak because he did not know how to answer. However, for Ye Mei to know his relationship with Gu Sixin, Du Cheng did not have any unexpected look because it is no secret.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Du Cheng's non-speaking seems to be thinking about the scene. Ye Mei suddenly put the small mouth to Du Cheng's ear and whispered with hot air.

"No." Du Cheng gently screamed that he was not angry but just blamed himself.

"Don't worry, I won't fight with a little girl and she will establish a relationship with you. Actually, I am actually a third person who is calling me a fox."

Ye Mei removed the small mouth from Du Cheng's ear and smiled a little. But it was a bit stunned in the eyes.

Gu Sixin's existence, she actually knows all the time, she just doesn't want to face it because Ye Mei does not know when she seems to have fallen in love with Du Cheng, even when she seduce Du Cheng in order to help Du Cheng. Ye Meixin only has some good feelings for Du Cheng.

There was a real feeling that it was from the time when the Iron Army came. At that time, Ye Mei saw that Du Cheng had come out of the elevator and felt that there was a string in his heart that had been gently moved. This is what Ye Mei did not think of. In that one Ye Mei seems to have seen an abyss waiting for himself.

The Beijing city and the party let Ye Mei jump into the abyss unconsciously and wait for the time to turn back. It is too late.

After Du Cheng returned to the city, Ye Mei, who really calmed down, began to face up to his relationship with Du Cheng.

It is not that the life in front of her and Du Cheng is not born. These can be changed, but there is one thing that cannot be changed. It is age.

Although Du Cheng looks mature, Ye Mei is clear that Ye Cheng is only twenty years old and she is twenty-nine years old this year.

The gap of nine years old makes Ye Mei feel that she is afraid to face it. If Du Cheng is really flying in the future, she will only let Du Cheng become the laughing stock of others. But she really jumped into the abyss and Ye Mei wanted to go back. It’s impossible, and Ye Mei’s heart is actually a very conservative woman. After that night, Ye Mei knew that she could never fall in love with others.

Therefore, after Du Cheng went back, Ye Mei lost her choices in front of her. There were only two choices or Shen Lun who left or continued before Du Cheng did not make substantial progress.

When I left, I knew that I couldn’t do it and she couldn’t leave Du Cheng either for her or for Du Cheng~www.novelhall.com~ Because Ye Mei knew that she’s leaving Du Cheng now, she’s definitely damaging Du Cheng’s The reason Ye Mei knows that she knows Du Cheng also knows.

And if she continues to talk about it, she needs to consider a point about what kind of identity she should stand on.

Looking at Ye Mei’s stunned look, Du Cheng’s heart also had some discomfort. But he didn’t know what to say because it was absolutely impossible for him to give up Gu Sixin’s words.

The third is even more thundering. I am afraid that the monthly ticket list is also afraid of the gap and there are more than a dozen votes left. .

What is the first thing after rebirth? Going to play "Business Sea Hegemony" to enjoy the most gorgeous second life!

Recharge the monthly ticket for free and get a big gift. Crazy to get the starting point is not clear in the business sea hegemony!

I think it’s good to wait for everyone to connect to the starting point.

More than autumn