Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 118: CITIC Electronics

2 Final Intelligence Chapter 118 CITIC Electronics

Water did not immediately start to resume the drama, but went to the office with Tan Wen.

"Du, you said that there are ghosts in our company?

Tan Wenyi looked incredulously at Du Cheng, but soon Tan Wen seemed to think of something and then said: "If there is really a ghost inside. I think I am afraid that there should be someone who is very likely

"Oh, let's talk about it?" Du Cheng did not think that Tan Wen had a clue and asked some unexpected questions.

Tan Wenyi said with an angry face: "When I was backing up the system this morning, I saw Guo Feng walking alone and looking a little bit wrong. If there is really a ghost, he should be very likely."

Well, you first let people look at him and other things to solve, and then say that Du Cheng nodded and had objects, then it would be OK if the other party is in the end.

it is good. Tan Wen should be.

Tan Wen is still reassuring to do things, so Du Cheng went on to say: "And you take everyone downstairs without my instructions. No one is allowed to come up this time. I will solve it.

Do you have a way? . Tan Wen’s original sullen look was a little more hopeful because he knew Du Cheng’s identity. The top geek of the geek alliance, although not omnipotent, is a great **** among geeks or really has a way. not always.

By the time you know that you will arrange everyone to hang it. Du Cheng did not say much because he did not need to explain anything.

"Well, I will handle this.

Tan Wen directly responded and then walked out of the general manager's office.

After about three minutes, the essays came in again and said very respectfully: "All of Du has gathered downstairs and that Guo Feng is also in control."

Um, let's go down, well, I will call you.

Du Cheng nodded and went out with Tan Wen.

After all the personnel left, the entire second floor suddenly became extremely cold, but Du Cheng wanted this effect and then directly controlled Xiner. And he himself is learning by the side.

Xiner’s degree quickly passed through Duan’s hand between several servers and computers. Under the control of Xiner, it was like a phantom moving around.

Fortunately, Du Cheng can see every movement of his body and every step of Xiner.

What Xiner did first was to restore and restore all those damaged files and find the source of the virus to kill all the viruses directly through the LAN and then trace the hackers through the back door.

In less than ten minutes, Xiner returned his control to Du Cheng.

At the same time, Xiner’s virtual figure appeared in front of Du Cheng’s eyes and said very proudly: “Dear Du Cheng can easily get it in ten minutes.

Although Xiner’s movements are very fast, Du Cheng’s mind that the instructions and passwords of Xin’s are all extremely esoteric. Even Du Cheng, who has mastered the knowledge of the computer in the next three years, can only understand ten.

However, these Du Cheng are not in the heart now because he will be exposed in the future, so Du Cheng said directly: "Is the hacker's origin detected?"



Xiner’s answer made Du Cheng feel some accidents. "why?"

The other party is using a network wireless network card. I used it to log out immediately after I used it, so I couldn't find a way to find out that Xiner had a very simple answer. Even if she had a Tongtian ability, it would be useless.


Du Cheng nodded and said nothing. Because he knows that Xiner has not finished talking.

"I have already upgraded Yinglian Electronics' network defense system to a total of ninety-nine percent of the world's hackers. It is impossible to break open. If the hacker dares to attack again, I can directly pass him through the back door. The location is locked."

Xiner said again and restored the smug look.

Du Cheng’s eyes said directly: “This is also a good way to avoid unnecessary troubles. It is also very beneficial for Yinglian Electronics’ future exhibition.

Xiner's arrangement is undoubtedly very correct. As long as the defense system of Yinglian Electronic Server is upgraded, the problems in this aspect will basically not be considered.

After Du Jun took out the phone directly and then dialed Tan Wen's mobile phone.

Tan Wen’s degree quickly hangs in less than two minutes, and his figure has appeared on the corner of the stairs.

In addition to Tan Wen, there are also the remaining shareholders of Yinglian Electronics. And a young man with a thin body and a deep eye.

"What do you guys bring me to do?"

After the young man went upstairs, he was puzzled and asked Tan Wen. There was nothing unexpected about it.

Du Cheng’s gaze also fell on the corner of the young man’s mouth, and a little smile appeared because this young man is Tan Wen.

"Nothing is just that someone wants to meet you."

Tan Wen naturally won't say what it is because other partners except him don't know what happened.

And when they spoke, they all came to Du Cheng’s eyes.

"You are Guo Feng?" Du Cheng's eyes looked at Guo Feng's eyes faintly asked.

"Well, are you?"

Guo Feng has some incomprehensible look at Du Cheng from Du Cheng's frame and the place where this hai appeared and the reaction of Tan Wen and others. Guo Feng also saw that Du Cheng's identity is somewhat unusual.

"You don't need to know that you just need to tell me. Why do you betray the company?" Du Cheng said faintly, it was only a little bit colder in tone.

"I don't understand what you said."

That Guo Feng’s face was slightly changed.

This Guo Feng would never think that Du Cheng would know that he must be a ghost in the moment he went upstairs.

This is what Xiner told Du Cheng because Guo Feng’s resurrection in the upper floor was obviously twice as high as usual. If it is not a ghost, it is absolutely impossible to jump so fast.

Moreover, when Du Cheng looked at him, he also saw some flashes in the other's eyes. So basically Du Cheng has been sure that this Guo Feng is a ghost.

The partner shareholders next to them all had some incomprehensible mutual views and apparently did not expect that such a thing would happen.

"You don't have to argue. If you say it now, I won't be embarrassed. If you insist on not saying it, I will send you to the Public Security Bureau. I naturally have a way for you to say it."

Du Cheng said that if the Jin Guofeng does not say anything, the only thing he can do is to send him to the Public Security Bureau. After the Public Security Bureau, Du Cheng naturally has a way to do this Guo Feng because Du Cheng, in addition to the name of the Guard Bureau In addition, he obtained a document from the Security Bureau that allowed Du Cheng to have certain powers.

The power of this document in some places is above the director of a public security bureau.


Guo Feng is obviously a little scared but he is not willing to say it.

Du Cheng did not hesitate to take out the phone directly.

Seeing the action of Du Cheng, Guo Feng suddenly said, "I don't want to call the police."

Du Cheng smiled lightly and he took the phone just to do it. It is obvious that Guo Feng has been afraid.

"Guo Feng, I am Tan, I am not thin, you actually betrayed the company. When you are a ghost, can you afford me?" Guo Feng admitted that Tan Wen’s face is full of anger and the rest of the shares are also abandoned. The anger of a face.

Guo Feng is also a shy color of his face. Under this circumstance, he does not need to explain anything at all.

"Tell people who buy you, if you tell me the truth, I am not difficult for you." Du Cheng asked directly.

Guo Feng immediately admitted that he could not hide anything, and he also hoped that Du Cheng would not pursue his responsibility. If he is pursued, I am afraid that he will go to the bureau for some days, so he heard Du Cheng’s question, Guo Feng said directly. "It is CITIC Electronics that is the company that has negotiated with Tan General."

Wen Yan Du Cheng turned his eyes to Tan Point,

Tan Wen and other Guo Feng said that they would be very angry and explained to Du Cheng: "CITIC Electronics is our largest electronic technology company in Xiamen. Since our "Perfect Life" was on the Internet, they intend to horizontally insert It’s natural that we will not answer the pain of a joint venture with us. How do you think that he is so despicable?"

Du Cheng nodded the "perfect life" of the red fire will certainly cause some people's eyes, but the CITIC Electronics joint venture is not enough to make people come to Black Yinglian Electronics is also too mean.

When Du Cheng thought about it, Tan Wen said that he was worried. "Du is said that the boss of CITIC Electronics has some doorways in Xiamen. This time, if he fails, he will not stop here. The last time they went back. Some people have come to trouble~www.novelhall.com~Oh."

Du Cheng looked cold and said: "Tell me the last thing and listen to CITIC Electronics."

This Yinglian Electronics is Du Cheng's industry to carry out the exhibition, Du Cheng naturally can not be destroyed by others.

The fifth and the sixth

What is the first thing after rebirth? Going to play "Business Sea Hegemony" to enjoy the most gorgeous second life!

Recharge the monthly ticket for free and get a big gift. Crazy to get the starting point is not clear in the business sea hegemony!

I feel that it is good to wait for everyone to connect to the starting point of the advertisement, or if there is something underneath, it will be swollen, purple, blue, and smashed.