Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 116: Peng Yuhua came to the door

The final intelligence of the 116th chapter Peng Yuhua came to the door

Jiang Cheng. How long have you been awake? How long have you been drinking yesterday? Why not go home"

Looking at Du Cheng walked downstairs to Ye Chengtu, he put down the famous book in his hand and then smiled and asked Du Cheng.

After accepting Du Cheng in my heart and treating Du Cheng as a prospective son-in-law, Ye Chengtu was already a little more loving in the face of Du Cheng, but not as serious as when he met the net. Even the original The sharp eyes have become more and more soft.

"I usually wake up as soon as I can't sleep." Du Cheng smiled and responded to Ye Chengtu's concern. Du Cheng's heart still feels awkward. After all, the other side is out of sincerity.

"Your aunt is cooking for breakfast, you should sit for a while." Ye Chengtu pointed to the sand next to Du Cheng.

"Without my uncle, I want to go outside and do some morning exercise. I have too much alcohol to let my body recover." Du Cheng has a habit of exercising every morning. It is really uncomfortable not to exercise for a day.

"Also, young people should practice Xiaoyao. His grandfather will practice outside in the morning. You will go." Ye Chengtu nodded and turned his gaze to the face of the envious Ahu. "You are going to Xiaohu." Let's go."

"Good dad."

It was said that Ahu was very happy and responded with a sigh of relief.

At this time, Ye Mei came down from the upstairs.

It’s just that Ye Mei’s pretty face is a little reddish. It’s obviously not accustomed to living with a man for the first time in front of his parents.

Seeing Ye Mei’s shy appearance, Ye Cheng’s picture just smiled and said: “Xiaoyao, you go to my room and take a new suit for Du Cheng. He will take a shower and let him put on the little tiger’s clothes. He wears it. What does it look like?"

Ahu's body shape is more than Du Cheng's full size. Therefore, most of Ahu's clothes Du Cheng can't wear Ye Mei. He just wants to find a set of Du Cheng. He plans to go to the mall in the morning and buy Du Chen to buy two sets. I thought that Ye Chengtu had mentioned this matter.

"Well, I will go and wait for him to come back to the net to give him a change."

Although Ye Mei’s sweetness is only a word, it shows that Ye Chengtu has fully recognized Du Cheng’s identity. Together with Ye Nanling's goodwill towards Du Cheng, Ye Mei knows that this trip to home is a perfect and complete task.

Du Cheng and A Hu went to the door and saw Ye Nanling, who was practicing Tai Chi in front of the lawn.

Ye Nanling wearing a white kungfu suit is a bit of a sacred wind and bones. And he is obviously a veteran of this veteran, and it is very real and elegant.

Seeing Du Cheng and Ahu came out, Ye Nanling stopped and then summoned the hands to the two.

"Du Cheng heard that you defeated Peng's little girl yesterday?"

After Du Cheng and Ahu approached, Ye Nanling smiled and asked Du Cheng.

"Well, her strength is very strong." Du Cheng nodded. If he did not let Xiner enter his own control, then Peng Puhua, who is not Peng Yuhua’s opponent, can be said to be the strongest pound that Du Cheng has seen so far. small.

Ye Nanling nodded slightly and said: "Pengjia Shantou has been with the Emei Mountain for a pound of Wing Chun masters to practice boxing and training. It is the fourteen young people in Beijing who can’t leave their left to go to the left. In the hands of such a stranger."

Du Cheng smile did not say much.

Ahu is very happy to say: "This time we taught the devil flower, our Guard Bureau can go sideways.

It’s just that Ah Hu’s network was said to be scared by Ye Nanling and he dared not speak.

"This is a good thing. It’s been too long for the Zhangjiatou to press it. Some of the little rabbits in the army will be complained." Ye Nanling said slowly and then clap his hands and said: "Okay. After finishing your practice, go back and have breakfast."


Du Cheng nodded and then began to set up a horse.

"Du Cheng, is your morning exercise just a step?" Ahu, somewhere on the side, looked at Du Cheng and said that Du Cheng did not say that you still need to take a step.

Du Cheng naturally wouldn’t say that he was doing basic work, but he said with a voice: “Hmm is always.”

"Then I practiced the boxing and it just happened to be skilled in the boxing method you taught yesterday afternoon."

Ahu did not ask any more questions and then went to the side and began to follow the group of boxing techniques that Du Cheng taught them in the guarding building yesterday afternoon to practice Ahu’s physique plus a powerful explosion. The force is also a tiger.

Because in Yejia Ducheng, you can't practice for a few hours as you can in the city. You can only practice for an hour.

So after thinking about it, Du Cheng will let Xiner triple the pseudo-gravity space that he originally intended to use.

Du Cheng is actually quite easy under the gravity of twice the pseudo-gravity space. Although it will be a little tired for two hours, the impact is not great.

Just replacing it with three times the pseudo-gravity space, Du Cheng is feeling that his body is fierce. It is like having a giant mountain. The whole person almost can’t straighten up and the difficulty is three times that of twice the pseudo-gravity space. the above.

The strong pressure allowed Du Cheng to gather all the spirits to cope with the whole body, and to promote the whole body with the town of Gong Xiaowei and God. Keeping up with the power of the warehouse

Even if Du Cheng only insisted on less than 20 minutes, he felt a strong sense of collapse.

Fortunately, Du Cheng left some strength and was unable to hold it up. He let Xiner solve three times the pseudo-gravity space and then stood up straight to avoid being soft in front of Ahu.

However, the clothes on Du Cheng's body are completely soaked. It is so horrible that the pressure caused by the pseudo-gravity space of three times is visible to Zama.

"Du Cheng, how did you flow so much sweat? Is it so tired?"

Seeing Du Cheng stopped, Ahu also stopped to look at Du Shen Ahu, who was soaked in his body clothes, and asked very much.

"This is a secret." Du Cheng could tell Ahu mysteriously and then walked toward the villa.

After taking a shower and eating breakfast, Du Cheng went to Ye Chengtu's car. Ye Chengtu will take him to the guard headquarters for the name registration procedure.

Ye Chengtu’s success is that an ordinary Austrian fat does not seem to be arrogant, but the military’s license plate is particularly eye-catching.

In fact, Du Cheng also just walked through the scene. Although the Guard Bureau headquarters building is very grand, but Du Cheng has to do just sign a few names and it has only been completed in less than an hour.

When Du Cheng returned to Yejia Villa, it was only ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhong Xuehua accompanied Ye Nanling, this old man did not know where to go. Only Ye Mei and Ahu and his sister were chatting.

When I saw Du Cheng coming back, Ye Mei made a look at Du Cheng and then returned to the third floor with Du Cheng.

After entering the room, Ye Mei asked Du Cheng: "Du Cheng I intend to stay here for a few more days and then return to the city casino. I have already confessed that there is nothing for you?"

This is the first time Ye Mei has come back. It is natural to want to leave some time to go. If it is not because he wants to go to the city to help Du Cheng Ye Mei, he may directly transfer the family Huangpu Club and she is going back to Beijing. Come with your parents.

Of course, as for the intention of staying in the city, only Ye Mei himself is clear.

"Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?" Du Cheng glanced at the eye-catching Ye Mei and then whispered.

Ye Mei is obviously calling out another kind of intention in Du Cheng's tone. Said: "This can't be controlled by you."

It’s just that the beautiful face of Ye Mei’s face is very disappointing and flies a bit of blush.

If Du Cheng stays, there is no doubt that the two of them will live together in the same room at night. After yesterday’s incident, Ye Mei’s feeling of staying in Nai’s house is ashamed.

Du Cheng knew that Ye Mei didn't mean to go on his own. After thinking about it, he said: "You are a boss, it's okay, I naturally have nothing. I think I will stay and play for a few days. Anyway, here too. Not bad."

"up to you."

I heard that Du Cheng said that Ye Meiqiao’s face suddenly turned red and left a sentence.

Du Cheng smiled and then walked down the stairs with Ye Mei's back.

Just waiting for Du Cheng to come downstairs, but now there is more than one person in addition to Ahu.

Woman wearing a sunhat and black frame eyes.

Ahu apparently had no good feelings for Peng Yuhua. Although she let the other party enter the house but did not pay attention to her, it was only a person who wrote the teacher's watch there and did not say hello.

That Peng Yuhua doesn't seem to mind just sitting quietly on the sand and wondering what is being thought of.

After Du Cheng walked downstairs, Peng Yuhua’s eyes hidden under the lens were a little more radiant and then stood up from the sand.

"You looking for me?"

Looking at that Peng Yuhua is looking at himself, although he can't see the other's eyes from the other's sun hat, Du Cheng can basically be sure that Peng Penghua is here to find his own.

Ye Mei seems to recognize that Zhang Huan’s eyes are just a few accidents and there are no other unusual looks and sitting on the side of Ahu~www.novelhall.com~ and Peng Yuhua nodded and then asked Du Cheng: "Du Cheng you Can you teach me the ancient spring?"

"Learning ancient spring!"

Du Chengwei, he did not think that this Zhang Huan flower came to the door to find him to learn ancient spring.

There are still three things in the third night, so there are some things during the day, so there is no time code word, I am embarrassed, old rules, today, six will definitely be more finished, then I will go to sleep, and I will ask for five monthly tickets. I only need five sheets in the classified monthly ticket list. Name

What is the first thing after rebirth? Going to play "Business Sea Hegemony" to enjoy the most gorgeous second life!

Recharge the monthly ticket for free and get a big gift. Crazy to get the starting point is not clear in the business sea hegemony!

I think it’s good to wait for everyone to connect to the starting point.
