Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 112: Winning

46 final intelligence, the hundred and eleventh chapter wins

Come again. ”

After Du Cheng and other bodies recovered, the strength of Peng Hanhua, which hooked up Peng Yuhua, also evoked Du Cheng’s ambition.

Peng Yuhua is also welcome. Although Du Cheng’s degree is very fast, but only by the first fight, she can already be sure that Du Cheng has no skills other than quick skills. Therefore, Peng Yuhua is no longer close to attacking but is ordinary. The degree goes towards Du Chengchong.

Peng Yuhua really sees through Du Cheng’s life and her choice is undoubtedly correct.

Du Cheng's brow wrinkled but Du Cheng did not have a little retreat.

Now that you can't use guerrilla tactics, Du Cheng does not mind using a frontal attack.

Peng Yuhua quickly rushed to the front of Du Cheng's palm, and the one-inch punch was already rushing to Du Cheng's chest.

Du Cheng did not evade but put the strength in his hand to make it out. Then, relying on his physical superiority, he decided to force Peng Yuhua’s power to make Peng Yuhua avoid it.

"Do not worship"

I felt the horror between Du Cheng’s fists and the horror of what seemed to have destroyed anything, and the lightning-fast burst of Peng Yuhua’s face changed instantly.

She simply couldn’t think that someone would dare to pick up her foot and instantly knock down a strong middle-aged man’s strong inch to exchange for a counterattack. But after Du Cheng’s move, she believed that Du Cheng had This ability is because she felt that Du Cheng’s body muscles are full of toughness when she first hit Du Cheng. This muscle has an absolutely strong ability to fight. Even if she has no confidence in Peng Yuhua, she can hit it down. Cheng.

Therefore, when Peng Yuhua’s instinct was hitting Du Cheng’s chest, he changed the boxing force and slid directly toward the inside of Du Cheng’s arm. He wanted to change Du Cheng’s attack by hitting the inside of the arm. The direction and the other hand is the horror of the fist between the fists of Du Cheng’s fists and Du Cheng’s fists.

Two-step measures Peng Yuhua believes that he can resolve this attack by Du Cheng.

It’s just that Peng Yuhua’s underestimation of Du Ren’s muscles’ toughness and the power between the fists. She slipped into the inside of Du’s arm and only punched Du Cheng’s fist a little. It’s already a punch that carries a lot of power. It was a heavy hit on the palm of Peng Yuhua.

In the heart of Peng Yuhua’s heart, the eyes between the eyes under the lens are full of incredible looks. But fortunately, she has prepared her hands and prepared her left hand to quickly resolve Du Cheng’s through extremely frequent attacks. The power between the fists.

It’s just that the power of Du Cheng is far more than the budget of Peng Yuhua. If I change it to the Iron Army or Ahu, I’m afraid it’s been solved by Peng Yuhua. But Du Cheng’s boxing power can only be divided into eight points and the remaining two points are Hit her shoulder.

Although it was only a three-point force, Peng Yuhua was struggling to get rid of a few steps. The whole arm was like numbness and almost lost consciousness.

This attack is obviously Du Cheng has the upper hand.

"it is good."

The following iron army and Ahu and others suddenly applauded.

Although Du Cheng only repelled Peng Yuhua, it was very very encouraging for them.

The female special policemen who had ridiculed Du Cheng were squinting and squinting.

Apparently they never imagined that the devil flower, which was almost perfect and unbeaten in their hearts, was actually repelled by human beings.

However, Du Cheng’s heart is not a little bit of a big deal. Du Cheng’s heart is clear that the net is only because Zhang Huan has underestimated his own strength. Otherwise, he is afraid of losing himself.

and. The chances that the other party will be more aware of themselves after they are prepared are absolutely minimal.

So after thinking about it, Du Cheng asked a question to Peng Yuhua: "Do you want to come again?"

Du Cheng’s question is to give Peng Yu a chance to make a choice. If Peng Yuhua chooses to stop, then the two of them will be the best in the game. It’s a pity for the Guard Bureau, but it’s very face-saving. Things and her unbeaten will continue for the devil law.

However, if Peng Yuhua chooses to fight again, Du Cheng will directly let Xiner control his shot. When Peng Yuhua is absolutely unsuccessful.

Because Du Cheng has a self-knowledge, he has not been able to pass the other side in strength and degree before he has mastered the skills, but he is not the opponent of the opponent.

"carry on."

Peng Yuhua did not know Du Cheng’s thoughts and good intentions. Because of her mysterious eyes, she was full of strong warfare. Although her arms still had some slight anesthesia, Peng Yuhua had more than 90% confidence to defeat Du Cheng.

And this is the first time she and her master learned the 14th Spring Wrestling to be repelled after being out of the division. This made her heart more and more "winning psychology."

And she knows that she has already figured out the bottom of Du Cheng. As long as she carefully guards the strength of her fists, she can definitely defeat each other, so Peng Yuhua chose to fight again.

Du Cheng respected the other's choice and directly let Xiner control his body and said: "Come on, I have to use all my strength to decide the outcome."

"it is good.

Peng Yuhua's indifference should be followed by a body shape and then again toward Du Chengchong.

It was only this time that Peng Yuhua had some surprises. Du Cheng actually took the initiative to rush towards her, and then her eyes were full of sorrow.

Because Du Cheng’s degree is too fast and too fast, it’s twice as fast as before, and the most confusing Peng Yu’s gesture is that Du Cheng’s gesture is also a kind of Chun Quan. She just heard from her master’s mouth that she dreamed of it. Ancient spring.

The result is obvious that in the face of Du Cheng's control of Du Cheng, Peng Yuhua did not have any resistance at all, and he was able to bear a pound in the unbelievable eyes of everyone. The arc-shaped boxing punches are placed at the throat of Peng Yuhua with the most subtle distance.

At this time, Peng Yuhua’s offensive has not yet begun.

That is to say, Du Cheng, as long as the hands are working hard, Peng Yuhua will die.

Looking at this scene, the whole fight field can be said to be a silence, even the breath is at this moment, it seems to be a stop. Generally, watching Du Cheng’s eyes is like watching a monster.

I didn’t even think that Du Cheng would have such a strong and true display. The devil flower in the army of Peng Yuhua did not have any resistance.

Even Du Chengcheng himself can't imagine that it is no wonder that Xiner would say that his body is too weak. If she strengthens, she can control his body to make it more powerful. No doubt Xiner now uses her action to prove perfect. This is the case.

"This is what he said is true strength, good horror.

Peng Yuhua feels that her brain has a weak ecstasy. However, there is no sadness and disappointment in the heart of Zhang Huanhua. There is no negative emotion on the opposite side of Peng Yuhua’s face because of failure. Du Cheng asked: "Are you in this style?"


Du Cheng took back his hand and nodded because he had already got the answer from Xiner.

Peng Yuhua’s face was more excited and wanted to say something but stopped it and then said very convincingly: “I lost my heart in this battle.

Peng Yuhua's voice network fell to the Iron Army and other people suddenly burst out of the violent cheers for their Guard Bureau can finally turn over and cheer, but also for a brother who can have a Du Cheng.

And those female special police officers are all stunned and even some people have some red eyes that seem to have lost the most important things.


Du Cheng did not say much directly to the downfall.

In fact, he also admire this Peng Yuhua's heart can actually train this Wing Chun to such a powerful point. If you practice the ancient spring, I am afraid it will only be more powerful.

Looking at Du Cheng's back from the fight table, Peng Yuhua wanted to say something but stopped it, but his eyes were extremely insane.

From the special police headquarters, no matter the happy iron army, once again invited Du Cheng and others to go to heaven, Du Cheng can not refuse the enthusiasm of a group of brothers and had to go with it~www.novelhall.com~ can turn over and press the special police headquarters This is absolutely a very exciting and exciting thing for the brothers of the more than 100 Guards of the Iron Army. Even Ahu is excited to drink alcohol."

In the end, even Du Cheng himself forgot how much wine he had drunk. He just remembered that the brothers of the Guard Bureau were screaming at him and everyone was so happy that Du Cheng could not refuse to follow the final estimate of Du Cheng. It is no less than a hundred bottles.

So many people have no idea how many embarrassing people have gone... And there are more than 20 of the brothers in the bureau who are drunk in the bar and finally the big family are holding each other and leaving.

Ahu also almost drunk. Fortunately, Du Cheng had a foresight. He didn't want to drunk driving, so Du Cheng made a phone call to Ye Mei in advance and they left in front of Du Cheng and A Hu.

Rushing, the ninth, and today, a lot of chrysanthemums, he’s too cool, the birds are still violent, I’m not violent.

There is also the tenth chapter, but after twelve o'clock, if you are willing to wait, just wait a little longer and it will be updated.