Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 107: guide

41 Final Intelligence Chapter 107 Guide

It is doubtful that the boss of the public is just a whistle and then gently pumping the booth. All the special policemen who were still seriously exercising and confronting in the original battlefield stopped for the first time and quickly gathered and listed three rows of squares.

Even the young people who stood behind the Iron Army and Ahu were striding forward and were included in the battle.

Look at this whole and fast scene. Du Cheng was a little more admired for the Iron Army.

The little ones are the ones I told you. Today he will teach you some exercise skills and fighting skills. ”

The Iron Army slammed the violent and violent momentum of the body and then went on to say: "Would you like it?"

"We are willing to ask Duo Duo to give advice."

More than one hundred special police officers in front of the road answered in unison. The sound of the waves is astonishing as a small bomb exploded.

Although there are a few people in the eyes with a bit of doubt and unbelief, but for their own reaction to the Iron Army is still very satisfied.

"Du Ge is really very powerful. In terms of arm strength, I am willing to go down the wind."

Ahu’s voice also rang at this time. He was tall and tall. He was still very conspicuous in the team. While talking, Ahu raised his hand and said: “Look at this is the best card show.”

I heard Ahu say this and watched Ahu’s red and swollen palms. Even the Iron Army took a sigh of relief and looked at Du Cheng’s eyes. He also admired some of his hearts and confirmed his ideas correctly.

Among the military regions of the entire capital, who does not know that Ye’s family has a tiger’s instinct and hardship can hardly find anyone who can compete with him. Even if he is an iron army, he can only compare the strength of the tiger’s eight-pointer. It turned out to be defeated by Du Cheng.

Suddenly, some of the special policemen who did not believe it were full of scared faces.

Because both Ahu and Iron Army have high prestige among them.

"Well, let's start now, Du Cheng is fortunate to you."

The Iron Army also knows that Ahu is for Du Cheng's help and the effect is undoubtedly very obvious. He directly said to Du Cheng and even he himself stood in the team.


Du Cheng smiled slightly between the iron army convening and talking. He has learned from Xiner that a new set of exercise methods from the year of the new year is far from being able to compare with the physical training, but it is more than the current ones. The exercise method should be much stronger.

In addition, Du Cheng also intends to teach them a few hands of future combat technology but this pound. It is up to Xiner to control his body.

"I will teach you a set of exercise methods first."

Du Cheng said a moment and then personally took out two pounds of dumbbells weighing up to ten kilograms from a pile of training equipment next to him and then said: "This is a set of exercises with dumbbells. Some methods are similar to Tai Chi. If you are good, it only takes a month to improve at least 30% of your body's various functions, especially your own explosive power."

After Du Guo said that the dumbbells of both hands were opened, the set of body methods was demonstrated.

As Du Cheng said, this set of body methods is indeed as strong as Tai Chi and is derived from Tai Chi.

It’s just that Tai Chi is made of soft steel, but this set of methods is very fierce. The dumbbell weighing ten kilograms is nothing in the hands of Du Cheng but is accompanied by every action of Du Cheng. Out of the screaming whistling sound, the iron army, Ahu and others who were so amazingly surprised were a bit stunned.

Do not say whether this is the body method alone can be practiced as a highly advanced fighting skill by virtue of Du Cheng.

Time has revealed the blazing light in the eyes of the Iron Army.

This set of methods is not difficult to learn. Anyone who has learned some Tai Chi can learn quickly and only need to work with dumbbells.

The whole body method used Du Cheng for about two minutes, but only ten kilograms of dumbbells did not constitute any burden for Du Cheng, and could not be compared with the physical training. So Du Cheng was like nothing after the practice. Generally speaking, it is easy.


Du Chengwang stopped the Iron Army and took the lead in the palm of his hand. Those special police officers were even more enthusiastic.

Everyone looking at Du Cheng’s eyes is full of admiration.

Du Cheng waved his hand and signaled the applause to stop. Then he said: "This is just a preliminary practice of 10 kilograms of dumbbells. It is not for you. But you can practice with 10 kilograms of dumbbells first, then use the heavier dumbbells and the heavier dumbbells for progress. It will be bigger."

Hearing Du Cheng said that those special police officers suddenly burst into a **** battle and the Qin army was asking Du Cheng: "Du Cheng can you

"This is temporarily confidential."

Du Cheng smiled slightly and then his eyes fell on the top two of the eightty kilograms of dumbbells that were obviously made for Ahu. Then I said, "I will use this to practice the body. If you can use this to complete a set of words." I will tell you."

After Du Jun had already walked straight toward the 80 kilograms of dumbbells.

Those special police officers have taken a breath of air, even the Iron Army and Ahu are so different to see the little dumbbell, but it is equivalent to the weight of a normal middle-aged.

It was only in the hands of Du Cheng that the two dumbbells were slightly sinking but they did not pose any threat to his actions.

Eighty kilograms of dumb volume and ten kilograms of dumbbells make it possible to say that it is a difference between sound and effect.

The heavy dumbbells kept coming out with heavy sounds but in the hands of Du Cheng, it was like nothing. It was as if Du Fu was not holding eighty kilograms of dumbbells but ten kilograms.

However, after all, this is an eighty kilogram of dumbbell Du Cheng, after the practice, the breath has also become slightly heavier.

The strong applause rang again, and the eyes of each one were already very incomparable and admired the applause.

After Du Cheng stopped Zhuosheng, he asked the Iron Army: "Who will try to start from the beginning of ten kilograms?"

"Just come first, let me teach them if I learn."

The iron army is his best in his presence. The best of nature is the best choice.

However, the talent of the Iron Army is indeed very strong. Du Cheng only taught him that he had learned about 80% of the Iron Army twice. And the basic movements are fully mastered and only need to be trained a few more times to fully grasp.

Just after waiting for two times, the Iron Army is already a little breathless. It feels like the arm is like a numb.

This makes the Iron Army’s heart more shocked, only ten kilograms is the difficulty that is replaced by eighty


That is not a matter of several times, but a gap that some people may not be able to cross in their lifetime.

Next, Du Cheng also taught the Iron Army several sets of future fighting skills. These future fighting skills are actually evolved from the original skills. It is not difficult to learn but it has increased the strength of the Iron Army and many others.

Everyone who included the Iron Army in the field after Du Cheng’s teaching was completely respected by Du Cheng.

However, if it wasn’t for Ye Nanling’s call to let Ahu bring Du Cheng back, Du Cheng wouldn’t mind teaching more. Although Du Cheng couldn’t say patriotism, this kind of thing that is good for the country and can be good for the country can also be a matter of pulling people’s hearts. It will not be embarrassing.

During the trip, Du Cheng and the Iron Army talked about Gu Sixin's business. As Du Cheng expected, the Iron Army agreed very quickly and promised Du Cheng to arrange two female special police officers to stay at Gu Sixin's side.

Du Cheng is very satisfied with this answer.

After leaving Du Cheng from the military compound, he took the Hummer of Ahu and headed for Yejia Villa.

This trip to the military compound has passed the extremely fast time. It’s almost three hours. Ye Nanling is looking for Ahu’s dignitaries.

When Du Cheng and Ahu returned to the villa. Ye Mei and Zhong Xuehua went out and Ye Chengtu did not only have Ye Nanling alone in the study, so Du Cheng went directly to the study and Ahu was back to the military compound.

After all, the network learned from Du Chengzhi that something is so embarrassing that Ahu naturally wants to master all the time to say ~www.novelhall.com~ and Du Cheng is in accordance with Ye Nanling's agreement to accompany Ye Nanling to play Go.

However, after some research on Go. Du Cheng is starting to play with his amazing brain thoughts and learning ability, plus the advice of Xiner, but also can compete with Ye Nanling in the early and middle stages. Until the end of this period, it was only after a few wins and losses that each had a win or loss.

Du Cheng is the cool of the next, almost every piece of technology is constantly improving but tired of the old man Ye Nanling.

Du Cheng's style is changing and the thoughts that are more unconstrained than Xiner sometimes feel that Ye Nanling feels puzzled. As for the Du Cheng loser, it is Du Cheng’s defeat due to some unique ideas. However, in the heart of Ye Nanling, Du Cheng was determined to let him.

Fortunately, these few chess games are up, but Ye Nanling is tired, but it is also very refreshing. The original old face has always been smiling.

The fourth is more and there are six chapters to update. The brothers gave me some motivation, and then I was violent.