Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 103: Ahu

37 final intelligence chapter hundred and three chapters Ahu

The hourly trip to Longb arrived soon. When he was with Ye Meitong and the old North Ding Haopin, a Land Rover with an army license plate was parked in front of him and Ye Mei.

Looking at the license plate Du Cheng’s heart was secretly surprised. However, the National Academy of Military Sciences’ car is obviously related to Ye Mei’s identity.

A handsome young man who walked down the car was a little older than Du Cheng, but his body was bigger than the Iron Army. He was wearing a sleeveless tights. The thick arm might be thicker than the average man’s thigh. It was so amazing that his lower body was wearing a pair of military pants and he knew that he was inside the army.

Du Cheng just looked at the young man and guessed the identity of some young people because this young man and Ye Mei had some similarities, especially the six or seven points between the eyebrows.

"Sister, are you back?"

When the young people saw Ye Mei’s eyes, they suddenly showed an excited look. The tiger’s eyes had some reddishness.

"A tiger, you grow up and grow stronger. Ye Mei's face is obviously a little more excited. The eyes are obviously revealing a bit of love.

The young man, known as Ahu, scratched his head and said: "My grandfather won't let me see you. If I don't, I will go to the city to see you."

After talking about Ahu, he turned his attention to Du Cheng and then he gratefully nodded to Du Cheng and asked: "Are you Du Cheng?"

Du Cheng’s real age is two or three years younger than Ahu, but on the outside, he can’t see the mature dress and the firm face. Du Cheng looks like the age is close to twenty-six and seven.

"Oh hello."

Gently nodded Du Cheng extended his hand toward Ahu.

Ahu also extended his hand to be with Du Cheng, but the inertia of Ahu was made.

In the military, this is the most commonly used meeting ceremony, so Ahu is also used habitually in Du Cheng’s body. It’s not a reckless act. He and the Iron Army are good buddies who have long known the strength of Du Cheng from the mouth of the Iron Army. I also want to see it.

Du Cheng did not let him down. His hand was only slightly equal to Ahu’s strength.

Ye Mei, who is next to it, apparently saw the problem. After Du Cheng and A Hu’s eyes, they were very interested in watching it. She also knew that Du Cheng was able to knock down and wanted to take a look at Du Cheng. She is a younger brother who has the title of tiger swearing and swearing.

Ahu’s look gradually became more serious because he now used six or seven percent of his strength to come out and Duancheng even took it easy.

To know that he is a natural power, if it is just a simple competition, then the six or seven percent of the power of the iron army may not be able to pick up, but Du Cheng actually turned the face and did not change the color and it seems very relaxed.

This makes the tigers inevitably serious and does not retain any hands to directly reinforce.

Seven, eight, nine points

Gradually, Ahu looked at Du Cheng’s eyes and was a little more shocked. Because he has already made a lot of force, but Du Cheng still looks like that. He didn’t change his hand like a cast iron. The wind does not move.

Ye Mei is also watching the heartbeat. Although she has not returned to Beijing for several years, Ye Mei has always been very concerned about her younger brother. The strength of Ahu is that the entire military region is the most amazing, and even few people can reach the tiger’s point. Arm strength.

However, in front of Du Cheng's arm, Ahu's arm strength is obviously weak.

"You are so strong."

Ahu said very much, but he did not withdraw his hand but said to Du Cheng: "Can you let me try how big your hand strength is?"


Du Cheng nodded. In fact, he was very surprised by Ahu’s arm.

If you follow Xiner’s algorithm for power, then Ahu’s arm strength is at least astonishing one hundred and eighty or two hundred. If Du Cheng’s strength in these times is greater, it’s definitely not Ahu’s. Opponent.

However, Du Cheng did not have too much to hide privately.

A tiger only felt that his hand was so strong that his palms began to bend and even the joints blew out.

"A strong Ahu's heart is thinking but still insisting on it."

Du Cheng smiled lightly. He just added a little less than ten points of power. However, Du Cheng did not want to continue. The strength increased by a few dozen points and then he held it tightly.

A tiger only felt that an unstoppable force came from the palm of his hand and it was like a break. It was generally good to break down in Du Cheng's time, but Ahu was a surprise in his heart.

"What will happen if this horrible force is hit by a punch?" Ahu’s heart is already somewhat unimaginable, and the same state in his mind is very admired and directly toward Du Cheng. Said! "Your strength is too much. I admit defeat."

"You are not weak, the strongest among all the people I have met." Du Cheng also said sincerely that he is very admired for the strength of Ahu. If there is no Xiner, he will be afraid of Ahu’s face. It is hard to beat.

Ahu smiled embarrassedly. In the past, he actually thought that his strength was the strongest. Now it seems that it is a ridiculous thing that he can't feel the real strength of the other side.

"Well, both of you are standing, why don't you go and see where it is?"

Ye Mei see Du Cheng and A Hu than the end of the test, they directly interrupted the mutual humility of the two people and climbed into the car.

Du Cheng and Ahu looked at each other and smiled.

However, Ye Mei’s heart is also extremely surprised. She simply couldn’t think that the power of Du Cheng would be so strong that the physique of Du Cheng’s physique is much smaller than that of Ahu, but many Ye Meizhen’s body can’t understand Du Fu’s body. Why is there such a hidden power?

This made Ye Mei look at Du Cheng’s eyes and also became a little weird. Du Cheng’s heart has some hair.

After leaving the international airport, the Land Rover did not drive to the city center. Instead, it was extended to the western suburbs of the capital on the national road. About 11 am, the Land Rover drove into a villa area at the foot of Xiangshan.

The style of the villas here is biased towards the classic and elegant style. Some of them are similar to the most famous courtyards in Beijing. They are a kind of antique taste, but the vagueness is a calm and majestic feeling.

The guards around the villa area with real guns are obviously guarding this jin. There should be some important people living in the villa area.

After the villa in the villa area entered the villa by the number, the Land Rover car stopped outside the gate of No.

"When Du Cheng is here, it is my home with my sister. Let's go in.

After getting out of the car, Ahu took the lead and Ye Mei and Du Cheng were behind.

"Duo Cheng will be nervous?" Ye Mei knows that Du Cheng's strength is very good, but she still has some concerns and asked for Du Cheng because her heart is very nervous at this moment. After all, this is the first time she came back after leaving four. There is some sweat on the palm of my hand.

Du Cheng shook his head and did not let Ye Mei see any strange.

However, it is obvious that it is a lie. It is obvious that the house in this villa is definitely not an ordinary person. In addition, Ye Mei is nervous. On this part, Du Cheng’s heart naturally has some tension, but only Du If the strength of the present is not shown, no one can see it.

In the saying that Du Cheng and Ye Mei have been through the wall of the door under the leadership of Ahu.

The net passed through the wall of the gate and Du Cheng saw a middle-aged man standing at the door of the villa and looking at them at the stairs.

The Chinese character face of the middle-aged face type is just full of dignity and domineering eyes. It is very fierce and there is no certain strength. It is absolutely not dare to look at him.

This middle-aged man seems to be coming back from the outside and wearing a military uniform Du Cheng’s eyes can not help but fall on the two golden stars on the shoulders of middle-aged people.


Du Cheng’s heart was shocked. He already knew from Xiner that what these two stars represent is just that Du Cheng did not think that this middle-aged man who is about 50 years old this year is actually a lieutenant. .

And the most important thing is that the identity of this middle-aged person tells Du Cheng that this middle-aged person is probably Ye Mei’s father.


And Ye Mei, who is next to Du Cheng, is excited and looks at the middle-aged man. When he approaches, he screams and screams. www.novelhall.com~ Well, come back. ”

The middle-aged man nodded, but his face remained the same, but Du Cheng was able to capture a fascinating look from his eyes.

Du Cheng’s intuition is correct. This middle-aged man is Ye Mei’s father, Ye Chengtu.

When Du Cheng looked at Ye Chengtu's picture, Ye Chengtu's gaze also fell on Du Cheng's body.

The fourth and today's mental state is very bad. The code that is always dizzy is not out of the word for more than two hours. This is the code for this chapter. The four words are small and cold. I am sorry for everyone's support today.

However, everyone please give Xiao Leng a chance to remedy tomorrow, Xiao Leng will complete the most horrible one since the code word.

Tomorrow, the cold will be violent and the tenth will be compensated. Today's code will not come out. You don't have to vote for the moon to get cold. This is a kind of pressure and a guarantee for everyone.