Ultimate Intelligence

v2 Chapter 53: 40 million

Eighteen one million chips were exchanged from the counter, and Li Wei’s face was a little nervous.

Twenty million in a game, even if he often enters and exits the casino, Li Wei has not gambled, but this time, Li Wei decided to fight together, so Li Wei did not hesitate anything, very simply directly to the two thousand in front of him. Ten thousand chips were pushed out.

Du Cheng, he still looks relaxed, but looking at Li Wei’s eyes is a little more smile, after taking out four 50,000 chips from the chips in front of him, Du Cheng It was also pushing all the chips in front of them and then signaling Xiaoru to deal.

Although the two are direct ShowHand, but Xiaoru is still in accordance with the normal procedures.

First, two dark cards, then two clear cards, Du Cheng's first clear card is plum K, and Li Wei's first open card spades A, Li Wei took advantage.

Xiaoru glanced at Du Cheng and Li Wei, and saw that neither of them had the meaning of watching the dark cards, and then they issued the cards.

Li Wei’s second card is still A, which is Ace, and Du Cheng’s second card is Plum Q.

On the face of the cards, Li Wei has already taken a big advantage, but when the third card is released, Li Wei’s advantage is even more obvious, because Li Wei’s third card is Plum A. Du Cheng's is plum 10 .

At this time, Li Wei is already three A, but Du Cheng is the K, Q and 10 of plum, in this case, Du Cheng is not a chance to win, but Li Wei’s odds are It is the majority.

Soon, the fourth Ming card was sent from Xiaoru’s hand. When I saw my fourth card, Li’s look was already flashing a bit of excitement, and Wu Yun’s face was a face. The happy color, because Li Wei’s fourth clear card is still A, block A.

In other words, Li Wei’s hand has been set, four A, which is already a very very big card in Stud, second only to the straight flush.

However, Du Cheng is not necessarily lost, because Du Cheng's fourth is obviously a plum J, plus the first three cards, Du Cheng's card at the moment is four straight flush.

However, Meihua A has been taken by Li Wei. Du Cheng wants to be bigger than Li Wei. There is only one chance, that is, his dark card must be plum 9 , otherwise it will be lost.

Looking at Du Cheng's four cards in front of him, Li Wei is more excited than a little more excited. Although Du Cheng's hope of getting a straight flush is very small, Du Cheng has no slight change of smile and a confident look. However, it is a bit more uneasiness in Li Xin’s heart.

Xiaoru is even more admired Du Cheng, facing 40 million chips that others can't earn in a lifetime, and the other party won four A, Du Cheng did not have the slightest change or emotional change. This can only be done by a real first-class gambler.

"Open the card."

Li Wei did not like this feeling of tension. He turned over the dark card directly, and he said that he could not wait for Du Cheng.

Her dark card is a plum 8 , some unfortunately, it is a little bit worse. If her dark card is plum 9 , then Du Cheng is sure to take it.

Du Cheng, the smile on his face is a bit more splendid, while opening the dark card at the table, while some regrettable said: "I am sorry, it seems that I have to win this game."

The dark card opened, it turned out to be plum 9 and straight flush.

Li Wei’s look was awkward and his face looked incredulous.

"You won, but next time I will win back."

However, Li Wei was not a loser. After leaving a sentence, he simply got up and walked out of the box. It was not like a woman who lost 40 million.

Wu Yun was unable to react to him for a time. After Li Wei left, he was very reluctant to look at the 40 million chips that had been swept by Du Cheng, and then left with a look of resentment.

"Du Assistant, I didn't think that your gambling skills were so powerful."

After the two left, Xiaoru was very admired and said to Du Cheng.

"Luck, you didn't see the last game. I haven't moved from head to toe, and it's still a game." Du Cheng smiled and said that he was gambling. He was far from Xiaoru. Far from being good.

"Du Assistant is a real person." How can Xiaoru believe that Du Cheng said that while packing the cards, he said very seriously.

"Take your good words."

Du Cheng naturally did not explain anything. He directly gave Xiaoru four forty-five thousand chips as a tip, and then got up and left.

After all, this last card is also a good card for Xiaoru to help him wash. If the wash is not good, Du Cheng will not agree to the 20 million gamble. The 200,000 tip, Du Cheng is not stingy. .

Of course, these 40 million Ducheng still need to turn in 10% to the casino side, but in the end Du Cheng can still have more than 30 million, which is already a lucrative asset for Du Cheng.


Du Cheng in the Huangpu Club stayed until 12 o'clock in the evening, and then left.

After the 40 million points were given to the casino, Du Cheng transferred the remaining money directly into his own card number, and Du Cheng’s nearly one million assets were raised to 3,700. Million.

In a place like a casino, if you run into a big head, you can really get rich overnight, but many people are also in the casino, and finally die in the casino.

Du Cheng is obviously not such a person. The most important thing is that Du Cheng seems to be an impossible thing even if he wants to output these 37 million.

Moreover, the 37 million Du Cheng has already thought about the usefulness. This money was won from Li Wei. In fact, it is also the money of Gu Jia. Therefore, Du Cheng intends to wait a few days for Gu Jia Villa to take out the auction. I bought the Gujia Villa as a compensation for Gu Sixin's disguise, because Du Cheng knew that Gu Sixin had a kind of suspicion for the villa.

Of course, there is another point. He Du Cheng just needs to find a good environment to move his mother out. Gujia Villa is undoubtedly a good choice. After all, Du Cheng now enters the Huangpu Club and will be in time. Very tight, the time to go to the hospital will definitely be significantly reduced.

In addition, Su Hui's home is not far from Gujia Villa. If he moves from the hospital, it is more convenient for Su Hui to take care of her mother. Of course, these are things in a few days. Du Cheng is only doing well in advance. Preparation and planning.

After returning to the apartment, Du Cheng did not go to sleep immediately. Instead, it took several hours to learn the field of Zhi. When it was close to three in the morning, Du Cheng went to sleep.

After practicing the physical training, Du Cheng’s energy became more and more abundant. The next day, the day was just bright, Du Cheng climbed up from the bed, and there was no fatigue between the look. Difficult.

After taking two hours to practice the physical training and pseudo-gravity space, Du Cheng let Liu Fusheng pick him up and then went to Xiamen.

When I left yesterday, Du Cheng directly asked Ye Mei for a day's vacation. Because today is the day of worship in Gujia Lingtang, Du Cheng did not have time to go to Huangpu Club, and today Du Cheng still needs to go to Xiamen near F City. A trip to the city, went to find the Yinglian Electronics, Du Cheng also arranged in time, so I had to take time off.

Xiner got in touch with the Yinglian Electronics yesterday and agreed on today's meeting. Du Cheng only needs to go directly to Yinglian Electronics.

More than an hour's journey is very fast for Du Cheng, who is studying the field of Zhi, just wait until Liu Fusheng stops at the gate of Yinglian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. according to the address that Du Cheng told him. The promise is a bit stunned.

Although Du Cheng knew that Yinglian Electronics was definitely not a big company, Du Cheng couldn't think of it. This Yinglian Electronics was so small that he could not imagine it.

A two-story small bungalow with an area of ​​less than 60 square meters is hung with the signboard of Yinglian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The decoration of the facade can be said to be very simple. Even the tiles are saved, just painted. With a layer of beige paint, there is no such thing as a company should have.

Fortunately, the size of Yinglian company does not mind, the smaller the Yinglian company, the more favorable it is to Du Cheng,

At the moment, at the gate of Yinglian Electronics, there is a person standing, a young man in his 30s who wears a black-rimmed glasses.

The clothes worn by young people are very simple. They are very similar to Du Cheng’s previous dress. The combination of jeans and jeans is hard to imagine. He is the CEO of Yinglian Electronics and one of the curators of Perfect Life. - Tan Wen.

Tan Wen is also a senior geek of the Geek League. Under the chance of a chance, he started the idea of ​​starting a web game company~www.novelhall.com~ and then together with several like-minded friends to make more than one million Some companies have been established in this Yinglian Electronics.

And Tan Wen also became the boss of Yinglian Electronics because of the most money. It was just that Yinglian Electronics let Tan Wen put all the assets into it, even the wife who originally saved it. There is no need, plus the development difficulty and technical support of "Perfect Life" far exceeds the budget of the original, which makes "Perfect Life" delayed development, which makes Tan Wen and Yinglian both fall into the same situation. Dilemma.

Tan Wen, who had almost nowhere to go, just wanted to put a rewarding task to the top reward task area to try his luck. As a result, Tan Wen did not think that his reward task had just been released in less than two days, and there were actually people. Contact him, and contact him, or the most popular **** of the geek alliance - XM.

These Tian Tanwen did not go to the geek alliance. The XXM **** that is very popular for the geek alliance is naturally like a thunder. When everyone is guessing what the XXM **** is, Tan Wen finds himself. There was an opportunity to contact the XXM god, which made Tan Wen’s heart look forward to it, and also had a little more confidence in Yinglian Electronics.


Thank you for your support. There are a lot more flowers and boiling water, but there are a lot more bricks. Let’s take a look at our own warehouse and see if there are any extra flowers and stones.

In addition, I would like to especially thank the mixed-age brother, who finally pressed the fierce man down, and the cows were full of faces.

PS: Power outage tomorrow, so I will work overtime at night to see if I can get out of the chapter as much as possible. If the code doesn't come out, I have to wait until tomorrow night, try my best.