Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1688

Flying out of the atmosphere, no one stopped him all the way. Prime Minister Tianhe returned directly to the flagship of Tianhe fleet.

At this time, the whole Tianhe fleet was gathered together. The protective cover was fully opened, isolating everything from the outside world. Tianhe prime minister opened the protective cover layer by layer in a special way, and then returned to the flagship.

Boarded the flagship, did not dare to neglect, he went directly to the general control room, met the day and the emperor.

"The prime minister is back. What's the situation? " Tianhe Huang was much older than LAN Xuanyu when he saw Tianhe star last time. The breath was a lot more gloomy. But his eyes were still bright.

The race is facing the crisis of extinction. As the leader of the whole race, he is the backbone of all people. It is precisely because of the strength of Tianhe emperor that the whole Tianhe clan has not completely collapsed.

Prime Minister Tianhe frowned slightly and said, "it has been said that Tianlong is the first one. The dragon people still hope that we can work together to fight against the crimson land. But the situation is not so good. The Golden Dragon Princess came back, directly prevented our negotiation, and sent me out of the conference room. It seems to have no fear. " At present, he told Tianhe Huang about the negotiation process.

Heaven and Emperor listen to his story, can't help but frown, "this blue, now has such a big authority?"

Prime Minister Tianhe said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid she is worthy of the title. Even the head of Tianlong was very close to her and called her sister. Your majesty, we have to plan ahead. What I am most worried about is that this obstinate decision will lead the dragon clan to attack us. If many Dragon Knights attack, we are afraid that... "

Tianhe Huang shook his head. "No. They should understand that if we fight hard, even if we can't kill many Dragon Knights, it will cause great damage to the Dragon Star. Now their real enemy is the crimson realm. In this case, nothing is more important than fighting against foreign enemies. That blue, bluff is more likely. The dragon head will not choose to fight us at this time. "

The prime minister said, "Your Majesty, what's the matter with our power traction system?"

Tianhe Huang said: "it will take some time to complete the traction. The transformation process is quite smooth. "

If it was just Tianhe fleet, they would have been able to leave for a long time. Tianhe fleet is extremely fast and can jump into space in a short time. Although it is not the kind of long-distance space transmission, advanced warships are also enough to escape from this region in a short time.

But the problem is, when they left Tianhe star this time, they also took a large number of transport ships with them. Important materials were all on the transport ships, which must not be abandoned. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the traction control of warship to transport ship. In the process of flying together, we can take these transport ships to the same speed and leave together.

This is also the reason why they have to take back the half fleet that was taken away by the Longma Federation. It's just the original fleet. They can't even pull it. Moreover, Tianhe fleet will become complete, and its combat effectiveness will rise to a higher level.

At this point, the first step has been completed.

"Your Majesty, do you want us to make some offensive gestures and put more pressure on them, and then I'll go to negotiate to make the Dragon compromise, and at the same time give us more time?" Tian He said in a deep voice.

After a little thought, Tianhe Huang shook his head and said, "don't stimulate the dragon people first. Let's observe it for two days. In two days, our traction system will be almost finished. At that time, we can try to bully them. If something can't be done, we should go. No one knows when the crimson realm will come. "

When it comes to the crimson realm, Tianhe Huang's face is gloomy. When he thinks that the terrible existence is devouring their homeland and the planet that is like a mother to them, his heart is like a needle.

"Good." Prime Minister Tianhe nodded and was a little relieved that it was time to leave. He doesn't want to be entangled with the Dragon tribe any more. His heart is really tired, or both physically and mentally. Now, we just want to stay away from this region and find a safe place to recuperate. With the accumulation of so many years before Tianhe clan, we can reestablish our own power in the administrative star that is suitable for survival.

At this moment, both the emperor and the prime minister seemed to have a premonition and looked in the same direction at the same time.

The next moment, silver flash, a figure has appeared in front of them.

The long skirt is floating, the blonde hair behind the head is flying, the beautiful face is extremely cold and gorgeous, and the slender and straight figure exudes strong spatial fluctuation.

Seeing her appearance, Tianhe emperor and Tianhe prime minister were shocked. The next moment, they saw the smiling face in front of them, "long time no see, your majesty Tianhe emperor."

It's not the others who come here. It's the Golden Dragon Princess, blue!

Before the two of you could react, the next moment, blue's silver light flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

It's just a short time, but it makes the two leaders of Tianhe clan sweat and feel shocked.How is that possible? You know, the protective cover of the whole sky and fleet is open at this time, how should not be able to be penetrated!

However, she just came, and came so suddenly, and left so suddenly.

"No, call..." The voice of Tian He Huang is not lost. The next moment, a silver light has bloomed in the general control room, and all the surrounding spaces have been blocked. A huge door of space is opened, and many figures come across the air.

Isn't it Jiang Weiqiang, the first member of the dragon and horse Federation, who is in the forefront?

Behind him is LAN Xuanyu, who radiates a brilliant silver light, and Zhong Zhichang, the dawn dragon knight who is also the second seat of Tianlong. After them, a dragon knight came out and occupied the whole control room.

At the moment when Jiang Weiqiang appeared, Tianhe Huang, who was ready to fight, was already stiff in the same place. In the face of this top super God, he knows that he has no chance at all.

Tianhe Huang was just like a vented ball. He shook his body and murmured: "why can you break through our shield and send it here. Even the Yukong can't do that. You , you... " The sudden upheaval has made him a little at a loss.

LAN Xuanyu gave a cool smile and said, "thanks to the prime minister. If it's just direct transmission, of course, it's impossible to come here. But if there is a space coordinate, then it becomes possible. "

As he said this, he raised his finger to Prime Minister Tianhe, who suddenly lit up a bright silver light.

This is LAN Xuanyu's plot.

As the saying goes, shooting people first, shooting horses, catching thieves first, catching the king.

The best way to solve the problem of Tianhe is to decapitate. The head of Tianhe clan is Tianhe Huang, who, together with Tianhe prime minister, represents the whole Tianhe clan. It's also them who can develop to the present level with the Tianhe clan. For the whole Tianhe clan, they are the real backbone. Only with them can Tianhe clan recover.

Naturally, Tianhe Huang knew this very well, otherwise he would not have taken such strict protective measures.

But they did not expect that in such a tight protection, they would still be sent to their own by the dragon.

With his perception of space, LAN Xuanyu planted a space landmark on Prime Minister Tianhe. It is a space landmark that can not be obstructed by any barrier, and it is also the ability given to him by the space bug.

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