Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1656

But I didn't expect to see this scene on the fleet of Shrek college and Tangmen today. Although the golden eye black dragon king warship is not as huge as the Mothership, it is also more than 5000 meters long, much larger than the general Dragon King frigates. It can be transmitted in this way. You can imagine how powerful its transmission capacity is. If it works on the federal fleet, it can also carry out similar transmission!

The ability to jump in space means that these powerful warships may appear anywhere at any time. Its flexibility is by no means comparable to that of the current doula federal fleet. Just like after the emergence of the crimson realm, the biggest trouble is that they can jump in space.

Tang Yaotong's eyes were also dull, because he did not expect such a situation. He didn't know how much technology had developed at Tangmen and Shrek.

"You are right." Liu Jinyi let out a long breath and sighed, "we should never stand on the opposite side of Shrek college and Tangmen. They are the real uncrowned kings of the union. Parliament will change, but Shrek's glory will last forever. "

"Yes! What's more, only Shrek college has a real super God. Commander, I'm sorry this time. You have to think about how we can explain to the military headquarters. "

Liu Jinyi's eyes fluctuated. After thinking for a while, he said, "send the last picture back to the Federation. Including images of the planet explosion and transmission. There is nothing we can do to stop the Longma federal fleet under the escort of Shrek academy and Tangmen fleet. Let the old politicians figure out what to do next. "

"Yes Tang Yaotong saluted him.

Liu Jinyi's mouth twitched, "don't do this. Get out of the way. "

Tang Yaotong laughed and said, "OK, OK, I'll buy you a drink later and make amends for you."

LAN Xuanyu's shock at this time was not much smaller than the two generals. When he felt the violent fluctuation of the external space transmission, he immediately understood clearly what he was doing.

Long distance space jump.

He has the attribute of space, and his understanding of the power of space is even better than anyone else. After all, he is now at the level of true God.

He didn't know how the transmission of the crimson realm was carried out before, because the power of the plane of the crimson realm was too great at that time, which covered all the energy core of the transmission.

But he can clearly feel the transmission of the ecological fleet at this time. My heart is full of praise. It's so clever!

With the golden eye black dragon king warship as the core, the space energy released by all warships is equivalent, so a large space transmission array is outlined in space. With the super quality of the ecological warship itself, and strong enough space energy, using the power of the transmission array, positioning transmission.

Yes, this is positioning transmission. That is, in the case of coordinates, quickly arrive at the next coordinate point. The distance of transmission may not be as terrible as that of crimson realm, but it is certainly not close. No wonder they came to solve the problem in such a short time.

In LAN Xuanyu's eyes, the huge golden eye black dragon king warship is really my favorite! This is a gift from the king of golden eye black dragon and the God of beasts. The acme of ecological warship.

It's really worthy of being a college. As soon as we make a move, we will solve the problem.

At this time, all the blue ocean people on the transport ship were also shocked. But as the commander-in-chief, Princess Jinlong was so calm that they could keep calm.

Although Jialin was surprised, she didn't ask anything. She just followed LAN Xuanyu quietly.

"It's all right. We're going to Douluo with this fleet of Douluo Federation. "

When they appear again, they are already in a strange star field. They need to locate the star field to know where they are. At this time, the ecological fleet has transferred the coordinates at this time.

Sure enough, their space jump distance is quite far, almost equivalent to three days of full flight time, but also through the wormhole to reach such a distance. In this way, they will return to Douluo, even if it is just a continuous flight, at most three days will be enough.

Space jumping also consumes a lot of energy, so the ecological fleet doesn't jump again.

LAN Xuanyu hesitated for a moment, but still didn't take the initiative to contact the ecological fleet. After all, "she" is now the ambassador representing the Longma Federation. When it comes to Douluo, there will be opportunities.

On the golden eye black dragon king.

Tang Wulin some speechless looking at the sea god Pavilion Lord Ling Zichen, "you are still so violent."

He was surprised when the main gun of the golden eye black dragon king warship was fired. In the middle of the warship, he could feel how terrible the power of the gunfire was. This is by no means based on the fact that the golden eye black dragon king warship has just been developed. Without enough time to develop offensive weapons of this level, it is impossible for them to take shape.

Obviously, this is the weapon that Tangmen and Shrek college have long possessed. It's definitely the ultimate weapon. As far as the destructive power is concerned, the whole doula Federation is no better.

This reminds him of how aggressive Ling Zichen was ten thousand years ago, taking himself as a gun to bombard the abyss plane. She was even willing to burn her body.After so many years, time has changed, but her character has not changed. She still has a persistent heart for the powerful artillery. Moreover, compared with the original, such artillery power does not know how much stronger than the original.

If we had to have this kind of fire in those years, without considering the bearing capacity of the parent star itself, I'm afraid that one shot would make the abyss plane disappear.

"What happened to me? It's called controlling violence with violence. Do you understand? These guys, don't give them some color to see, really when the college can only be in the parent star? Those bastards in the Federal Parliament are bullying. If you don't give me a deterrent, it will be more troublesome when you go back. Just to let them know that the federal fleet is nothing to us. "

"Well, you win." Tang Wulin some speechless said.

Ling Zichen said triumphantly: "the times have changed. Now is not the time when individual strength can decide everything. With the development of science and technology, we can control more powerful forces. Longma Federation, we've never been afraid. What happened when they had so many super gods. As long as you give me a good enough chance to come to 100 super gods, I can kill him. "

Tang Wulin said, "so, do you have something more powerful?"

Ling Zi Chen Leng for a while, surprised way: "how do you know?"

Tang Wulin looked at her in a daze and said, "is it true?"

"Cough, No. You think too much. " Ling Zichen quickly covered up. But with Tang Wulin's understanding of her, it's true.

This is worthy of being the founder of Contemporary Soul guidance technology and the inventor of the core of monomer positive circulation source. It can be said that it was Ling Zichen's invention that gave us the chance of interstellar exploration. Only now has the great development of science and technology. Almost all the energy of Douluo Federation comes from the continuous development of the core of the positive cycle source of monomer.

Ten thousand years ago, the head of Poseidon pavilion was already a science maniac. Ten thousand years later, it's hard to imagine how much research she has done!

Tang Wulin looked at her eyes can not help but some helpless, "be careful with ah!"

"I see. Do you mind Lingzichen some impatient said, "do you want to call him over?"

"I'd better not. Let's do the whole thing. This federal trip will not be so smooth

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