Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1654

Just then, a series of rapid footsteps came from outside.

A group of senior generals had come in quickly from the outside. They didn't hear what General Liu Jinyi said to Ling Zichen before, but they could hear Ling Zichen's voice through divine consciousness.

"Commander, what's the matter? That's Tangmen's fleet. How did we get orders to be ready to attack? " Asked a lieutenant general.

"Shut up. It's an order from the military. " Liu Jinyi stands up abruptly, and his eyes sweep coldly from these senior generals in front of him.

The open general frowned, but did not speak. A skinny general said, "commander, do we really want to fight against the orders of Shrek college and Tangmen? It seems unlikely. "

Liu Jinyi said faintly: "our order is to guard here. All those who come to harass shall be expelled. "

The general frowned and said, "also Shrek college and Tangmen? At least listen to what they say? Otherwise, I'm afraid the military will be in turmoil. "

Liu Jinyi looked at him with burning eyes and said: "Tang Yaotong, as the chief of the general staff, you should understand that it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. What's more, we don't really want to attack them. We just want them to leave as soon as possible. This involves the game between the high levels. What we have to do is to follow orders and do what soldiers should do. "

General Tang Yaotong sighed and said, "I understand. But look first. "

While saying this, he pointed to the big screen of the general headquarters.

This screen shows the radar system of the carrier, which can monitor distant places. It also includes 12 sub screens, showing the situation of various areas around the fleet.

General Liu Jinyi turned to look at the big screen. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

Because, on the big screen, it shows that there are warships departing from the fourth fleet and heading for the opposite Shrek academy and Tangmen fleet.

"I didn't give the order to attack! Come on, get them back. " Liu Jingyi was shocked.

You know, as a space fleet, it's the first thing to forbid! The transfer of all warships needs his approval, especially those above the battleship.

By this time, two Dragon King class frigates, seven ares class battleships and some small warships had followed.

"If you look closely, are they going to attack?" Tang Yaotong said helplessly.

Liu Jinyi fixed his eyes on the attack? Where do these flying warships mean to attack? The protective covers on their warships have all been closed, and all the muzzles have no meaning of charging. Those that can be put into the interior of the warships have been withdrawn. This is more like an attack than a surrender.

More importantly, no warship reported to him, and no other reports came.

"Tang Yaotong, what's the matter?" He suddenly turned around and glared at his partner, who had always had a good relationship. It is the chief of the general staff who is in charge of intelligence and communication!

Tang Yaotong sighed and said, "I ordered you not to be informed. Brother Jin Yi, you still don't understand the influence of Shrek college. No fleet of the Federation can attack Shrek college. Don't you know how many strong people were born in Shrek college? How many students have you trained? "

"You too?" Liu Jinyi stares at him with burning eyes.

But Tang Yaotong shook his head and said, "I'm not, because I didn't have that qualification. I didn't get into the exam that year. But my grandfather is. My grandfather told my father before he died that Shrek's glory will shine forever. No matter when, the offspring of our family can't be the enemy of Shrek. The direct students of Shrek college receive only a little every year. However, you should not forget that the first college in mainland China, which has lasted for more than 20000 years, is not only the students but also their descendants. How much influence can it produce? "

Liu Jinyi roared: "but this is the army. You are all soldiers. Do you forget your duty as a soldier? "

Tang Yaotong said with a bitter smile, "yes, you are right. It's a private affair. But, you have to understand one thing, Shrek never missed it. They have never made a missed choice, and more than once they have tried to save the union. Without Shrek, the Federation would have been gone a long time ago. So, when Shrek appears, the first thing we will think of is that his decision is right, and if we stand on their opposite side, then we are likely to be wrong. In addition, Shrek college and Tangmen never lack the existence of crazy believers. Shrek is more than just hooray! Don't you understand? "

Liu Jinyi retreated two steps. The fourth fleet, directly under the military headquarters, is known as the monolithic fourth fleet!

If it wasn't for the military department's absolute trust in itself, it would not have been possible to give this not so glorious task to itself. But I didn't expect that even in the fourth fleet, there were so many direct or indirect trustors of Shrek college.

He knew that even if he ordered to attack now, there would not be many warships willing to attack the fleet of Shrek academy and Tangmen.Only today did he know how influential Shrek college, which has always been in a neutral and low-key position, is.

They may never want to rule the union, but their influence is absolutely everywhere.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes in pain. He said silently, "what should we do now?"

Tang Yaotong sighed: "you should know the purpose of their coming. Let's get out of the way. Let them go. We can't stop it. "

Liu Jinyi said with a bitter smile: "give way, how can I explain to the military headquarters?"

Tang Yaotong shook his head and said, "no, it's the military department that should explain to Shrek college. In flagrant violation of the decision of Parliament, the military headquarters violated the previous order of supporting the Longma Federation. This is a big mistake. Now that Shrek college and Tangmen's fleet are here, I'm afraid they really need to start. We are soldiers. We exist to protect the union. Let's wait for the result. We are really not fit to participate in the political struggle. "

Liu Jinyi looked at Tang Yaotong and the senior generals behind him, "are you all involved with Shrek college and Tangmen?"

The first lieutenant general said with a bitter smile: "even if it is not involved, we will not be willing to fight against Shrek college or Tangmen! Don't forget, who doesn't want their offspring to study at Shrek college. And the eternal tree of Shrek college is the core of the whole Douluo star

Liu Jinyi was silent. After a long time, he said slowly, "I understand. Remove all attack preparations. Contact the flagship of Shrek college. "

Tang Yaotong came to him and saluted him at attention.

After making the decision, Liu Jinyi felt a little relieved. After all, he is a military general and also controls a fleet. Even if the military headquarters wants to punish him, it is not so easy.

He said with a smile: "if I don't agree with you, are you going to attack me?"

Tang Yaotong said with a bitter smile: "how can it be. We are old partners at least. I've been a brother for so many years. At most, it is to obstruct you from giving orders. Anyway, after this matter is over, I will accept punishment. "

Liu Jinyi took a deep look at him and saw Tang Yaotong's calm eyes. He couldn't help but said with a bitter smile, "I understand. You are also good for me. Let's meet the Lord. "

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