Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1645

No matter what kind of resources the Loma galaxy is willing to give to mankind, this is a good thing. In the case of the crimson realm, the two federations must share a common hatred.

In fact, it was unexpected or unexpected for him to take this opportunity to return to Douluo Federation. Taking advantage of this opportunity to return will also enable him to better communicate with the federal side to determine the next action.

This time, the reinforcements are the seventh fleet, but in the information he got before, it is said that there are three cosmic fleets. But not three. Under the circumstances at that time, if the Douluo Federation came together with the three major cosmic fleets, it might really be able to inflict heavy damage on the crimson realm.

Of course, he really recognized the strength of the federal fleet of Douluo Federation this time.

Taking this opportunity to return to Douluo Federation will pave the way for his future actions. What's more, the benefits he has gained this time are indeed quite great. He should take advantage of this opportunity to digest and absorb them as soon as possible. As close as possible to the super God level.

Now he has Jialin around him, and he wants to go to the Dragon kingdom. That's a matter of time. It's not too late to wait until you are on the verge of breaking through the super God level.

The meeting lasted until the return of the reinforcements.

When a huge warship appeared in the outer space of Pegasus, the whole Pegasus was thunderous. The main force has finally come back, which can be regarded as reassuring.

Dragon Knights and Tianma knights are busy. LAN Xuanyu is free. What she's going to do next is to go to the United States. Now we just need to wait for the allocation of resources decided at the previous meeting, and we can carry the resources with us.

Before his performance in the war, it can be said that he conquered all the Tianma and dragon strongmen. As a result, the news that she became the second member of Tianlong did not cause any controversy. On the contrary, it made the strong men of the two races applaud.

As for the Dragon Knights and Tianma knights, they don't have any idea about this decision. LAN Xuanyu's ability is in their eyes. Even in the most critical time, they can analyze calmly. Although she is young, the talent she shows is so amazing. From the eyes of those who survived and attacked, we can see how capable she is. What's more, the head of Tianlong has said that "she" is the future head of Tianlong. Although I don't know how long it will be handed down to "she", as long as we can continue to improve our strength, once we surpass Jiang Weiqiang in cultivation, then "she" will undoubtedly be in the upper position.

Even Zhong Zhichang, the knight of dawn dragon, has always supported "she" and is happy to see her success.

With Bai XiuXiu and Jialin, LAN Xuanyu returns to tianlongxing first, waiting for the mobilization of resources. At the same time, Jiang Weiqiang asked him to take Zhang chujia's remains back to the dragon family.

Before they left, Jiang Weiqiang took a look at his mother's remains. At that time, his mood was already showing signs of violence. But it soon came down. I watched the last smile on my mother's face for a long time.

It has to be said that LAN Xuanyu left her most beautiful smile when Zhang chujia was frozen.

Take Zhang chujia's death back to tianlongxing. Compared with Tianma, although the atmosphere of Tianlong is a little tense, everything is in order. After all, there was no attack here.

LAN Xuanyu first sent Zhang chujia's remains to the Tianlong club, and then returned to his own Tianlong jingshe.

In Tianlong jingshe, Jialin also has her own place to live. She also went to rest herself. LAN Xuanyu takes Bai XiuXiu back to his residence.

"Hoo -" until this time, Bai XiuXiu took a long breath, and then threw herself into LAN Xuanyu's arms, and the whole person relaxed.

No matter before the war, or later in the face of the dragon knight and Tianma knight, all make her very nervous.

Now, it's over. It's a relief.

Gently stroking her long hair, LAN Xuanyu said with a smile, "isn't it exciting?"

Bai XiuXiu snorted, "if it wasn't for the contract, you wouldn't take me with you, would you?"

"Cough, how come? I will take you by my side LAN Xuanyu said insincerely. Indeed, if there was no contract, he would not take Bai XiuXiu to risk. However, it has to be said that after Sheng Long Jue connected them, Bai XiuXiu helped him a lot. It is equivalent to two people's accomplishments can be superimposed. When they fight together, LAN Xuanyu can feel that he is very close to the level of super God.

"Hum!" Bai XiuXiu snorted again, but she still lay on him and refused to get up.

LAN Xuanyu said: "the mother of crimson didn't lose this time. The most worrying thing now is the degree of her evolution after devouring the sky and stars. Even in the previous war, she did not show all the strength. This is the horror of controlling a plane. With the huge life energy of Tianhe star, the crimson realm will certainly become stronger and more stable. Next time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with. "

Bai XiuXiu said: "what's the matter with the Federation? Isn't it agreed that three space fleets will come to support? How did it become a space fleet in the end? If all three space fleets have such destructive power, they may be able to leave the crimson realm behind. "LAN Xuanyu said: "it's not possible to leave the dark red area, but at least it's very possible to make it consume more. We have to go back to find out the specific reasons. I guess there are some people who are not willing to let our fleet help the Longma Federation. "

Bai XiuXiu said: "you are so powerful that you can represent the dragon people as an envoy. What I heard at that time was really.... "

While saying that, she just got up from LAN Xuanyu's arms, looked at him seriously and said, "what kind of person do I like?"

LAN Xuanyu said with a smile: "what you like is God, not man. Dragon God, don't you know? My little maid

"You want to die, don't you?" Bai XiuXiu glared at him viciously.

"No, wife, I'm wrong." LAN Xuanyu laughed and said, "take a rest first. I'm going to meet someone."

"Well?" Bai XiuXiu looked at him with some doubts.

LAN Xuanyu said: "it's not convenient to take you with me. Don't worry. I'll be right back. "

Bai XiuXiu did not ask any more, but nodded, "then you come back early."

"Well." The silver light on LAN Xuanyu's body flickered and waved to her. The next moment, it had disappeared out of thin air in the room.

Bai XiuXiu looked at the place where he left and was stunned. Her pretty face showed a smile. Her current state of mind is different from that before. With more knowledge, everything seems to have changed. Although we are together with LAN Xuanyu, we have been experiencing all kinds of risks, but we are undoubtedly experiencing all kinds of exciting life. It's also a wonderful feeling.

She had never thought that she could become a strong one at the level of true God, let alone achieve in such a short time. But now everything is so natural to achieve, even super God level is possible.

Moreover, she also found that she was more and more attached to LAN Xuanyu. Once upon a time, this guy had to rely on his own help.

The silver light is twinkling, and LAN Xuanyu has appeared beside a quiet lake.

Thick breath of life around his body, naturally absorbed by his pores.

A slender figure slowly condenses in the lakeside, countless green light spots circling, as if with the wisdom of life.

Her beautiful face became clear. She came to LAN Xuanyu slowly, opened her arms and hugged him.

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