Ultimate Female President

Chapter 199

Mullington breathed a sigh of relief and released Hou Liang\'s neck. It turned out that he just hugged Hou Liang\'s neck& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang didn\'t feel anything, and he was a little nervous. Mu Ling was embarrassed. In the past, the two people really used to play together and were very happy, but they had never been in such close contact, especially when one of their bodies was in Hou Liang\'s arms. Why did they hug Hou Liang& 1t;/ p>

But mulling\'s character is different from other girls. He is a little forthright. Although he is a little embarrassed, he doesn\'t care& 1t;/ p>

The sound of kissing came from the sand outside. It should be that Jiang Yingming was kissing Meng Lihua. Mu Ling couldn\'t help but be a little funny, and turned to Hou Liang to smile& 1t;/ p>

At this time, when Hou Liang wanted to come over and talk to Mu Ling, Mu Ling grinned and put his small mouth on Hou Liang\'s mouth& 1t;/ p>

Naturally, Hou Liang would not be polite. He didn\'t figure out what was going on, and immediately kissed& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling also fainted. What\'s the matter? Did you send it yourself? Or is Hou Liang coming to kiss himself? Thinking of the time when they were together, Mu Ling was so happy every time. Mu Ling also responded to Hou Liang\'s request. If it was just for fun, Mu Ling also knew that this was a bit of a cover up& 1t;/ p>

When Mu Ling was dizzy, the arm just taken off Hou Liang\'s neck hugged up again and kissed Hou Liang& 1t;/ p>

If it weren\'t for Meng Lihua\'s voice outside, the two people wouldn\'t have separated. I only heard Meng Lihua say, "wise, don\'t do this outside. People don\'t have any strength. In case a security guard comes up, it\'s not good?"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming just laughed, which should be dishonest& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling couldn\'t help looking back at Hou Liang. Hou Liang was also looking at Mu Ling. Although Mu Ling blushed, he couldn\'t help laughing. This situation is really very interesting. Two people kissed outside, and there were two people kissing inside. This is Hou Liang and Mu Ling. Another person had already been stunned& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang leaned close to Mu Ling\'s ear and said, "this situation is not the way. We should look at their situation and try to sneak out and kiss again!"& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling almost didn\'t laugh, and was even more embarrassed. He also reached out and gently pinched Hou Liang. Then he nodded. Both of them moved their bodies and looked out slowly on the side of the table& 1t;/ p>

In between, Jiang Yingming pressed Meng Lihua on the sand and was doing it& 1t;/ p>

Meng Lihua\'s face was kissed by Jiang Yingming, and she couldn\'t see her face& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang couldn\'t help but take out his mobile phone and shoot it& 1t;/ p>

Mulling said in a low voice, "if we don\'t move, they\'ll come to get the account book in a moment, and we can\'t hide it! If we want to go out, it\'s impossible. Their faces are facing the door, what should we do?"& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang had calmed down at this time. Even if the two people were caught, and there was another charge, he was not afraid of Jiang Yingming. When people calmed down, their minds were faster. Hou Liang immediately whispered, "we\'ll see our luck. Do you have the phone number of the boss Ge Honglin?"& 1t;/ p>

Mulling nodded immediately, "yes! What\'s this... Ah?"& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling laughed before saying a word. He immediately took out the phone and found out the phone number to show Hou Liang& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang stopped recording, so he gave Ge Honglin a message with his mobile phone: This is my new mobile phone number. I\'m waiting for you in the office. There\'s something important to let you know. I\'m helpless. Come on& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang typed two words at the signing office: Lihua& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling watched Hou Liang press the key to shoot. He couldn\'t help but grin again and pinched Hou Liang\'s face& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang also deliberately teased Mu Ling, pouting and kissing Mu Ling& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling immediately blushed, gently pushed Hou Liang, pointed out with his small hand, and squeezed his small nose at Hou Liang& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang almost didn\'t laugh. The big beauty means that the two people outside are disgusting. If they weren\'t there, they should agree to let Hou Liang kiss& 1t;/ p>

Mu Ling was originally a child\'s nature. Seeing Hou Liang\'s message, his heart was even more happy. He even prayed, hoping that GE Honglin would come soon and arrive as soon as possible before the two people came to check the accounts& 1t;/ p>

In that way, no matter whether the two people are shown or not, they can also see a good play& 1t;/ p>

It seems that Jiang Yingming outside has drunk too much, and there is no one in the corridor. Even if there is, he will not break into the office of the financial manager. Jiang Yingming is naturally unscrupulous& 1t;/ p>

Meng Lihua never did it. She was not a clean person, but felt that it was indeed a little too much on the sand in the office. Wait until Jiang Yingming had enough trouble, and the two of them finished reading the accounts. I didn\'t know that Jiang Yingming was endless& 1t;/ p>

At this time, a loud cry came from outside: "who? Still want to rape in the office? Come on!"& 1t;/ p>

Suddenly, such a voice came, which also startled Hou Liang and Mu Ling. After all, the two people hid under the table and couldn\'t see the situation outside& 1t;/ p>

However, Mu Ling soon smiled at Hou Liang and kissed him gently on his face& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang immediately understood that this person would not be someone else. Seeing that Mu Ling\'s excitement was Ge Honglin, he also hurriedly pressed the recording key& 1t;/ p>

At the same time, Jiang Yingming and Meng Lihua screamed outside, especially Meng Lihua, almost screaming& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming said, "general manager Ge, why are you here?"& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin didn\'t expect that the person lying on Meng Lihua was Jiang Yingming, who was also stunned& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang couldn\'t help laughing. After all, this Jiang Yingming is Ge Honglin\'s immediate boss, the boss of Sanshi group, and Ge Honglin is just the boss of Yinding Hotel, which is much worse& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin also blushed and said, "President Jiang, I didn\'t expect you to be stronger... It\'s you and Lihua in the office! I thought it was a thief, so I came to have a look!"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming didn\'t know the relationship between GE Honglin and Meng Lihua. After all, it was a little embarrassing. He blushed and said, "we are also... We are going to come back to discuss work. Didn\'t we drink too much, sorry, sorry!"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming also wore a belt when talking, and Meng Lihua over there hurriedly lifted her pants& 1t;/ p>

Gehonglin really didn\'t expect it. He didn\'t know how to deal with it for a moment, but Meng Lihua stole a message to him after all. This guy didn\'t know it was Hou Liang at all. He also thought that Meng Lihua was clean and didn\'t want to do such a lazy thing with Jiang Yingming at all. Naturally, it\'s not easy to leave& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin smiled awkwardly and said, "this... I don\'t know either, but since it\'s to discuss work, then discuss work. Mr. Jiang, sit down!"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming was even more embarrassed. He laughed twice and said, "general manager Ge, I had two too many drinks today, otherwise I wouldn\'t... Nor would I be like Lihua, but I\'m not a rape!"& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin just shouted this sentence. At this time, naturally, he can\'t say that Jiang Yingming raped. He also laughed dryly and said, "President Jiang, this other person\'s words are rape. If you are, how can it be... Haha! Haha!"& 1t;/ p>

Hou Liang and Mu Ling couldn\'t laugh anymore. This lively scene was really unexpected to both of them. They couldn\'t help laughing. They could only hug each other tightly, hoping that they wouldn\'t laugh loudly. They didn\'t know what the result was today! These people will also show that information& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming heard Ge Honglin\'s words a little awkward, but after all, he did some improper things with his subordinates. Although the three people had some accounting problems, they were embarrassed! Isn\'t this caught& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming said helplessly, "forget it, forget it, it\'s because I\'ve drunk too much. I\'m going to leave. How can I talk about work today? I\'ll go first, first!"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming also hated this Ge Honglin in his heart. If he didn\'t come sooner or later, he would do good things with Meng Lihua. At this time, he ran in to catch the rape and didn\'t go away. Didn\'t he deliberately embarrass himself& 1t;/ p>

Thinking about these things, Jiang Yingming turned and left& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin was also worried for a while. Although there were some problems in the accounts, which were also done by three people together, if Jiang Yingming got angry and left at this time, he wouldn\'t make trouble for himself in the future& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin hurriedly said, "President Jiang, why don\'t I go first...". &1t/ p>

Jiang Yingming also hurriedly said, "forget it, I\'ll go and talk about work another day. I\'m really drunk! I\'m drunk!"& 1t;/ p>

Jiang Yingming left the office embarrassed and annoyed& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin sent Jiang Yingming out behind, but he also came back soon& 1t;/ p>

At this time, Hou Liang and Mu Ling were both laughing so hard that they almost didn\'t show their laughter, but the funny play was not over& 1t;/ p>

Meng Lihua\'s voice cried at this time: "general manager Ge, thank you for coming! Otherwise I would really be raped by him today! I tried my best to struggle, and you have to believe..."/ p>

Ge Honglin was also confused at this time, thinking about Jiang Yingming, but after all, it was Meng Lihua who gave himself the information, and hurriedly hugged Meng Lihua, affectionately comforting, "Lihua, stop talking, stop talking! I understand that you are a good girl, and I understand everything in my heart!"& 1t;/ p>

Meng Lihua also fainted. Anyone who came in just now will see clearly. Although he didn\'t let Jiang Yingming take off his pants, he also meant something voluntarily. How can ge Honglin believe himself so easily? And still talking to myself so affectionately, it doesn\'t seem to be pretending at all& 1t;/ p>

Although somewhat inexplicable, Meng Lihua is a smart woman after all. She also hurriedly thought that she said in Ge Honglin\'s arms, "general manager Ge, if only you knew, I\'m not such a woman at all. Jiang Yingming is too hateful. With some power, she wants to be strong.X me!"& 1t;/ p>

Ge Honglin still comforted, "it\'s all right now. Everything is over. You\'re safe. I\'m here! Don\'t worry!"& 1t;/ p>

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